Lust bite

chapter 15

"Its now or never..." Waving his hands over he started the process. He regretted
doing it becoming uncertain if he possessed the strength.

The orb started giving off a dark purple light as it began shifting. The shell
of the orb started to crack, dark purple light shined out of the crack as they
got larger. A massive shock wave of energy erupted from the ball as it shattered
open, the box disintegrated in the process. The surrounding area was flooded in
the purple light blinding him. Shielding his eyes he waited until it stopped,
when he removed them his heart skipped a beat. There he was, his 'father'
standing there unmoving eyes shut tightly. Black liquid turned to vapor as the
air hit his skin. He eerily looked like him, almost like a twin. He yelled out
to him.

No response.
The devilish figures eyes fluttered under his eyelids, he got his attention.
"FATHER!!" He screamed at the top of his lunges.

He felt his father mind invade his own scooping out the knowledge needed to
understand what he was saying. It felt like needles being stuck into his brain.
Shaking his head the pain went away.

"Father!" He yelled again.
His 'fathers' eyes shot open, the completely black eyes caught him off guard.
They pierced through him, seeing everything. His black cold eyes stared blankly
at him his mouth slowly opening.
He sounded confused, in his first life Cyrus never referred to him as 'father'.
Mostly insults, he was always disgusted by his 'fathers' actions.

"I know I've never called you that before, but its been a long time since we
have seen one another." He blurted quickly.

A evil grin crept along his 'fathers' face baring his menacingly sharp teeth.
He began chuckling a low devilish laugh, slowly building up to a loud taunting
roar of laughter, laughing so hard he threw his head back eyes closed once again
as he uncontrollably laughed.

"*** you! Why are you laughing?!" Cyrus exploded with anger. His 'fathers'
laughter subsided, his face ice cold and uncaring as before. He thought for a
moment searching for the right words, just moments before learning the language.

"Because Cyrus you stupid ***...I'm not your father."

Cyrus felt a shiver go through him. Not his father? Then who was he? Who is he?
He knew who Cyrus was.
"Then who are you? Are we brothers? Tell me!" His voice was shaking.

"No, I am Cirus. C-I-R-U-S. You really don't remember do you?" Cirus said

" memories aren't all there." He felt cold uncertain if Cirus was telling
the truth. Cirus lifted his hand to his head and pretended to pull a ball from
it. He threw the imaginary ball at Cyrus.

"Here remember..." Cirus whispered.

A painful shock wave jolted through his head as the lost memories poured in.
The truth hurt more then he thought it would, never expecting they where the
same person. Split apart a couple of millennia ago. Cirus had died several
centuries ago. Perhaps there former self had been around for perhaps eons? They
couldn't be sure.

"We are the same person?" Asked Cyrus.

"That's right, two halves of one whole! I want us to become one again! That's
how I died you where to weak to support the transformation back! You seem
stronger now much stronger, so we shall finally be one once again!" Screamed

"Why did we split in the first place?! There had to be a reason." Cyrus screamed
knowing the answer he still asked.

"There Our old self hated loving fat wanted to solely revel in
fighting and feeding casting the sexual urges away. Instead we split, I always
despised your likes. Its disgusting. So when we combine I will make sure to cast
you out!" Cirus laughed.

"I won't let you!!" Cyrus' began raging.
"Calm down, you won't die...just cease to exist. Oh by the way thanks for the
snack.". A trickle of blood dripped from Cirus' mouth.
Cyrus spun around, Jay's body shriveled up and it blew apart to dust. He jerked
his head back to Cirus, he was right upon him smirking.

Cyrus panicked throwing scared rage fueled punches at Cirus. Most of them he
dodge but the few that hit did a lot of damage, his skin soft and easily
damaged. He must not have his tough skin. He was to quick though to do any real
damage, unless. Concentrating he wrapped Cirus in telekinetic energy stopping
him in his tracks. Rushing him he close lined him while falling down Cyrus
pummeled him as hard and quick as possible. Cirus' body slamming hard onto the
ground as Cyrus continued his onslaught. Kicking him hard in the ribs he was
sent flying through the air landing awkwardly on the ground, as skidding for
several yards until coming to a complete stop. This was his dream, he was
winning, now to strike a final blow. Appearing above Cirus he flung his arm back
clenching his fist. -Cirus was much stronger in his memories perhaps he
surpassed him? He thought-
"It ends here!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as he thrust his fist down.
He could hear Cirus chuckling.

