
Chapter 5 - dinner - maya

He put the fork down.
"It was delicious but I feel more than stuffed right now?"
"Are you sure?", she asked, "you haven't even cleared your plate?"
"Trust me, I am full. I couldn't eat another bite."
He patted his bloated belly. She noticed how it strained the buttons of his shirt; a shirt that wasn't that old.
"I bet you can and you will", she said with a certain glow in her eyes. She approached him, engaged him in a short passionate kiss and then moved behind the chair.
She leaned forward and whispered in his ear: "Let me help you, my big boy"
She unbuttoned his shirt and it thankfully released his distended gut. She moved around and knelt between his legs. His belly was right in front of her. When he felt her warm hands on his tummy he started to relax, heaving a sigh of relief while her hands massaged and rubbed his ample paunch. She was amazed by how far it bulged over his pants nowadays. She looked up at him and noticed how his chest was getting softer, just so that he had little shadows under his pecs. Her hands had intuitively moved down to his growing love handles, the part of his change that she loved most. Even now with his full firm belly his love handles were two wobbly rolls of fat hanging lavishly over the waistband. While her hands caressed his soft sides, she could feel herself getting aroused. She looked at him and could tell that he felt the same, the tightness of his bloated belly seemed almost forgotten.
He sighed again when she opened his pants and took them down. His gut took advantage of it's new won freedom and expanded further on his lab. Sitting there in his boxers she could easily tell that he really enjoyed himself. She moved in closer and put one hand on his hard-on, resulting in making him gasp.
"I guess someone is hungry for more", she breathed in his ear.
Without awaiting an answer she sat down in his lab, taking up the plate and began feeding him spoon by spoon. And he obediently opened his mouth, chewed and swallowed. With every bite she fed him she could feel his belly pushing outwards, pressing against hers.
This was the moment she enjoyed most, when she felt him fattening at her mercy.
It did not take long for the plate to be cleared and when he was done she patted his stomach.
"See, I told you so. Now my handsome man, should we go and rest a bit?"
He knew what would happen now. It had happened nearly every day in the last few weeks. She would guide him to their bedroom, help him undress and he, worn out from his fulfilling meal, would collapse on the bed. Then she would undress herself, straddle him and caress his body, telling him how beautiful he was becoming. And then they had sex. Oh and it was damn good sex. She would do the work while he could fully enjoy it laying on his lazy ass, still bloated from all the food she had filled him with. So answering her question was quite more rhetorical but he did it anyway.
"Yes, we should!", he replied softly, feeling his boner twitch with the thrill of anticipation.
The next four months were a blissful dream of sex and food for him while she eagerly watched him packing on pound after pound after pound.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 4 years
This. Is. Wonderful!
Ygglw 5 years
Damn I need my chubby man to feed me up as aggressively as this so I gain 100lbs of flab round my formerly slender toned body to propel me to porky obesity! And reduce my manhood to a small sensitive nub trapped in blubber, to be explored only when my bel
Built4com4t 5 years
Still good ;-)
FrecherTyp 8 years
Your story is so hot ^^! I want that maya and the strawberries with chocolate .....:-)

hehe i found it especially sex to read how he tried to get back in shape and how she was using this against him ;-) very briliant ^^
FrecherTyp 8 years
what a really kinky nice sexy smart story ;-) thehe i really would love to meet this nice girl maya ;-)

but in the meanwhile i hope you write more chapters of their sexy observations desires and love for each other smiley

a really magnificent story^^
Badhansel 8 years
You've written a terrific story. At first I was a bit apprehensive about the "her" and "his" perspective but you've handled it beautifully. The pacing is great and I found it both engaging and exciting. Looking forward to more of the same. Many thanks!
Johndohy 8 years
Thank you for the nice feedback! I might add one or two more chapters.
Built4com4t 8 years
wonderful detail...brilliantly erotic. I'm sure others besides me would like to see more.
Fatlilboy 8 years
I can't believe this is your first story - and this is not even your first language. Nicely done!