Fat is beautiful (rough draft)

Chapter 4 - (part three)

"Apologies for the inconvenience, but these two skinnies aren't going to stick around!" declared Lina. She glanced at Daesti, who returned a knowing look: They would make a break for it. Both were poised to dash, but a brilliant yellow flash immediately disavowed them of that notion. Time seemed to slow to a woozy crawl for the pair as they slumped over. But in fact the incapacitation ray's effects were instantaneous, and in a split second, the two women were sprawled upon the ground.

A multi-armed robotic assistant, as round and squat as the pods which had brought in the Luna Moth, detached itself from the underside of the hovercraft where it had been seamlessly concealed, and hoisted the two young women inside the craft. A restraining apparatus emerged from the back of the vehicle and locked the two in as the robot reattached itself to the craft.

A hazy lurching sensation overtook Lina and Daesti as they regained consciousness. Once securely in the police transport vehicle, it only took a moment before they came to, at first mumbling incoherently. A few moments more and they were fully restored to their senses.

The officer was aware of their stirring and addressed them. "I'm taking you to the station for processing. First things first, they'll run a few tests on you."

"Tests?" asked Lina anxiously. "What kind of tests?

"Complete body analysis, courtesy of WIDE-AS."

"WIDE-AS?" asked Daesti.

"Part of Fatropolis's Central Computer," the officer explained. "Weight Imaging Diagnostic Evaluation and Assessment System."

Daesti and Lina smirked at each other, equal parts amused and worried.

"WIDE-AS will scan you and determine your body fat composition," the officer went on. "Then it'll analyze your body type thoroughly and recommend the perfect fattening regimen for you. We've got to get your weight up immediately."

"You can't be serious," said Daesti. "Is all of this really necessary? Can't we just pay a fine or something?"

"No can do," said the officer. "The law is the law. And the law is, you can't be skinny in Fatropolis. Skinnies must be turned into fatties. That's the law."

"And what happens to our ship?" asked Daesti.

"That will be impounded. But it will be repaired and waiting for you...as soon as you reach minimum regulation weight."

"This is not happening," Lina muttered. "This is not happening."

"Relax," said Daesti, not at all sure of herself. "He's bluffing."

"No bluff, ma'am," said the officer. "But you'll see soon enough. Fat is where it's at."

Daesti and Lina just looked at each other uncomfortably. They would have to do some quick thinking if they were going to escape from this mess.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 1 year
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Derp666 1 year
Love this story! Please though, i'm begging you, Daesti needs a chapter!
Tobbyrea 1 year
Thank you for the story
Tobbyrea 1 year
I enjoyed the new installment. Please can we have another soon
The Augmentor 1 year
New installment posted!
The Augmentor 4 years
Tobbyrea and Lyn: Thanks for the good words! And thanks for your patience between installments!
Tobbyrea 4 years
Love the story looking forward to the next chapter
Tobbyrea 6 years
Love the story keep up the good work looking forward to the next chapter
Knightorder 6 years
This story is amazing! Shame a city like this doesn't actually exist. Hope to see more parts soon!
Waxer 6 years
Although I'm not sure my soul can take another wait like the last one. smiley Not that I want you to rush to give an abridged finish, keep up the amazing work, but Is there anything we can do to help?
Waxer 6 years
My heart did a flip when I saw this with new installments Keep up the amazing work!
The Augmentor 6 years
Absolutely! I should have the next installment ready to post sometime in early December, so please keep checking back. Glad you're enjoying the story so far.
TalulahJay 6 years
are you gonna keep going with this one? I’m a big fan
Eponymous 6 years
Nice to see this on here again. I've been keeping up with it on DA for a while now. I love the slow pace and the attention paid to the setting. It's got a wonderful sort of pulpish, comic book sci-fi feel to it. Kinda reminds me of the old Dirty Pair anim
Rickeb 6 years
I know there are many more chapters after they reach minimum regulation weight to become optimum weight. I look forward to them becoming the pride of Fatropolis!
Rickeb 6 years
great story so far. I for one would like to know what the minimum regulation weigh is to leave the Fattenarium,and how fat they have to become to reach optimum weight as estimated by WIDE-AS?
The Augmentor 6 years
Thank you for the kind words! Glad you're enjoying the story.
Karenjenk 6 years
I love this. It is my new favorite story here. I love the delayed growth... or domination. At the same time you give us the very thing that we come here for her.

11 out of 10

The Augmentor 6 years
All parts are posted now, right up to the current installment. Please keep checking back for more. Enjoy!
The Augmentor 1 year
Well, after nearly three years, I've finally got a new installment posted!