Fat is beautiful (rough draft)

Chapter 9 - (part eight)

Mim boarded a hovering platform, and Lina and Daesti followed behind her as she led them back into the lobby, then up several levels on the elevator. They exited into a long, wide corridor along which were situated perhaps a dozen semi-circular rooms. The outside wall and door of each room were made of thick, convex panes of clear glass.

"These are our...*dormitories*, let's call them," said Mim, stopping at the doorway of the nearest room. She stepped off of her platform and entered the room, which was illuminated automatically. The lighting was warm and inviting, neither harshly bright nor too dim.

Mim waved them inside. "Cozy, huh?" she said. "Not the squalid little cells you might have been expecting, I bet. Ms. Derecho, you'll be in here. And Ms. Lazuli, you'll be right next door," she added, pointing in the direction of the adjacent room. From the hallway Daesti and Lina could see that the rooms were essentially mirror images of each other.

The lodgings were larger than any hotel room either Daesti or Lina had ever stayed in. These quarters, which obviously had been designed to accommodate larger persons, seemed luxuriously roomy to the two skinnies and evoked a cushy ambience. Even Lina, ever the pessimist, noted the plush carpet, the perfectly temperate air, and the sparse but practical furnishings. She and Daesti noticed an enticingly sweet and spicy aroma that seemed to waft about the room, as if something rich were baking in a nearby oven. They couldn't quite place it, but whatever it was and wherever it was emanating from, it was mouthwatering.

"Not five-star lodging, by any means, but functional enough," said Mim. She began to move about the room, pointing out the amenities as she led them into a kitchenette. "There's a refrigerator--ready to be filled with whatever perishables you choose." The doors of several fully stocked cupboards opened automatically. "And plenty more goodies in here," said Mim. "Snacking is highly encouraged, of course."

Mim led them back into the living room. "There's a very comfy divan for lounging on. And a huge, fluffy bed. You'll want to take lots of naps...you'll find that constant eating can sure tucker a body out!"

Daesti leapt on the bed and sprawled out. "I could get used to this!" she said exuberantly, grabbing one of the enormous pillows and hugging it tightly in a display of luxuriation. Lina rolled her eyes, though Lina admitted to herself as she sat down on the edge of the bed that it did seem uncommonly comfortable.

On a small table beside the bed there was a dish filled to the brim with candies. Mim took a candy for herself with one hand while lifting the dish with the other. "Sweets for the sweet," she said, tilting the dish toward the young women in turn. Daesti grabbed a handful of the candies, but Lina held up her hand and shook her head from side to side.

Lina watched Mim furtively but with great curiosity. She wondered whether Mim had always been so fat and how it came to be that Mim was appointed to her job. Mim seemed remarkably sprightly and adroit for a woman of her size, and her face was pretty and charismatic in a way befitting an older woman. Lina apprehended what she perceived as a sinister gleam in Mim's eye and a portentous smile on Mim's lips as Daesti enthusiastically accepted the candy offered her--and an equally baleful expression of disapproval upon Lina's own refusal of the same.

Meanwhile, Daesti popped several of the candies into her mouth at once but quickly lowered her eyes abashedly as Lina glowered at her. Lina was sure that this also did not escape Mim's attention, but in any case Mim continued with her presentation.

"I should point out that you'll be able to interact with WIDE-AS by voice command from wherever you are in the facility, so feel free to take full advantage of our ever-helpful computer."

Mim offered a demonstration. "WIDE-AS," she said. "Vids, please." Instantly the entire glass wall became a vid screen.

"Lots of entertainment to keep you occupied," said Mim. "You can watch vids to your heart's content. We have our very own metropolitan media division, and we produce all of our own content. WIDE-AS, channel scan, please." Several channels were flipped through in succession.

"It's nothing but fat people!" snapped Lina.