Blood splattered onto the ground, his fist cut right through Cirus and his fist
lodged into the ground. But something was amiss he didn't feel any matter when
he punched through him. A shock wave of pain eminated from his gut as he spat
out more blood. He looked down seeing Cirus' fist through his stomach, but the
skin wasn't broken. "What did you do?" He barely got out through the
agonizing pain.
"We're like opposites. Your skin is rock solid mine is soft. Your insides are
soft, mine are rock solid. See? We need to be one again we fit to perfectly!"
Cyrus lifted his hand through Cirus, Cirus quickly rolled back facing Cyrus.
Blood trickled down his hand.
"How did you penetrate my skin then?" Cyrus demanded.

"Intangibility, I can go through anything and make said parts going through
tangible again. Like so." Cirus ran into Cyrus slamming fists into several spots
on him. Cyrus screamed in agony not able to block any of the blows at all.
Wondering what to do he attacked during the mean time. Each punch lazily going
through Cirus' flesh, how was he supposed to attack. A thought crossed his mind,
he waited for Cirus to attack and when he did he formed a thick wall of
telekinitic energy. The blow produced a large shock wave, they where both
surprised of this outcome, yet they kept throwing blows. Both substantially
slower because of there intense concentration while they pummeled one another.

The booming shock waves ripped apart Cyrus' clothes and soon he was naked. Only
difference between them now was there eyes as they kept the blow per blow battle
almoat evenly matched. Cirus was slowly getting the upper hand. With three quick
jabs Cirus slipped his fingers into Cyrus' chest cavity, as he wrapped his
fingers tightly around his heart. Cyrus gasped as he tried to free himself, but
it was too late Cirus was completely intangible other then Cirus' finger tips
that where pressed firmly into his heart. Each heart beat was utterly agonizing,
Cyrus began screaming and clawing at his chest.
"Cirus stop! Don't you need me alive?!" Pleased Cyrus.
"I never I needed you alive." His smile broadened as he squeezed harder crushing
Cyrus' heart, he began to laugh as he let Cyrus' body slump down hard to the

The sound Cyrus heard when his heart was crushed almost made him sick, sounding
like juicy raw meat being squeezed and ripped apart. His shredded heart beat its
last beat as he felt his blood slowly stop flowing as he lay on the ground. His
life slowly leaving his, but like always it started flowing back in. His heart
piecing back together and beat again as his body slowly began regaining its
He was getting nowhere in this fight at his current performance, he needed to
dig deeper and use some of the new techniques he learned. Still laying on the
ground he placed his hands underneath him using one to charge energy into it.
Static danced over his arm as it sparked off at his hand. Jumping up he charged
at Cirus while he thrust said hand toward him. A blinding flash of light blasted
as a bolt of lightning shot from the palm of his hand. Cirus merely smiled as
the rigid bolt passed right through him striking a large tree in the woods
behind him disintegrating it to ashes.
"Again!" Cyrus screamed as he used the other hand to shoot a bolt. It passed
through him just as easily.

"***er! Die!!" Cyrus slapped his hands together using both palms as a focal
point. Fingers strained as static danced over both hands, small bolts cracked
out from the charging center. Lifted his arms behind his head he thrust them
down as a giant bolt of lightning erupted from his hands hurtling toward Crirus
with incredible destructive power.
Cirus cocked his head to the side as he raised his hands wriggling his fingers
as if controlling something with strings. A large wall of raging water shot from
the ground creating a small rapid flowing in the air around him. The bolt struck
it hitching a ride on the continuous rapids in the air. It spun around creating
a perfect circle, the bolt still flashing through it. In an instant it was
flying with just as much velocity as it went toward him. "Shit!" Cyrus said
under his beathe as he tried to dodge it, but it was to late the water slammed
into him. Seeping into his mouth, nose, and pores. His gurgles screams could
only be heard as water filled his stomach and lunges. His body bloated up
several times as the water entered. At first contact his body had started
convulsing uncontrollably from the lightning, his eyes became blurry as a thick
liquid seeped from them. Water that had seeped in started coming out now as
steam as hi gurgled screams never subsided.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.