Lust bite

chapter 13

Looking through the window he felt his dick spark alive. Diana was making out
with her feeder Sara her feeder caressing her folds in between a massive
feeding. Stomach fed beyond its max. Cyrus licked his lips feeling his pulse
starting to rise. Her read out read two thousand three hundred pounds. He
shivered trying to have his urges subside walking away from the door.

Monika's ass was enormous and looked as if it was starting to swallow the rest
of her. Her belly and tits huge as well where small in comparison compared to
her ass. She weighed in at four thousand two hundred pounds. A marvelously fat
achievement, sex impossible other then in the booty, or just a nice warm fat
fold. Pulling away again he spotted Jays door wanting to take a quick peek
before he went over to Maura's.

Kelly was on top of him riding his ***. They had learned to accept there
fate and indulged in there darkest desires. He let them be since they where
doing well on there own. She slowly came to a stop on top as she layed across
his huge belly both of them breathing heavily. He fattened himself up to a
astonishing two thousand five hundred, very good for someone who was disgusted
by the minimal thought of this. He smirked, they best enjoy it while it lasts
there ends may be coming near.

He finally stopped at Maura's, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back he
would need to *** that bitch. Whether it be her belly button, or any fold on
her he had plenty to choose from. He just glanced at her panel seeing her body
filling the whole frame. The weight display said five thousand three hundred
pounds. Her imposibly fat body was a marvel to witness. He opened her door and
saw her insanely fat body, the room smelled stagnant and thick. Two tubes went
into her mouth, a feeding tube and a intubation tube forcing air into her
lunges, her heavy fat making it impossible to breathe on her own. Even without
the tubes in speaking would be impossible the fat on her face so packed her jaw
was barely able to move, her eyes forced shut from the extra poundage, neck
non-existant it burrowed in large fat folds on her neck. Her arms looked like
giant marshmallowy throw pillows, hands half covered by the fat on her wrists.
Tits hanging along the side of her belly, and her belly a massively orb of fat.
It hung over her feet by several feet. Her pussy utterly inaccessible now, belly
button at least a foot deep he had used it to *** before it felt great second
best to sex. The room was freezing cold keeping it that way so she wouldn't

"Good morning Maura. How's my monster?" He said even though she couldn't hear
him, fat folds covering her ears.

A feeding already in process her body unable to move at all only when food was
pumped into her like a tick feeding to its max. He placed a hand on her belly.

-I said good morning Maura.- he said to her telepathicly.

-I'm feeding Cyrus. What do you want?- she thought back quickly.

-Just wanted to check up on my monster.- He started pushing his fingers into her
deep navel fingering them around.

-*** it...that's all you can *** on me now. Cyrus how long are you going to
keep this up? My body can't take much more of this.-

He caressed her belly shivering wanting her badly.
-I know...I know..-

He put his hard dick into her belly button as he started humping hard she yelped
in her thoughts.

-Ow Cyrus your hurting me...-

-I know...- he wrapped his arms and legs around her belly as he kept ***ing. As
her stomach filling up it felt better on his rock hard cock. Smacking her belly
with bath hands until the tightening flesh was beat red he felt her finishing
off her remaining feeding. Not caring anymore knowing what a monster she had
become, she shit for a long while having her belly shrink a little and become
very malleable again.

-You fat ***! Yes bitch! Fat ***ing whale!- He started cumming into her belly
button hard he heard a small pop as his super forced semen slammed into her
inner button.

-Ow...ow please stop...that hurts!!- her thoughts screamed to him panic in her
voice, she knew he was almost done with her maybe it was now she thought.

He pulled out his dick it sticky with semen and blood. The mixture of the thick
fluids dropped to the ground as he pat her large gut.

-You are to fat to keep this up with Maura...become my queen, I will give you a
fraction of my power if you help me..- he waited for her response.

-What if I refuse?- she asked.

He used his mind to pull at her breathing tube slowly pulling it out.
-Then you die...-

-Wait! Okay I will do whatever you wish..I've lost myself so much as it is.-

He smiled as he placed his mouth upon her belly button and started sucking her
-Now was that so hard?!-

He squeezed her amazingly large belly like a giant pimple sucking out all the
fat within it. Her skin tightening as he went, the food she had just gorged on
started to come up. Her body already changing, not needing normal sustenance it
was expeling it in large quantities. Krista turned the food pump in reverse
helping the half digested soupy mixture flow out, still some over flowed out the
sides of her mouth.
-Cyrus I feel really sick...- she thought to him.

-Of course your bodies make up is changing completely. It will be over soon.-

He had sucked down half her fat he had never fed this much on one person before.
He slowed for a second feeling an odd sensation. He felt full? His insatiable
appetite dissipated. The suction he usually rode during his feeding to finish it
but he had to suck on his own now. His stomach started ballooning up from all of
the food, it felt strange his belly starting to get hard as he sucked her down
to nine hundred pounds. Forcing his way through he kept going despite himself
starting to feel sick as well. Maura could speak now her stomach void of the
feeding she had just had.

"What wrong Cyrus? Your slowing down." She asked quizzicaly.

-I feel full its hard to push through.-

"Kind of like what you have been doing to us? Come on keep it up!" She
encouraged him.

It was like that, he wouldn't gain any weight but he was stuffing himself like
he forced them to. Forcing himself to go a bit long he finally got her down to
what he wanted to. She was a frail emaciated eighty pounds when he finished. Her
bony structure easily visible. There was also physical changes as well, her pale
sking became porcelain white, her eyes became milky white just like his, her
facial features stayed the same other then her teeth becoming sharp and menacing
like his own, her short jet black hair turned as white as her skin. The puncture
wound in her belly button closed up as she fell to the ground shivering barely
able to move. Holding her stomach as she curled up into a ball she yelled.

"This is the hunger you have been fighting?!" She stared at him with her blank
"Yes it was." He stood straight up his stomach sloshed full of fat. His belly
started to deflate as his muscles on his body tightened and grew. They relaxed
again as he felt a rush of memories and strength flow into his body. Breathing
heavily he smiled at Maura.

"Would you like someone to eat my queen?" He teased her.
"Yes!!" She lashed out at Krista but was to weak to get to her.
"No not her I have a present for you."

He scooped her up in his arms her body still covered in vomit, blood and
excrement. She passed out in his arms as he arrived at door seven. Kelly was
done ***ing Jay and she was rubbing his gut as he layed back moaning. Pressing
the release hatch the door started raising on its own his presence took a damper
on there new lifestyle.
"Kelly move aside." He told her.
She stood resolute not budging continuing to rub him. Placing Maura down she
stirred awake seeing the bitch Kelly in front of her. As well as a decent meal
behind her.
"I said move!" He yelled.

Kelly stood slowly facing them her body shaking, out stretching her arms as a
trickle of blood came out from her nose.
"I refuse I love hi-" she was cut off.
Maura had back handed her her head spinning around as a loud crack echoed
through the room. Her limp body slapped loudly against the floor as a panicked
stricken look formed on Jay's face. Unable to move anything he could only close
his eyes and wait. Kelly's eyes started to glaze over as the life seeped from
her body.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.