Neils meals

chapter 6

"Baby leave it to me. We don't want you burning any glorious calories!" She

She started bucking backwards having him slip in and out of her tight pussy.
This angle made it feel so good.

"Oh *** I can't wait until you can't move! I'll have to feed you myself you
fat pig! Dear god I'm almost there this was so quick!"

She started screaming she she came, she pressed a button and a partition in the
platform holding back his fat like a dam seperated letting it trickle then flood
out onto her butt and back. It threw him forward sinking his cock deeper inside
her. He started cumming, he came for a very long time she going along the whole

"That was amazing Neil..."

She got out from under him and got him out of the contraption sitting him down
he fell asleep right away. Kissing him on the lips she left the room to take a

-She heard the front door unlock as Mel walked in.

"Hi Kathy, he asleep?"

She nodded.

"How was work Mel?"

"Good, but I have a surprise for later. I'm going to shower but when he wakes up
tell me."

She wondered what her 'surprise' was.

"You know I will. Thanks for all this."

"The pleasure is all mine, no really it is."

Laughing she went back to writing.-

Two years later Neil was enormous Kathy now twenty two and Neil twenty three.
Inviting Mel to move in with them was a great idea. The first year she was there
Kathy and her fed him non stop. He gained one hundred fifty pounds, the next
year he'd gained one hundred. Since Mel was helping so much he was gaining
weight in leaps and bounds finally rocketing past her dad! He weighed eight
hundred thirty, while Neil was a whopping nine hundred twenty pounds.

Sex impossible now they had to lean him back and try to just jerk him off, and
for that to work both of them had to be helping. No clothes fit him anymore and
for awhile they where giving her dad some hand me downs. She was on her way over
to her parents right now to give him some. She knew her parents where envious
and that made her a little giddy. It was a saturday and Mel was feeding him that
day. They both started working and would take car of him some days. She would
monday thru wednesday and she thursday thru saturday. On sunday they would both
feed, tease and please him.

She arrived at her parents and took in a large box of clothes walking in.

"Hi dad! Hi mom!"

He was sitting on a humongous hospital bed being fed by her mother. She stopped
for a moment coming over to hug her.

"What's this?"

"Some old clothes for dad Neil out grew them all!"

Her mom looked shocked hugging her daughter.

"How much does he um? You know..."

"Weigh? Mom its okay, as of wednesday, nine hundred twenty pounds."

Her moms eyes opened wide. Only able to say 'wow' feeling triumphant Kathy
beamed with pride.

"Well I'm gonna get going home to Neil and Mel."

She gave her mom a hug then ran over to her dad hugging his massive belly
speeding home to see how Mel's feeding day was. She went inside seeing Mel
lounging on the couch.

"Welcome home honey. How was work?"

She chuckled seeing Mel looked good, cleaning up after she had fed Neil she
"How was your day with Neil?"

"It was great he was really good ate everything I put in front of him and even
more. You ready to double team him tommarrow?"

She was excited they got to feed him much more when they did that, one rubbing
one feeding. They both looked tired so they head off to bed. Mel going in to
sleep with Neil since it was still her day, and she slept in the guest room.

They woke up at six in order to start making his massive breakfast for that
day. She took on carbs and starches, while Mel was doing proteins. She whipped
up a pile of french toast, pile of pancakes and a pile of waffles. All smothered
in butter and syrup. She also made two plates full of home fries. Mel started on
cooking up a plate of bacon, sausage, and scrapple. After done she mixed all the
fat together to cook up twenty eggs.

As they finished they brought in all the plates into Neils room awakening him
with the smells. He was a mammoth man leaning back his legs had to be
outstretched as far as they could go to allow his huge belly to rest between
them, his man boobs humongous she had to use two hands just to lift one, his
facial features lost in the pool of fat around it. His arms looked like inflated
ripples flowing every time they move. They had the ten plates placed on a
raisable table placing it up to his awaiting mouth. He chose to eat with his
hands not wanting to wait for it. He dug into the carb plates stuffing them down
in mere minutes. Turning his attention to the meat he chomped his was threw the
bacon and sausage leaving the scrapple.

Starting to get tired from moving his huge flabby arms the girls started
shoveling his face up with food. They finished as he relaxed letting out a huge
burp. They slapped his belly and teased him. But left going to order him some
lunch. They took out a huge portfolio of menus searching thru it they decided to
order mexican dishes for him. Mel called them.

