Lust bite

chapter 2

He picked up her arm and bit hard into her meaty flesh it tasted so good, creamy
sweet and salty all at once. He heard a soft sound emanating from her mouth, she
was screaming just like all the others do. He began sucking on it hard having
the fat in her arm deflate while more fat from her body flowed over to the open
wound. Her face thinned out and was tight on her skull, breast deflated and her
chest was left flat, her soft pot belly became a flat washboard. Once popping
booty shrank quickly down to a indented butt.

He tried to pull off but the suction he had created was to strong he closed his
eyes and kept sucking. His mouth made a loud pop sound as it was released from
her arm. He spit once, he hated the taste of blood but it was mixed with the
life sustaining fat so it was slightly jaded. His huger had passed for now

He looked down at her ashamed he had sucked out all fluid in her body. A gray
skin and bone corpse lay before him. He touched it lightly saying "Sorry" one
more time. The body cracked away into dust, he saw something glowing in the pile
of remains though. He dug his fingers in and saw a glowing purple orb.

Picking it up and holding it tightly he reminisced of his 'father' feeding on a
woman to death like this, and a orb remained. He had managed to bring the woman
back. Although he was strong he did not have the expansive amount of skills his
'father' had. He always wondered why that was.

Standing slowly he went to his bedroom and opened the closet a small black metal
box sat in there. White etchings carved all over it. He pulled out his key and
held the key ring. The key ring was actually a round key. Eight teeth along the
rounded edge. On the box eight slits where in it. Putting the key in he turned
it opening the lid. A blue, green, red, and yellow orb already sat inside, he
placed the purple one in and locked it. Not everytime he fed did a orb appear he
always wondered why.

Closing the closet door he sat on his bed and sobbed. He had been referred to as
a vampire, monster, ghoul, demon and a abomination. He thought all of them true
not knowing still himself. His father hadn't known either.

He put back on his facade to fool the world and grabbed the black box and left
his apartment for good he needed to move again. He wouldn't have to eat again
for at least a year. Storing the fat he had absorbed to feed off of.

His eyes hurt as the sunlight shined on them waking him. He walked to the window
opening sunlight kissed his skin it felt good and warm. He doubled over in pain
as he felt the hunger grinding in his stomach making him feel wheezy. *** he
thought he was going to have to eat again..he wanted to wait until it was night,
being masked by the shadows.

His new apartment was crappier then the last the land lord even more of a pain
in his ass. He sat down resting his head in between his hands. He tried eating
animal fat long before but it made him ill, males fat tasted rancid to him, and
fat from a corpse was sickening. He only liked fat women needing to eat the
thought was romanticized in his mind. Father ate male and female fat liking the
taste of both. Telling his son to never eat obese women all those centuries ago.
He wanted to but never dared try allegedly it could...he wasn't sure what?
He sat there for hours just waiting like a junkie trying to get a fix. He had
fallen asleep waking by the sound of a bus beeping and someone screaming at
another. Night had fallen and he stood slowly his muscles aching. Quickly
leaving he went on the prowl, trying to sniff out someone who would be perfect.
He searched for hours but then saw her, a plump little hispanic girl with
glasses. She was working at the town convenience store. Alone in the store he
rushed inside rubbing his hands.

"Its cold out there." He said to her trying to be friendly.

She smiled weakly looking tired and pissed she was on her shift all alone. He
walked up to her. His heart raced, she looked fatter close up.

"Need some company?"

She shook her head.

"Just get out when your done."

Reading her name tag he said "What's wrong Lesly? Everything okay?"

He kept putting on his charm hoping to get his feeding in maybe in back, then
none would be the wiser. He kept up the conversation learning about her, he
liked learning about his victims before he fed on them.

With some slight convincing he managed to get her in back. His mental struggle
still going on but easier to ignore as his hunger grew more intense everyday.
They started fooling around in back he was about to feed on her, he had even
numbed her body holding her down he popped out his upper teeth and was about to
do his lower when he heard the door chime in front of the store.

"You said you locked the door..." He muttered angrily.

