
Chapter 8 - the decision - his point of view

She had been gone for two weeks now and the same routine of work and video games was getting old. I met friends on the weekends but on normal weekdays when I was home alone I missed her. It started with the little things like her smirk, whenever I had eaten too much or the way she would cuddle up to me in the mornings, when she woke up. The way she hugged me, grabbed me or even played with my belly, when we were watching something. Talking to her on the phone, now every second to third day, lifted my spirits, but the wicked words she often whispered into the phone left me hungry and horny. I don’t know how but I mustered the self-discipline to not just stuff myself silly after that. And without my hunger quenched I seldom found joy in simply jerking myself off.
I would rather have her return, gently feed me with the most sinful desserts to full capacity before riding us both into sexual oblivion like she had done so many times. Sadly, I would have to wait another ten weeks to make this reality again. So, to relieve the sexual tension that her teasing words build, I turned to the internet.
However, the porn that I watched before our relationship seemed to have lost it’s edge for me, it’s excitement. With my hands resting on my blubbery belly it suddenly dawned on me. Letter for letter I carefully entered “feeding” and “weight gain” into the search and pressed enter.
Within seconds I knew that neither Maya nor I were alone with our bedroom habits. I expanded my search and in the next two hours I learned a lot about feederism, as it was called. I read about feeders and feedees, gainers and encouragers, the soft variations of this kink, the dominant and submissive sides and the extremes. I stumbled from website to website, read forums and looked through image galleries of art and pictures. There were tons of stories, many fictional but some biographical.
Hours passed and it was very clear to me that Maya and I had indulged in this kink for quite a while now without even knowing. Or had she known all along?

Day after day I came back to the same websites. I learned how lucky I was that I had a partner to share these sexual desires with. And after reading other mens’ weight gain journeys I nearly felt small at my current weight and 330lbs or even 350lbs now appeared much less intimidating. I was pondering on whether to finally give in to these hedonistic pleasures and embrace my inner feedee or to resist further as my phone vibrated. She had sent a message: “Hey big boy, there is a little something waiting for you at the Pastry Heaven. Better pick it up soon! XOXO Maya ”

I put the cardboard box on the counter and opened it. Aromas of strawberry and chocolate flooded the room and my mouth began to water. I had not treated myself to any unhealthy sweet or savory food in the last three weeks. Staring at the beautiful cake I felt my self-discipline wane. I wanted that cake and I wanted it now. I slowly walked over to the kitchen and got a knife, a fork and a plate. I carefully cut a small piece and put it on my plate. I picked up a little bit with the fork and tried it. I sighed as the rich chocolate flavors exploded in my mouth. I could not believe how I had abstained from this joy for so long. Within seconds another forkful disappeared in my mouth. I did not notice how I scarfed down the rest of the piece, but suddenly my plate was empty.
I had only planned to eat one piece, but the cake was calling out to me. Before I knew what I was doing, I had cut a second piece, bigger than the one before, and had put it on my plate. A hunger had taken over, that I had tried to silence for too long. I was now downright stuffing myself, moaning as the chocolate flavor caressed my tongue. A third piece followed the second and a fourth followed the third.
I started to feel full already, not having eaten to my true capacity for more three weeks. And the fullness aroused excitement in a way I hadn’t experienced since Maya left. I felt my rock hard boner push into the soft bottom of my belly. I got up only to pour myself a large glass of milk and then sat back down in front of the cake.
I had passed the point of no return now and was ready to fully give in to my inner feedee. With a few gulps half of the milk found its way into my cake-filled stomach. This time I did not bother to cut a piece from the cake, but instead just took the whole plate with one hand and starting to shovel forkful after forkful in my mouth with the other.
As half of the cake was gone, I needed a break and downed the rest of the milk. The cool liquid soothed my overstuffed tummy. I put the plate down, but I was certainly not done, yet. I needed to free myself from the last restraints and so I got up and with some effort got rid of all my clothes. Freed, my distended belly was now protruding like a round balloon onto my lap. It sagged down between my legs, pressing on my erection, which aroused me even more. I massaged my aching stomach and a number of loud burps escaped my mouth. I was ready for the finale. I sat the cake on the table in front of me. While I took the fork in one hand to continue eating, I tried to wrap my other hand around my throbbing member. With shock I realized, that I couldn’t do it. Sitting bent forward, my belly was in the way and there was no comfortable way around it. So, I put the cake on the couch next to me and leaned back. Finally, my hand closed around my throbbing dick, sending a wave of pleasure through my body. While I slowly stroked my manhood, I dug into the cake with my bare hand. Lost again in the most erotic feeding frenzy, I did not care for the mess I made of myself as large chunks of cake dropped from my chin onto my chest. I was moaning in between mouthfuls, as my imagination took over and I heard her dominating voice full of lust:
“Good job, piggy! I knew you would finally come around and remember: Porkers like you are good for at least two things, fucking and fattening. Now do me a favor and start with the fattening, so I have a prize-winning hog to ride when I return.“
The orgasm hit me with full force and I screamed out in lust as I shot my load all over my bulging belly. My whole body shook and wobbled in pure ecstasy. I took a deep breath. It had been a while, since I had felt so good. Exhausted and fully satisfied, I dozed off.

