Lust bite

chapter 11

He nodded to the rest of them as they opened Sumihs door to see what was inside.
They all didn't expect what they witnessed.

"Oh my god..." A few of them said.

Sumih was an easy eight hundred pounds and was gorging feverishly not even
noticing the door open.

"What the *** is this? Where's the guy you hired us to kill?! This is
disgusting!" The ring leader yelled.

He wondered who they where talking to. Why they wanted him dead? No matter,
Sumihs door rushed down and slammed onto the floor locking immediately. Creating
his diversion he slipped out of the shadows and swiped at the farthest back
intruder. His head ripped clean off, his scream cut short as his heavy body
slumped to the floor. They all spun around looking at there fallen comrade.

"Why are you in my home?" He was in front of the leader of the group still in
the shadows holding the head of the man, his face contorted in anguish blood
trickled from his open neck. Taking the headset off of him he placed it on
himself. Dropping the severed head it bounced and rolled hitting the leaders

"Jesus christ!" The man jumped back. The others where still speechless.

"Hello? Who is this?" He said.

He heard laughter on the other end. "It is you isn't it? You ***ing monster! I
finally found you!"

"Monster?" The leader whispered.

Cyrus stepped out into a fraction of light, the illumination lit up his horrific
face. They all stood unmoving.

"Who are you?!" Cyrus demanded.

"My name is killed my friends my girlfriend and left me for dead!" The
man screamed.

"I did?" Cyrus chuckled.

"You snapped my back in two you bastard!" The man screamed even louder.

"Oh you, Kelly right?" Cyrus questioned.

" do you know her name?" There was a tremble in Jays voice.

"Thanks for the victims Jay. I will send your girlfriend to come get you." Cyrus
opened Corisas door slightly and grabbed Kellys ankle pulling her out violently.
The naked woman layed there unmoving waiting for a command. He placed the
headset on her head and waved his hand in front of her, releasing her from her

"Go find Jay, bring him back. Talk to him you have catching up to do."

She ran to the nearest window and dove out of it, running off to go find him. He
stood turning his attention to his intruders once again smiling.

"Sorry about that, its a little cramped in here don't you think? Let's play
outside." He said with a chummy tune in his voice.

He furrowed his brow concentrated as an invisible force pushed them along toward
the window. Like leaves in the wind they rolled around trying to keep there
balance as they where pushed. He was mistaken originally there was fifteen
people. As they tumbled outside flood lights flashed on illuminating the area.
He pushed them all out except one, walking slowly up to him he grasped his neck
and lifted him slowly as he floated out the window.

"I missed this...thank you..." He snarled.

One clean swipe across the mans body and his four limbs plummeted to the ground
bouncing as they hit it. His scream was ear piercing as it erupted from his
mouth, such force behind it he dislocated his jaw but kept going. Letting him go
his half a body fell and made a wet thump as it landed. He zipped through the
air and landed in between four of the men.

"Come at me all at once!" He demanded.

One of them gaining enough courage ran at him slamming his gun to Cyrus's cheek
ready to pull the trigger. The other three followed suit and surrounded him.
Smirking he let his body go limp as he jumped up spinning around sending a fury
of punches and kicks at them, breaking bones and rupturing there organs. The
four men fell in a bloody mess as he turned his attention to one of them running

"Don't go! We're having fun!" He screamed to him.

He outstretched his arm as static danced over it, a giant blast of electricity
shot out just as the man turned around to see if he was being followed. The
blast engulfed him his scream cut short from the intensity of the bolt. It left
nothing more then a charred smoldering corpse mouth agape.

Cyrus began laughing slowly as his onslaught continued loving every second of
the genocide never wanting it to end. The endorhpens being released rivaling
that of sex. His body was shaking with anticipation as he lunged an arm forward
grabbing a man with telekenesis. He spun him around like a play thing as he made
him dance and move in ways not humanly posible. He smiled showing all his razor
sharp teeth as he clenched his fists. The man screaming in agony as the
invisible force slowly crushed him.

"Please! No! I don't want t-" His pleading petered out as the crimson liquid
drained from his body. Eight of them remained and they had barely fought back he
stood up and waved his arm to them, taunting them. The leader stood resolute
aiming his gun at him.

