
Chapter 9 - pictures - her point of view

The business dinner was nearly over and her coworkers and customers sat relaxed around the table and were mostly chatting. Suddenly her phone came to live and she say that he had send her pictures. She lazily opened the app with her phone lying on the table. She nearly got a heart attack as she saw that he had send her nearly naked pictures of him standing in front of the mirror.

She excused herself and went to the ladies room. Locking herself in one of the bathroom stalls. She opened the app again and saw the number 248.3 on their bathroom scale. She frowned. It was followed by a picture of him standing sideways in front of the mirror only clad in his tight boxers.
His text said: “Down 7 pounds. I miss you baby. But don’t worry ...”
Well, he was still handsomely fat. And as soon she was back, she would be there to help him grow again. She smiled to herself and she felt a warm sensation spreading between her legs as she imagined all the things she wanted to do to him.
In that moment two more pictures followed. On the first she saw the same scale, but a different number.
She gasped. In the second one, he stood in front of the mirror in the same pose. His before flabby belly had expanded into a big round ball. The top seemed to be tight as a drum, while the bottom still bulged softly over his tight boxers. Hurriedly she pulled her white pants down, before she would wet them with her arousal.
“I am already working on it ;-)”, read his second text.
She resisted the urge to touch herself and instead wrote back to him: “Wow. I am impressed. Keep it up, my plump little porker!”
She finished with two snout and a handful donut emojis. Then she tried to calm her self down. She was impressed by the show he had put on to tease her like this. This was the first time he had ever sent her lewd pictures, but she hoped it wouldn’t be the last.
Her phone vibrated again. He had sent one last picture:
“Piggy is hungry for his feedress.”
He said somewhat halfway reclined on their couch. The low camera angle made his belly look even more rotund than before. In his one hand, he was holding the selfie stick, in the other a nearly empty half-gallon of milk. As she looked at his face, she couldn’t restrain herself anymore and her other hand went straight between her legs. Not only was milk dripping down his chin and running down over his moobs, but he had a rolled-up slice of greasy pizza half-way stuffed into his mouth.
While her imagination and her hand send waves of lust pulsing through her body, she discovered one more detail in the picture. It was hard to see against the bright colors of the boxer shorts at first, but she clearly saw the outline of his engorged dick, with a large dark spot at the top, where his lust had wet the fabric. As she realized that this was not only show for her, but it was clear that he was also enjoying himself, it brought her over the edge.
She came hard and did her best not to cry out of pleasure. As she calmed herself down afterwards, she looked back at the picture. It was literally one of her kinkiest feeder fantasies come true. An overweight fat slob, getting off by making a pig of himself.


After the pictures he had send her during her work dinner nine weeks ago, he had been adamant about not sending pictures or providing weight updates. He had been insisting that it was supposed to be a surprise for when she got back.
Naturally she had been excited all day to get back to her tubby bear and finally find out what he had been up to the last weeks. Even though it had been a long day of traveling she was brimming with anticipation.
Before she had a chance to get her keys to unlock the door, it was gently opened from the inside. And there he stood as if he hadn’t moved in the last three months, wearing the same shirt and the same pants. He smiled over both ears as he saw her. Within seconds they were kissing each other, him holding her in his soft embrace. As she retreated her hands intuitively moved down to where his pants cut into his sides. She couldn’t help herself and squeezed the roll of flab that hang over his side. She was not sure if she imagined it, but it seemed much thicker than before.
“I’m glad you’re back”, he whispered in her ear.
“You have grown for me, haven’t you?”, she asked, arousal surging through her body.
“Maybe. Come on in and find out”, he teased her smiling smugly.