I awoke many hours later with one hand still full of cake and the other on resting on my sticky belly. I felt myself smiling as I realized how much of a mess I had made of myself. I stuffed the cake in my mouth and licked my fingers clean. Apart from being slightly overstuffed I felt good, really good. And to my surprise I did not feel any shame at all about what I had done. In fact, I had loved every minute of it. I grinned at the thought of what Maya would have said, if she could have seen me now.

I had made a decision.

The next evening I ordered two large double cheese pizzas. They arrived after half an hour, their delicious aroma flooded the apartment. However, I withstood the temptation. I had a plan and Maya was going to love it.
I stripped down to my boxers and weighted myself for the first time since Maya had left.
I looked at the number and for a moment I was shocked. I had actually lost weight in the last three weeks. More determined than before, I took pictures of the number on the scale and myself in various poses in front of the mirror.
Then I headed over to the living room. I opened the boxes and while I wolfed down slice after slice, I documented my gluttony in pictures. In between bites, I worked on emptying a half-gallon of whole fat milk sip by sip. I was quite full after one large pizza, but I forced down another half before I had to give up. With a grunt I heaved myself up and waddled over to the scale.
Even though I was feeling quite uncomfortable with my overstuffed stomach, as soon as I saw the number arousal flooded my brain and the pain was forgotten. I took another picture of the scale and then repeated the poses in front of the mirror.
Back to the couch I got ready to send the pictures.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 4 years
This. Is. Wonderful!
Ygglw 5 years
Damn I need my chubby man to feed me up as aggressively as this so I gain 100lbs of flab round my formerly slender toned body to propel me to porky obesity! And reduce my manhood to a small sensitive nub trapped in blubber, to be explored only when my bel
Built4com4t 5 years
Still good ;-)
FrecherTyp 8 years
Your story is so hot ^^! I want that maya and the strawberries with chocolate .....:-)

hehe i found it especially sex to read how he tried to get back in shape and how she was using this against him ;-) very briliant ^^
FrecherTyp 8 years
what a really kinky nice sexy smart story ;-) thehe i really would love to meet this nice girl maya ;-)

but in the meanwhile i hope you write more chapters of their sexy observations desires and love for each other smiley

a really magnificent story^^
Badhansel 8 years
You've written a terrific story. At first I was a bit apprehensive about the "her" and "his" perspective but you've handled it beautifully. The pacing is great and I found it both engaging and exciting. Looking forward to more of the same. Many thanks!
Johndohy 8 years
Thank you for the nice feedback! I might add one or two more chapters.
Built4com4t 8 years
wonderful detail...brilliantly erotic. I'm sure others besides me would like to see more.
Fatlilboy 8 years
I can't believe this is your first story - and this is not even your first language. Nicely done!