It couldn't be helped he had to let her go out. He bit the side of his cheek and
spit at her, a cloud of white spores filled the air. She breathed it in and she
was able to feel where she was stepping again. He pointed toward there and
mouthed 'go'...she ran out to see who had come in. So close...he popped his
false teeth in again and was about to leave out a back door when he heard

"Bitch turn it off and give it here!"

He heard something smash on the ground and the girl scream.

"I said shut up!"

He heard a gun shot. Followed by a blood curtling scream. She started crying out
for him. -*** now what-

"You have someone back there bitch? You better get them out now or your dead!"

"No please come out! I'll let you!"

Not knowing his feeding was a death sentence she begged for him to come. He
walked out arms raised in a non threatening manor. He looked at her he had shot
her leg hitting an artery. She was bleeding out. Once he had numbed something it
was also to make the fat of the body separate from muscles becoming more
maluable. But if they was useless. He stared in the eyes of the white
man with the gun. Not even noticing a black man with one and a hispanic looking
man with a wooden bat.

"You stupid ***! You shot her artery! She's bleeding out!"

She gasped not realizing the weight of her injury, still feeling somewhat numb

"Call an ambulance, now!"

The kid laughed at him waving the gun at him.

"Make me...."

The hispanic guy behind him with the bat swung it full force into his left
temple, the bat exploded splinters spinning throughout the air. His hair piece
flying off, a contact flying out, his nose flying and both of his fake teeth
shattered. He turned around at the young adult with the broken bat. He screeched
at him seeing the front of the mans pants get wet as he trembled in fear.

"You bastard!"

He grabbed the top of the mans head and lifted him up with ease. His legs
flailing while he clawed at his face trying to get him off screaming in terror
the whole time. Cyrus slammed him down into the ground face first a sickening
crack was heard as his body bounced once then went limp, blood oozing from his
head Cyrus let go taking his attention to the other men.
One of them started screaming and shooting his gun. Each bullet pushed him back
sinking into his flesh and ripping its way out his back. When the man was out of
bullets he still tried shooting only hearing a series of clicks.

"Nice try."

The bloody holes on his body filled in with new tissue immediately. The man
tried running away but Cyrus wouldn't have it. He rushed up behind him and
grabbed the back of his head with his right arm pulling him up and over his left
knee. Slammed him down while bringing his knee up he literally broke his back in
two then throwing him aside back bent in a horificly obscene way.

His attention was back to the man who had shot Lesly. He heard her moan on the
floor, she was still alive!

"Just feed on me...I'm dying anyway.." She whispered.

He took her up on that quickly he lept from where he was standing landing hard
on top of her straddling her. He pulled her up and pushed her head to the side
sinking his teeth in and sucking hard he started to get what he had come for. He
got all of her fat out and her thin frame went limp. He let her go her head
bouncing on the hard floor. He felt a gun barrel on the back of his head.

"You loose..." said the man with the gun.

Cyrus wrapped his legs around Lesly's corpse and leaned forward bucking her
body back at him. He quickly rolled along the ground clumsily as he rushed the
man slammed his palm into his chest hearing an audible balloon like pop. He
dropped his gun as he held in chest in agony as his blood slowly stopped

Cyrus looked around the store in horror at what he had done. Throwing him into a
deep dark depression. He didn't want to live anymore, vowing to never feed again
until he passed away. He left that town taking his small box with him once

He was living on the streets
wearing a mask to conceal his abnormalities now. He aimlessly would wonder
around the city fighting his urges every step of the way. One night really put
him to the test though.

It was darker then usual, the night sky had a lot of clouds going over the
moon, even though it was almost full. He was laying on a roof of a building
staring into the night sky. He heard a commotion in an ally way near him. It was
muffled but he could make only a few words one of them sounded like "fat" and
the other "***" perhaps to demean someone. He heard a woman scream for help.
His ears hyper focusing on the conversation now.

"No one can hear you ***! Where all gonna take a turn at you disgusting pig!
Then leave you for dead."
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.