Neils meals

chapter 2

Crap why did she do that? Because she wanted to see him shirt less, such a
frivolous thing but she wanted it. He pulled his shirt off and grabbed one of
her dads slipping it on. It looked good on him.

"It looks good."

He laughed not believing her but she really did think so he tried on a couple
more shirts and as he took off one more looking for one to try on she asked him

"Is your mom working late tonight?"

He scoffed.

"When she isn't ill let you know, like usual she is."

She knew it but thought she'd ask anyway.

"My mom made a lot of stuff for dinner...would you like to come over for

He stopped rummaging for a shirt and looked up. She had never asked him so
formally like this before. She got distracted looking at his soft round belly.

"Yeah sure what time do you want me?"

She snapped out of it.

"How about six? Still has to heat up."

"Okay sounds delicious I love your moms cooking. You don't have to stare at my
belly I know I'm gross..."

She was shocked she was so blatantly staring at him. Crap what to do what to

"No I wasn't...because I, I mean um..."

She thought of him over at her house eating dinner her getting the food for him.
Having him in her room her own little fat boy to take care of. She couldn't stop

"No girls in our school like me its okay Kathy you don't have to lie I've

She kissed him full on the lips. Oh my god she thought in her head what did I
do? Something she'd wanted to since they'd met. It felt good so good she wanted
to give in more but she fought it. Not wanting to get to excited she pulled

"Wow Kathy...I never thought.."

She looked away beet red with embarrassment. He noticed the slight bulge in his

"Um sorry...I just think your really cute.."

They started talking about what they liked he had told her it excited him
stuffing on food and gaining weight thinking he was the only one. She told him
she loved watching that and helping. She grabbed his hand holding tight.

"Can I help know gain weight?"

He looked shocked at all this but nodded.

"Let's start tonight! When you come over. Don't be nervous, I think my parents
feel the same way we do.."

He thought about it and nodded to her.

"Yeah your dads gotten pretty fat, what if I weighed that much is that to big
for you?"

She imagined him that big getting butterflies in her stomach.

"I'd love that...I'd even like bigger..don't worry ill never dislike it."

She walked up to him smirking she kissed him again.

"I'll see you at six right? I need to go get our meal ready."

"Good I'm starving but ill wait to eat until then."

Then she spun around leaving while waving good bye. She ran to there house and
turned the oven on quickly. She ran to her dad waiting for it to pre-heat.

"Dad he's coming over! He liked your shirts..and I told him that I like him!"

She blurted out that last part scared for his reaction.

"And? What about him?"

She beamed a huge smile hugging him.

"He likes me to!"

He was happy for her and he hugged back.

"Well that's awesome hunny, better get dinner started for us though."

She remembered gotta heat up the food. She scurried off into the kitchen pulling
out several trays of food. Opening there over sized oven she started placing it
in. A tray of zitti smothered in cheese, a tray of meatballs and sausage, a tray
of chicken parm, and last a thick meat stuffed lasagna. She popped on the
toaster oven putting several pieces of garlic bread and repeated this until a
huge bowl was filled with them. She had to learn how to cook like this to keep
her man happy, mom did and she worked so a double threat.

The food was almost ready as a timer buzzed. It was five forty five and her mom
came in as she started setting the table.

"Hi mom!"

"Hi sweety! Dinner ready?"


She yelled back. Her dad was telling her neil was coming over and about there
mutual likeness for one another. She heard her mom say aww. But she heard her
whisper to him while she kissed him. "Make sure to stuff up not to make the him
scared to eat." he laughed whispering back. "When do I not do that?" Her mom
helped him up and they came over to the table Kathy ran to her mom for a hug.

"Mom ill be right back, I have to change."

"Okay hun."

She ran upstairs and rummaged thru her clothes picking out a black V neck shirt
with frills around the neck and arms. She also slipped into a tight pair of
jeans. Pulling her thick black hair into a pony tail she ran back downstairs
hearing the doorbell ring. Oh my god he's here. She didn't think she would be so
nervous but she was.

She went and opened the door. He was wearing one of her dads old button up
shirts a black one. She waved him to come in.

"Hey babe."

She kissed his cheek. He presented a triple chocolate cake with a piece missing.

