
Chapter 10 - shakes - her point of view

She dimmed the lights and lit a few candles. Then she moved the couch table away and arranged the couch pillows on the floor for him to use the couch base as a backrest. As her work in the living room was done, she went to the bathroom, where she changed into some new dark red lingerie.
As she came back to the living room, he already stood in front of the couch. He look at her with hungy eyes and she knew that her new underwear accentuated her already stunning curvy figure. With swaying hips she made his way to him, took his hand and guided him to the couch. Mesmerized he followed.
“Sit down my love”, she said and gestured to the floor, “I believe, for what I have in mind to do with you, you might have outgrown the couch”.
A teasing smile appeared on her face and to underline her words she gently rubbed his protruding belly. She saw his erection rise instantly. Obediently, he sat down and made himself comfortable.
She chuckled. Naked down to his boxers and leaning back against a mountain of pillows, his ample form resembled the stereotype of an epicurean king, ready for any pleasures that would come his way.
So she sat down straddling his legs. As she leaned in for a sensual kiss her hands started probing and teasing his curves and rolls. In return his hands skillfully unhooked her bra and caressed her full breasts.
She moaned and moved closer to him, pushing her breasts into his face. As his tongue circled her nipples a soft moan escaped her. She savored the moment before leaning back again, her hands resting on his love handles.
“To imagine that you weight some measly 165 pounds one and a half years ago.”, she chuckled.
“I wouldn't want to go back to that.” , he admitted.
“Neither would I”, she responded and then mused, “Well, maybe only to see you grow fat again”.
He chuckled: “Yeah, I believe that you would like that.”
“You don’t event know how much I love how much you have grown”, she smirked and then she added with a devilish smile, “for me!”.
To emphasize her words her hands squeezed the large soft bulge that curved over his boxer shorts.
“But we aren’t quite done yet, are we?”, she said, gesturing over to the second weight gain shake.
“But before we do this, we should free you from your restraints, don’t you think.”
She moved back and took a pair of scissors she had strategically placed next to her. It took him a second before he realized what she meant. With two quick cuts the boxer shorts was in pieces and not only his belly and love handles expanded under the new worn freedom.
As she held the boxer shorts in his hands, she looked at him wickedly
“2XL?”, she asked unbelieving and then chuckled, “No wonder you were literally bursting out of them, piggy. Let’s get you some 3XLs soon.”
“Why don’t we get 4XLs right away? That way I have some room to grow for you.”, he teased her playfully.
“Good idea. I like the way you think”, she grinned widely. Then she pushed into him engaging him in another kiss, while she gently guided his sturdy member into her. As her hips started to slowly gyrate back and forth, she noted with delight how his belly was now pushing against her inner thighs. This was new. Soon his breathing took on the rhythm of her hips, but she wasn’t done with him, yet. She took the other jug into her hands.
“I believe it is time for your second shake, piggy.”
He was ready to take the jug over, but she shook her head.
“No, my dear. Put your hands on my hips and tits, where they belong.”
She felt his member twitch inside her, as a knowing smile spread across his face. And with that she started to pour the shake into his awaiting mouth. The feeling of his belly expanding between her thighs send shivers along her spine. Unconsciously she picked up the pace with her hips, while she poured shake into his mouth even faster.
As she poured the last big gulp, it was too much for him to handle and the creamy white liquid ran down the corners of this mouth over his chest and down his belly.
She put the mug to the side and leaned forward, pressing herself against his bloated sticky belly. She felt his hands digging into her hips as she moved even faster.
The way not only his belly but his whole upper body, including his puffed up man-boobs, was jiggling, seemed to hypnotize her. In a way he was still the same charming guy she fell in love with and she was his loving girlfriend, but now they were more than that. She was a feeder and he had grown to be her willing feedee.
As she watched his fat body quivering beneath her, she couldn't quite believe that this should only be the beginning of their joint common journey into feederism. Imagining the months ahead, the lust surged through her body and her movement grew faster and more erratic. A loud moan escaped his mouth and soon after a violent orgasm shook her, before she collapsed onto his swollen form.

For quite some time they laid there on the ground in front of the couch. At last, he spoke softly: “You really are amazing.”
She pushed herself up and smiled at him: “Is that what you meant by exploring this kink?”
“Yes”, he replied enthusiastically.
“Good, I hope you will also like my other ideas”
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 4 years
This. Is. Wonderful!
Ygglw 5 years
Damn I need my chubby man to feed me up as aggressively as this so I gain 100lbs of flab round my formerly slender toned body to propel me to porky obesity! And reduce my manhood to a small sensitive nub trapped in blubber, to be explored only when my bel
Built4com4t 5 years
Still good ;-)
FrecherTyp 8 years
Your story is so hot ^^! I want that maya and the strawberries with chocolate .....:-)

hehe i found it especially sex to read how he tried to get back in shape and how she was using this against him ;-) very briliant ^^
FrecherTyp 8 years
what a really kinky nice sexy smart story ;-) thehe i really would love to meet this nice girl maya ;-)

but in the meanwhile i hope you write more chapters of their sexy observations desires and love for each other smiley

a really magnificent story^^
Badhansel 8 years
You've written a terrific story. At first I was a bit apprehensive about the "her" and "his" perspective but you've handled it beautifully. The pacing is great and I found it both engaging and exciting. Looking forward to more of the same. Many thanks!
Johndohy 8 years
Thank you for the nice feedback! I might add one or two more chapters.
Built4com4t 8 years
wonderful detail...brilliantly erotic. I'm sure others besides me would like to see more.
Fatlilboy 8 years
I can't believe this is your first story - and this is not even your first language. Nicely done!