Neils meals

chapter 3

The meat head laughed at his own amusement remarks. The girl started crying at his
hurtful remarks. Kathy started getting enraged but stood there for Jessica. But
he took it farther then she'd care to remember.

"Would do the world a favor if people that fat would just kill themselves!
Right? Only problem would be cleaning up that disgusting me-"

She snapped at him.

"Shut up!! What gives you the right!"

Her face red with anger veins popping out of her head, Jessica jumped startled.
She walked right up to him getting in his face.

"My father is bigger then her, should he kill himself?!"

He looked at Jessica.

"Wow I'd prefer pulling the trigger myself..."

She couldn't help it she back handed him hard making him stumble back as she
tackled him to the ground pounding her fists into his face. His reaction slowed
because of shock. Two other counselors pulled her off as she struggled to hit
him again. She calmed down pushing the two holding her back away. Going back to
Jessica she ushered her away taking her back to her cabin. Larry layed there
spitting blood out of his mouth onto the ground, beaten down like he should have
been long ago.

Obviously word got back to the owners and her and Larry where both fired, he
filed no legal papers for the assault to embarrassed to she assumed. She was
driving fast to get home sick of the whole situationg. At least now she could
spend the last two weeks if her summer with Neil. She pulled into her driveway
and walked in there house seeing her dad.

"Hey dad."

He looked back surprised to see her.

"Oh hey hun, I didn't expect you back for about two more weeks."

She nodded.

"Yeah I got fired, don't ask.."

He respected what she wanted.

"Okay, what are going to do now that your back?"

She looked down and sighed.

"Well its been a long day so I'm going to go take a short nap I'm exhausted then
I will probably go over and see Neil."

She slowly started up the stairs to her room.

"Good nap then."

She chuckled at her dad as she slipped into some pajamas and got under the
covers. The house was freezing, her dad loved it cold. Growing up with it she
was used to it. She drifted off to sleep and dreamed about Neil. She had many
wet dreams at the camp waking in a cold sweat feeling the orgasm in full.

She dreamed he was kissing her neck and touching her all over he felt so warm,
and softer. She woke up realizing it wasn't a dream he was here and he was
fatter. She pulled his head off her neck and attacked his lips kissing him
feverishly darting her tongue all around in his mouth until she was satisfied
for the moment.

"What are you doing here?"

He smiled at her.

"Your dad told me you where home so he told me to come over."

He looked so big now happy he had gained but sad she wasn't there to see it. He
stood up and walked back a few steps.

"Oh yea here's a welcome home present."

He took his shirt off and slapped his belly around making it jiggle and dance.
She was hypnotized by it.

"What did you gain?"

He smiled broadly showing his teeth.

"I gained fifty pounds, I've been stuffing myself non stop for you..."

She felt wet her pulse started racing as this was sinking in. Wow he weighed
four hundred thirty pounds now. She sat up in her bed beckoning him to come
over. He walked up to her his massive belly close to her face. She started
kissing his belly sinking her chin into it as she kissed. Grabbing his growing
man boobs she squeezed them tightly.

"Lay on me, I want to feel all of your weight on me!"

He was surprised. But did as he was told slowly he started laying his weight
onto her. She wanted it all right now, so she pulled him hard having him slam
down on her. It was hard to breathe his fat wrapping around her making her warm.
She started kissing his neck and giving him hickies. Making out for about
fifteen minutes now she felt his penis fully engorged.

"Babe get off let me take care of that..."

She slipped her hand underneath his fat belly grabbing at his cock. He rolled
off of her as she slipped off his pants unleashing his manhood. She started
leaning down mouth open but he stopped her.

"Wait...can I eat you out to?"

She made a kissy face at him and slapped his massive belly. She pulled off her
pants and underwear then took off her shirt and bra. She walked up to around his
head and stood on her bed crawling over him until she reached his dick and
slipped it into her mouth starting to bob on it. Spreading her legs around his
chubby face he leaned up to slip his tongue into her lashing her wet pussy with
his strong tongue.

"Ohh baby..." She said with a muffled voice.

They both didn't last long they hadn't seen one another for so long they
couldn't help it. He started first blowing his load into her mouth she quickened
as he began to moan with ecstasy licking faster wanting to satisfy her. She felt
it her muscles tightening as a high like nothing before rushed over her body.
Sucking down all of his juices she sucked tight and pulled off his penis making
a loud wet pop sound. She flipped over resting her head on his soft belly as she
fell asleep like a cat curled up in a plush warm bed.

