Lust bite

chapter 14

She staggered over to his gut and slapped a hand on each side of it. Sinking her
teeth in he yelled in agony as she created a forceful suction having him shrink
quickly as she consumed his life giving fat. Her muscles grew firm and
pronounced, some fat being stored on her body leaving her at a plump one hundred
thirty pounds. She moaned and grunted as she sucked up the last bit of his
fluids, his mummified body flaking away as it turned to dust leaving a orange
orb in his place. She layed down breathing hard as her body still processed the
food intake.
"That was great.." She winced in pain and grabbed her head screaming as like
with him she was learning a ability. He had only given her one ability to learn,
now just learning how to use it properly would be there goal. He helped her off
the floor and kissed her feeling her new body under his firm grasp, her skin
much tougher then before he kind of liked it. But he didn't create her to ***
he needed her to be strong.

He pulled away smiling at her, he dropped back as he threw a kick to the side of
her head. She was caught by the blow full force as she bounced across the floor
in a daze. She spun around glaring at him.
"What the *** was that fo-" She started searching the room losing track of
where he'd gone. She winced in pain as Cyrus slammed a fist along her spine,
twisting his knuckles into her vertebrae, he felt a few pop underneath his heavy
"We need to work on your reflexes." Before he finished she was upon him throwing
punches and kicks in a pain filled rage. Catching her wrists he spun around
sweeping her legs out from under her as he flipped her and slammed her hard on
her back. He leaned over looking into her white eyes.

"We need to train if your going to help me. Do you understand?"

She looked confused. "Help you with what?"

"Helping me kill my father, once and for all." He said coldly. "Now let's

He thrust a harsh blow down at her, she managed to roll away at the last second.
His fist stuck in the concrete ground he pulled it out harshly coming after her

~One Month Later~

His fist nearly connected with her forehead but she skillfully dodged it
slamming her own five hit combo into his iron like flesh. Shaking her aching
hands she charged him throwing blows faster she could ever imagine she could. He
smashed a fist into her nose, it crunched from the blow as she was flung back
several yards. She landed on her feet as her nose crunched back to its original
form. She got back into her fighting stance waiting for him to come again.

"Maura..." He never spoke when they trained she wondered what he was playing.
"We are almost ready." He threw the orange orb to her and nodded to her.
"Bring him back..if you can."

She smirked as she rubbed her hands together focusing in bringing Jay back,
bringing out the trapped being in the orb, just like what he taught her. The orb
began to stretch as Jay's naked body pushed its was out, coughing up orange
liquid he looked around confused, the injuries he had in his first life
completely gone. Maura was about to attack and kill him when Cyrus interjected.

"Leave him he can come help as well." He appeared next to Maura and hugged her.

"We are almost there. I just want to try an attack on myself...if I die I need
you to bring me back."

She nodded accepting that Cyrus knew what was best. He ran into the center of
there training facility as he began concentrating.

His hunger hadn't come back, it was amazing the pain he always felt and the need
was gone. Now he fed the girls just out of sheer lust, he liked that. He
cleared his thoughts as he put his hand out fingers spread out like he was
holding a ball. He closed his fist tight then sprang it open fingers straining
as a small white orb formed flashing as it grew. The white energy vibrated
making a high pitch humming sound. He closed his eyes ready as he would ever be.

"Bring me back if I die!"

He yelled a short war cry as he forced the ball off his hand it rocketed through
the air. He clenched his fist as he yelled a small circular tear ripped through
space and time as it swallowed the ball in a flash of red light. Remaining calm
he placed his hands to his sides ad he clenched his fist again. The tear
reopened a foot in front of him. The energy ball hurtled toward his unmoving
form, closing his eyes he let orb continue it destructive path.

Immediately he knew this was a mistake the radiated energy alone was starting
to seer his skin. The ball touched his chest the vibrating energy tearing apart
his flesh at a cellular level, each cell torn apart and disintegrated. The
horrible humming radiated through his ears as his skin ripped apart. He tried
not to scream for as long as he could but the pain was unbearable, he lasted
until the energy was tearing up his heart. His body taking to much consecutive
injuries to heal right away he was at the mercy of the energy ball.