"I brought desert, sorry I had a little earlier."

She laughed hugging his arm guiding him to the dining room she told him to sit
and went into the kitchen placing the cake down. Her mom was piling on food for
her dad on a over sized plate. She picked one up to and started piling it on for
him. Two scoops of ziti, a couple meat balls and sausage, a huge chicken parm
cutlet, a large lasagna slice, and then two pieces of garlic bread. Her mother
put the same on her fathers plate but piled about doubly high. Making her plate
the same size she had made Neils. She knew her mother coudlnt eat all that so
she would give the rest to her dad. She liked that idea and proceeded to pile
her plate about half of what she had on neils.

Another two years passed she was seventeen and he was eighteen. They would
always hang out with together, she encouraging him to eat just a little bit more
and then making out teasing him along the way. He'd one hundred pounds in the
two years, placing him at three hundred eighty pounds, and standing at six foot.
Her dad had gained a lot to noticing her mother and him getting closer as it
happened. He had gained one hundred ten pounds cresting him at six hundred
thirty. One other person had changed as well her. Her once thin frame had gained
some meat on it as she finished puberty. Her butt and thighs where round and
plump. A small pouch at her belly had formed, her boobs filled in to still small
but bigger then before. Looking plump on her only five foot five inch frame.
She'd been going tanning so she had nice tanned skin. She weighed probably one
hundred sixty now. Her soft angelic face gained a glow to it from a little chub
on it. She loved her new full bodied figure.

She woke up in her small tight boy shorts walking over to the bathroom to get
ready for a summer camp she was going to be working at for fat kids. Thinking it
would be fun to go to and maybe reverse the effects the camp was doing.

Saddened at the fact that she would be missing Neil though. They had fun the
night before, she took him to a chinese buffet making him eat so much food he
almost had to roll him out of the restaurant. In the car she gave him a blow
job, she loved giving it to him taking it all in. She was ready to go and she
bounced down the stairs giving a hug to her mom and dad.

She wanted to go say good bye to Neil so she drove over to his house and
unlocked the front door with the key he had given her. She snuck up to his room
he was still sleeping. She slipped off her shoes and socks her small smooth foot
exposed with pink nail polish. The toes perfect looking. For some reason he
loved to kiss, lick and suck on her feet going as far as when they did a feeding
he would lick chocolate or icing off of them. She'd gone as far as giving him a
foot hand job with her toes while he ate, he loved it so that made her happy.
She slipped under his covers and unbutottoned his pants zipping down the zipper
and reaching in pulling out his dick. She layed back and started playing with it
with her toes wrapping them around it as it responded by engorging. He stirred a
little as she kept going he moaned as she kept going. Suddenly he woke up as he
came in between her tiny toes. He breathed heavy. She moved up kissing him.

"Good morning hunny."

She got up going to clean off her foot. He sat up in bed looking groggy.

"I have to go hun but ill try and keep in touch okay?"

She bent over and kissed him passionately. He kissed back and she pulled away.

"I love you Kathy."

Smiling she said. "I love you too, now don't thin out of me while I'm gone!"

She hugged him and she was off. Going to her summer job. It was boring, the so
called "fat" kids where barely that barely even chubby. They made them work down
to the bone trying to get what little fat they had on them off. Although there
where a few that where super fat a boy and girl. The boy weighed three hundred
and fifty and the girl four hundred. At night Kathy would go out and get them
fattening snacks and giving it to them. She liked fattening the girl it was
different, although it was just pretty much keeping her from loosing any weight.

She made a few friends with the counselors, but one always rubbed her the wrong
way Larry he was very demeaning and hurtful to the kids. One time he took it a
little to far. He was yelling at the girl.

"Jesus christ you gained five pounds? How do you expect to get anywhere in

Fat *** he muttered under his breathe. None of the other counselors said
anything the young teen ready to burst into tears. She had it, she stormed over
there to console her. Hugging her she told her it was alright. Larry turned back

"Kathy be careful or you might get eaten by that ***! Who knows maybe she
wouldn't be so god damn ugly then."
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chub41ub 8 years
Nicely done- personal taste wishes for spelling & grammar corrections, but that's just me. Great job!
Jktab 8 years