"Well, what did you expect, honey?" replied Mim. "We're not in the business of reinforcing skinniness around here. Ah! And let me show you this! WIDE-AS, blinds, please." Instantly the glass wall and door turned gray and opaque. "If the vid screen's off and you'd rather not look out into the hallway, there's a virtual blind. You can change the view to something that suits you. A waterfall, an open field, a forest glade. But of course, we'll still be able to see in from the other side." Mim reclined on the divan and ran her hand over a transparent console that emerged from underneath the furnishing. "This might be an easier way to accomplish the same thing if you're extra busy stuffing your face at any particular moment. It operates on simple gestures. WIDE-AS will show you a vid guide demonstration if you need help."

"Now, with all these conveniences at your disposal, you should be all set," said Mim. "I imagine you will settle in for many a night of vid-watching. Now, don't forget those snacks! You can have practically anything you like--popcorn just drenched in butter, or potato chips with dip, or--well, anything you like, really. And should you get hungry for something more substantial at any time after hours, just call out to WIDE-AS, or make the appropriate gesture on the console, and one of our attendants will happily bring by food for you. That's room service the Fatropolis way!

"Now, we will have to lock you in each night. Just to be safe, you understand. And it bears repeating that you are still detainees. But I suspect you'll be so comfortable, you'll want to stay nestled right in your rooms, where you already have everything you need."

Mim continued as she led them out of the room and again toward the elevator. "Mornings, you'll have some latitude to sleep in. WIDE-AS will quickly adjust to your schedule. Upon your awakening, WIDE-AS will display your daily itinerary on the vid screen. First things first, you'll proceed to breakfast. I'll remain as laissez-faire as possible at first, provided you work fervently toward attaining regulation weight, but I will have to meet with you periodically to review your progress. And now, ladies, I'd like to show you to the Dining Hall...the Fattenarium's crown jewel!"
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Derp666 1 year
Love this story! Please though, i'm begging you, Daesti needs a chapter!
Tobbyrea 1 year
Thank you for the story
Tobbyrea 1 year
I enjoyed the new installment. Please can we have another soon
The Augmentor 1 year
New installment posted!
The Augmentor 4 years
Tobbyrea and Lyn: Thanks for the good words! And thanks for your patience between installments!
Tobbyrea 4 years
Love the story looking forward to the next chapter
Tobbyrea 6 years
Love the story keep up the good work looking forward to the next chapter
Knightorder 6 years
This story is amazing! Shame a city like this doesn't actually exist. Hope to see more parts soon!
Waxer 6 years
Although I'm not sure my soul can take another wait like the last one. smiley Not that I want you to rush to give an abridged finish, keep up the amazing work, but Is there anything we can do to help?
Waxer 6 years
My heart did a flip when I saw this with new installments Keep up the amazing work!
The Augmentor 6 years
Absolutely! I should have the next installment ready to post sometime in early December, so please keep checking back. Glad you're enjoying the story so far.
TalulahJay 6 years
are you gonna keep going with this one? I’m a big fan
Eponymous 7 years
Nice to see this on here again. I've been keeping up with it on DA for a while now. I love the slow pace and the attention paid to the setting. It's got a wonderful sort of pulpish, comic book sci-fi feel to it. Kinda reminds me of the old Dirty Pair anim
Rickeb 7 years
I know there are many more chapters after they reach minimum regulation weight to become optimum weight. I look forward to them becoming the pride of Fatropolis!
Rickeb 7 years
great story so far. I for one would like to know what the minimum regulation weigh is to leave the Fattenarium,and how fat they have to become to reach optimum weight as estimated by WIDE-AS?
The Augmentor 7 years
Thank you for the kind words! Glad you're enjoying the story.
Karenjenk 7 years
I love this. It is my new favorite story here. I love the delayed growth... or domination. At the same time you give us the very thing that we come here for her.

11 out of 10

The Augmentor 7 years
All parts are posted now, right up to the current installment. Please keep checking back for more. Enjoy!
The Augmentor 1 year
Well, after nearly three years, I've finally got a new installment posted!