"Come on if we all shoot him we can take him down!!" He screamed.

They all took aim waiting for there leaders next command, Cyrus' evil grin never
"Fire!" The leader yelled.
The guns hummed as the bullets where sent rocketing at him. They looked slow to
him, he saw them creep toward him. Just before they hit him he danced a alien
like dance solely to avoid, but it looked so random as he did so. He danced
perfectly, each bullet whizzing by him, he danced his strange dance up to the
closest man. He grabbed his hand and move it to the mans head, his rag dolled
body fell heavily to the ground, droplets of blood and brain matter floating in
the air. They all ran out of bullets and they quickly reloaded. His dance
done for now he rushed toward one of them and let him open fire.

"Die monster! Die!!" He screamed. As the bullets slammed onto his skin making
flashes as it sparked against it. The mans face turned pale as he realized it
was futile.

"My turn..." Cyrus placed his palm flat as flames erupted from it, the flames
wrapping into one another creating a tight knit fireball. He lazily through it,
the man exploded in a blaze of hellish flames. Running around screaming for
release from the horrible fate bestowed to him. Falling to the ground his
screams where muffled by his own fluids bubbling over.

Six men stood before him, his laughter becoming more intense as the time passed.
He slipped his thoughts into one of them forcing him to shoot a comrade down.

"***! Why did you shoot me!" The fallen man aimed and shot his attacker in the
head as he bled out slowly on the ground. The remaining men dropped there guns
slowly losing hope. Hearing a commotion near a wooded area Cyrus observed a
large bus rocketing toward him. The driver covered in blood screaming, he sensed
Kelly behind the bus, she must have attacked him to get to Jay. The bus swerved
left to right as it came toward him.

"Now this is fun!" He screamed as he rushed the bus tackling the giant
automobile it exploded into the air engulfed in flames the drivers body was
incinerated from the massive blast. The empty shell off the bus slammed onto the
ground breaking apart, parts flying everywhere. Some shrapnel sliced up one of
the men his screams cut off by a tire slamming into his face, snapping his neck.
There hope extinguished once again they just stood watching, waiting for his
next move.

"I'll kill you!" The leader screamed his anger boiling over and exploding as he
charged toward him. He threw a barrage of punches at him, Cyrus easily blocked
them the blows felt like rain droplets to him. He thought for a second
remembering Corisa would need a new feeder. He let the leader throw one more
enraged punch, palming his fist away to the right he slipped behind him and
twisted his neck all the way around. The crack was sickening as his body went
limp, he cradled him and sunk his teeth in sucking him until he was a small teal
colored orb. Almost vomiting in his mouth he spit at the ground he hated feeding
on men. The other two men even more terrified, he heard one mans bowels evacuate
themselves while the other managed to run away screaming.

Kelly walked up with a passed out Jay slumped over her shoulder, she barely
managed to spit out the words.

"What now master?" She asked through her teeth.

Smirking he cocked his head back staring into her eyes. "Take him to the seventh
feeding room, strip him down and use the arm restraints. Then wait."

She nodded "Yes sir...right away.." She jumped up to the window they had come
out of and disappeared down the hallway.

Turning back to the remaining intruders he rushed the man who shit himself and
gently clothes lined him. His neck popping spinal cord tearing as the vertebrae
sliced into it. His body started falling down head wobbling to one side, but he
caught him in his invisible telekenetic net hoisting him back up. He flung the
corpse at panicked runner having it tackle him to the ground. The corpse
floating several inches in the air, wobbling head flopping while it moved. The
man started screaming again as his dead opponent kicked and punched him, the
dead limbs landing heavy blows. Battered and bruised the scared shitless man
layed down crying waiting for the inevitable.

Having the corpse fall limply to the ground Cyrus appeared immediately above the
man holding him up, hands behind his head firmly.
"Wait I do-!" Was all he managed as Cyrus head butt his head making it explode
like a water balloon. Blood and brain matter dripping down his face. Elated how
things had transpired in the last ten minutes he laughed hysterically riding out
the euphoric experience.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.