Waking twenty minutes later she stood up, covering him then she got dressed. She
ran out of the room skipping down the stairs. Getting a beer out of the fridge
she walked over to her dad handing it to her dad.

"Hi daddy, can I barrow the credit card I wanted to buy Neil and I some dinner
and I'll pay you back but I don't have any money from camp yet..."

He reached into his wallet near him pulling out an american express card it was
black and heavier then a normal card. He handed it to her.

"Order whatever you want and I mean whatever. You don't owe me anything sweety
we always use that card. Have fun hunny."

She smiled taking the card hugging him.

"Thanks daddy I love you."

"Love you to hun."

She walked away pulling out her cell phone and going into her contacts
immediately dialing pizza hut. It rang a couple of times when someone picked up.

"Pizza Hut, what's your order?"

She tried to sound innocent and cute as she ordered.

"Yes um, I'll have two meat lovers stuffed crust pizzas, twenty four boneless
buffalo wings, a order of bread sticks, a order of lasagna, and two, two liter
pepsis. Please!"
She ended saying very bubbly.

"Um is that all?"

"Oh wait do you still have those desert cinnamon roll things? If so one of

"Alright then."

She then gave him there address and gave the card number to run thru before they
delivered it as much as putting a tip on it as well. It didn't take long they
pounded on the door so she trotted over opening it.

"Kathy?" He asked.

She nodded as he handed her the food it was a huge pile of it. She took it
upstairs and saw Neil was still asleep she placed the food down and went in her
drawer next to her bed. Pulling out a pair of long chained hand cuffs she cuffed
his one wrist then wrapped the chain around her bed frame and cuffed it to the
other. He awoke and was startled he was cuffed. She placed a finger on his lips
shooshing him.

"You've been a good boy so you get a feeding session with just me..."

She bent down and kissed him, pulled a pizza over she opened it steam coming off
of the hot pizza. She fed him slice after slice. Eating two herself and then
proceeded to feed him the rest. He perked up starting to get a chubby.

"I want more!"

She smiled devilishly.

"Your gonna be begging me to stop soon so don't you worry!"

She picked up a container of twelve boneless wings, drenching them in blue
cheese dressing. Shoving them into his mouth his cheeks bulged out like a
chipmunks as she laughed. He chowed those down so she went back to the remaining
pile. Grabbing a bottle of pepsi she made him chug it down, he let out a huge
burp afterward. Smiling she pulled out bread sticks she would drench them in
sauce and shove a whole one in at a time barely giving him enough time to chew

He gagged a little bit during one but she pushed him thru it. He begged for more
as she took hand fulls of pasta stuffing it into his gaping maw. Letting him
lick her fingers clean. He sighed starting to get full but she didn't let him
slow down she picked up more buffalo wings and she forced them down fast. His
belly growled in protest but she kept going grabbing the pizza and shoving it
into his mouth. He kept eating like a good piggy should one slice left and he
greedily ate it thinking he was done.

She placed another pepsi in his mouth only letting him take a breathe when it
was half gone. Then making him suck down the rest. Burping again loudly he

"Not yet big boy!"

She produced the desert placing a cinnamon icing lathered treat in his mouth
making him take in one after another. One left she stuck it in his mouth making
him finish it off. She smiled watching him struggle his expanded belly tight
like a drum.

"Ohh good boy, very good.."

She started rubbing his belly as he moaned in a food coma. Her hands sinking
into his flabby belly. She kept rubbing until it looked like he felt better.
Standing she stripped down shaking her hips as his cock grew hard again.

"I've wanted this for so long Neil..."

She stood on the bed spreading her legs letting him inside her. Wrapping her
legs around his fat hips she started humping him. Placing her hands on his man
boobs she squized them they felt warm and soft, already bigger then her boobs.
He was so big she couldn't wait to fatten him even more. His full belly swaying
back and forth as he rode him.

"Yes! Yes, you fat pig, I love the way you jiggle!"
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chub41ub 8 years
Nicely done- personal taste wishes for spelling & grammar corrections, but that's just me. Great job!
Jktab 8 years