He stepped on the scale and after a couple seconds the display showed three digits. She looked down and he heard her suck the air between her teeth in surprise.
“What does it say?”, he asked, knowing the answer already.
She just smiled a broad smile at him, moved in and kissed him hungrily. Her hands started opening the buttons on his shirt one by one. Then she proceeded to his pants and undressed him down to his boxers.
“I think we can do a more fair comparison now. Why don’t you try the scale again?”, she insisted.
Obediently he went back on the scale.
As the new number flashed, she grinned.
“So, what does it say?”, he asked again smiling back at her.
“That you are quite a growing man, honey.”, she giggled.
She took two steps back and admired the view. Taking out her phone, she pulled up the picture from six weeks ago.
“Well comparing to the picture you sent me lat time, you are growing more and more handsome by the day.”, she teased. She took a new picture and swiped them back and forth. It had been hard for her to pinpoint, where exactly all the pounds went that he had put on, but now it clearly showed.
While his chest had stayed mainly the way it was, most of the weight had widened his belly, his sides and his butt. On top of that angry red stretch marks had appeared on his belly emphasizing just how fast he must have piled on the pounds.
He turned to look at her phone as well.
“Wow, look at that butt. No wonder these boxer shorts have gotten so snug lately”, he noted jokingly. But as Maya continued to swipe back and forth to show him his growth, she noticed the outline of his manhood pressed against his boxer shorts. His own growth was turning him on. She grinned.
Then she paused on the picture she had just taken.
“This will make a great before picture for the next comparison, right baby?”, she asked seductively, her one hand starting to caress his belly again.
“Why am I not surprised that you want me even bigger?”, he asked teasingly, pressing his soft body against hers.
She looked him in the eyes and caressed his cheek.
“Always!”, her word was but a whisper accompanied by mischievous smile as her other hand found its way to his crotch.
“And after your impressive transformation during the last nine weeks, I have a feeling that you love your growing body as much as I do. Aren’t I right, piggy?”
He smiled and then grunted playfully before kissing her passionately.
As the heat rose within her, she withdrew before she her own desires could overwhelm her.
Also breathing heavily he then answered her question:
“You are right! And I want us to explore this kink together to its fullest while we savor every minute of the journey going forward.”
She had told openly told him that she loved his growing body many times. And even though she knew that he enjoyed being fed by her and suspected that his weight gain turned him on as much, he had never openly admitted to it in front of her. She realized that this was the moment she had unconsciously waited for all the time.
“I love you”, she whispered in response and drew him close again to kiss him.
As their lips parted both of them were panting.
“But before I drag your blubbery ass into the bedroom, I need to know how you managed get up to from 254lbs to 282 lbs in only nine weeks?”
“Better”, he said teasingly,”Let me show you!”

He put the two quarter gallon jugs on the couch table and then he slumped into the couch.
Both of them were filled to the brim with a creamy liquid, one was milky white, the other one brown.
She picked the brown one up and took a little sip. Sweet chocolate flavors exploded in her mouth. The liquid was also unusually thick. These certainly were no ordinary milk shakes.
“What’s this”, she asked curiously.
“Very special milkshakes”, he responded with a grin, “You know, I wanted to surprise you today. So I did some research and found some wonderful recipes.”
She sat down next to him and ran her finger down his soft chest and across his belly.
“So how many calories are in these ‘special’ shakes of yours?”, she asked curiously.
“About 1500 in each of them and I have been drinking one in a morning and two more in the evening.”, he said proudly.
As she heard how he literally fattened himself up for her, the familiar tingly sensation pulsed through her body spreading warmth between her legs. His surprise was undoubtedly working, but she couldn’t give in to her desires just yet.
“This is the biggest surprise I have gotten in a long time!”, she winked.
Then her hand traveled further down to where his belly bulged considerably over his tight boxer shorts. She lovingly caressed the roll of flab with her hand.
“Show me!”, she purred.
He picked up the chocolate shake and started to greedily gulp down the creamy liquid. With her hand massaging his belly she could feel it expand and loose some of its softness as he downed the quarter gallon weight gain shake.
Two minutes later the last drops trickled into his awaiting mouth. He put down the jug and let out an enormous belch, smelling of chocolate.
“Good boy”, she cooed.
He was about to pick up the second jug, as she held him back.
“Not so fast!”, she interjected, “I know how we can make this much more fun. Go to our bedroom and come back in five minutes!”
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 4 years
This. Is. Wonderful!
Ygglw 5 years
Damn I need my chubby man to feed me up as aggressively as this so I gain 100lbs of flab round my formerly slender toned body to propel me to porky obesity! And reduce my manhood to a small sensitive nub trapped in blubber, to be explored only when my bel
Built4com4t 5 years
Still good ;-)
FrecherTyp 8 years
Your story is so hot ^^! I want that maya and the strawberries with chocolate .....:-)

hehe i found it especially sex to read how he tried to get back in shape and how she was using this against him ;-) very briliant ^^
FrecherTyp 8 years
what a really kinky nice sexy smart story ;-) thehe i really would love to meet this nice girl maya ;-)

but in the meanwhile i hope you write more chapters of their sexy observations desires and love for each other smiley

a really magnificent story^^
Badhansel 8 years
You've written a terrific story. At first I was a bit apprehensive about the "her" and "his" perspective but you've handled it beautifully. The pacing is great and I found it both engaging and exciting. Looking forward to more of the same. Many thanks!
Johndohy 8 years
Thank you for the nice feedback! I might add one or two more chapters.
Built4com4t 8 years
wonderful detail...brilliantly erotic. I'm sure others besides me would like to see more.
Fatlilboy 8 years
I can't believe this is your first story - and this is not even your first language. Nicely done!