"Oh shit! Ahhhhh!!" His scream grew louder and louder as the ball expanded
inside him, becoming unstable it exploded in a flash of light. His what he
thought to be indestructable body was thrown several hundred yards, his skin
torn open on almost every part of his body. The lucky part was the torn skin,
most had been shredded down to the bone. He still screamed in agony as his body
healed. New skin flesh formed over his bones as the torn flesh crept to meet in
the middle a sow back into itself. He sat up slowly as his skin finished healing
completely out of breathe. Maura and Jay had run up to him to see if he was

" can survive that attack." He paused thinking. "We shall go in
the morning. We are ready, let's rest until then."

She was probably one of the thinnest women he had ***ed, but it was still good.
Her ass packed enough, as well as her small forming belly. The moonlight shined
across there imposibly white skin. He could hump her full force not worrying
they he would tear her open. His humping sounded extremely loud as there flesh
slapped hard together. The white skin around her pussy turning red from the
friction. They both screamed as they came consecutively, he was still humping
her hard she screamed louder as he finished his load in her.

"That was great Cyrus, I feel so high right now."

He stood up and started to walk away. "I have some things to arrange for
tommarrow, you get some sleep so you are ready to help."

She looked sad wanting to be with him all night. "Okay...I love you Cyrus..."

His back turned to her, his face grimaced. "I love you too Maura." He stepped
out and closed the door behind him as he sped off down the halls. He reached the
slave quarters and went to Krista's room she lay sound asleep in her bed. He
tapped her hard and yelled her name.
"Krista wake up!" She stir awake fully alert bowing her head to him.
"Yes sir I am. What is it you desire?" She asked.
He placed a hand firmly on her shoulder.
"You are in charge while I am gone. If anything happens to me..take care of the
"Yes master I will."

He didn't feel horny, nor hungry, he was nervous, he hadn't seen his 'father' in
over a thousand years. His memories still foggy about his 'fathers' death, all
he could remember was that he was killed and the small black orb formed not
knowing what to do ge kept it, feeling lost without his 'fathers' guidance. He
missed him in a way although he despised him, he was always moving knowing what
to do. He had questions for him and he would finally be able to ask him after
all this time, he would at last have answers.

He was winning his 'father' coiling as his fists collided with his soft skin. He
remembered his 'father' being much stronger then this. The featureless slab of
flesh on his head started to bleed after repeated blows. Blood trickling down
where a nose should be.
He lay on the ground shivering in pain. His face contorted with rage he pulled
his arm back as it trembled.
"This ends here!" He yelled as he threw a final blow, blood splattered into the
air and the surrounding area.

He sat up awake, feeling calm less nervous. His dream almost insinuating an easy
victory for him. Was he ready? Even with fate on his side. He thought so. It was
cloudy out mist flowing through the air, perhaps it would clear up later?
Shaking his head he wiped out the thought. He needed to do this before he had
second thoughts. Going into the closet in his room he moved the clothes aside
and sitting in back was the small black box. Grasping it firmly, he went and got
the multiple teethed key. Changing into casual attire he rushed to get Maura.
"Maura! Let's go." He said as he was about to open her door, it swung open she
was standing with Jay both ready to go.
"Let's go Cyrus." Her eagerness gave him confidence.
"Follow me you two." Running off in a full sprint they both followed not to far

He didn't go far beyond his compound. There was a large secluded field just past
some woods at the edge of his property. The large flat land surrounded by large
trees. The lush grassy ground was damp as they walked into the middle of the
"Maura I need you to go lay low in the brush, do not interfere unless I tell you
otherwise. You need to bring me back if I am to die. Understood?" She nodded
compliant as she ran off to hide. Turning to Jay he smiled.
"You stay here, you can be a human shield if need be." He chuckled to himself as
he placed the box to the ground. Putting the key in it he turned it, popping
open the black orb looked ominous sitting to one back corner of it. Breathing
heavily he tried to calm down as he placed his hands over it.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.