"Tenampas, how may I help you?"

"Yes, I'll have a order of your nachos, six tacos, three steak buritos, three
chicken chimichungas, and also two orders of sopa pias with extra chocalate

"Delivery?&q uot;

"Yes please I'd like to pay or the phone to, please hurry the order."

"You having a party?"

"No, well maybe a party of one."

The food arrived an hour later around his lunch time. They brought in the huge
amount of food and told him to lean back they where going to feed him. They both
shoveled nachos into his mouth one after another barely giving him time to
breathe. They both grabbed three tacos letting him take one bite of Kathys then
a bite of Mel keeping this up until crumbs where left. Mel grabbed the over
stuffed burritos while she got the chimichungas. Feeding him the same way as the
tacos he begged them to slow down but they pushed him past it.

Finishing the six lathered morsels he let out a huge burp rattling the food
inside his burly belly. His stomach rumbled as a huge fart echoed loudly thru
out the room for a good fifteen seconds.

"You rub hid belly Mel I'll give him his treat."

Mel started rubbing his belly more gratification for her then to relieve his
fullness. She took handfuls of the fried doughy mix lathered in sugar, honey,
and chocolate.

"Please....stop...I'm so full..."

"Just a few more fatty boy!"

She stuffed them in his mouth making him lick the sauce off her hands. She
patted his belly hard making him wince.

"Good boy."

She kissed him on the lips just giving him a little tease for later. She stopped
wanting so badly to continue.

"Later hunny."

He fell asleep his belly already resting in between his legs was pushed out
further. Mel and her wiped him down and sponge bathed him cleaning his many
folds of fat. Drying him off with soft towels they both went out to contemplate
what to get him for dinner. Maybe rest awhile, Mel perked up.

"What about fast food? Like mcdonalds, burger king, wendys, and kfc?"

She smiled at her friend she was great at this, maybe she would try to find a
man like Neil for her. She needed her a lot though. She jumped up and hugged

"No wonder we invited you to move in with us! Your one smart cookie!"

Mel blushed.

"Thanks! Why don't I get wendys and kfc? And you get burger king and mcdonalds?"
Asked Mel

"Yes I was thinking that to. Let's take a break for a little while then we can
go get the food."

They took a break for two hours and went in telling Neil they where getting his
food and to not worry they would be back. She stopped at the burker king first.
She ordered four triple whopper meals large, with chocolate milkshakes. Speeding
over to mcdonalds she got four big mac meals supersized with coke, and a twenty
piece nugget. She got home carrying the huge bags in Mel only getting home
minutes before. Mel got him four triple stacked burgers from wendys with
chocolate frosties to drink. From kfc she got him a family size extra crispy
fried chicken.

"I'm not sure if he can eat all this Kathy...its a lot of food. But I'd love it
if he did..."

She felt herself get wet. He always ate everything she would present to him.
Never disappointing, she was going to make him eat it all even if he got sick.
It was her new goal of the day.

"We will make sure he eats it all, even if he has to feed for awhile we will do
it. Are you with me Mel?"

Mel got an evil look on her face she had never seen before.

"Even if we make him explode!" She joked.


"Yup! "

They barged into Neils room startling him. The smell of delicious food in the

"Holy shit all of that is for m-"

"Shut up fatty! Your not allowed to talk until you finish every last bite!"

Mel and her both grabbed pieces of fried chicken making him gorge his awaiting
mouth. Piece after piece his face got greasier, turning all three of them on.
They managed to get him to finish up all the chicken. Picking up a large coke
they made him chug it down then grabbed two more making him do the same. He
belched feeling better as they started grabbing at the wendys.

"If you eat all this fatty we will make it worth while!"

He looked excited wanting someone to touch his cock, unable to reach it now thru
his mountainous belly. She grabbed the burgers and Mel the fries. She shoved
half the burger in his mouth making his cheeks full forcing him to choke it down
as Mel shoved handfuls of fries into his mouth. Putting more and more food in
him his stomach was starting to fill up. After feeding him the burgers and fries
they grabbed the frosties, tilting his head back they forced it down his throat.
Eating all three he barely moved.

7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chub41ub 8 years
Nicely done- personal taste wishes for spelling & grammar corrections, but that's just me. Great job!
Jktab 8 years