Lust bite

chapter 16

His skin turned dark red as his
insides boiled inside him, he slumped to his knees with a wet thud, black tinted
water seeped from his mouth. His once white eyes a burnt brown. His body pushed
the excess water out as his read skin turned pale again and his eyes cleared up.
He blinked several times as his sight returned. Standing in front of him was
Cirus lunging his arm at his throat grasping it tightly under his skin.

"How the *** are you healing so fast?" Cirus demanded.
"I didn't know I was..." Cyrus said jokingly.

Cirus slammed him to the ground.
"Do you still have that unbearable hunger?" Cirus asked.
"Tell me!" Cirus burst out.
"No I hav'nt felt it for awhile." Cyrus explained.
"How much had you eaten after that?"

Cyrus thought.
"Maybe three thousand." He answered.
"Three thousand what?" Cirus pried sounded confused.
"Pounds, three thousand pounds." Cyrus finally spoke up.

Cirus let go of him and began pacing.
"*** no wonder you won't stay down! I thought you didn't kill people for your
feedings!" Cirus screamed.
"I didn't, it was from one person."

Cirus looked stunned.
"Three thousand pounds at one time? What have you been doing since I've been
gone...that's disgusting.." Cirus replied.
"Why exactly does this matter?" Cyrus asked.
"Because! Every thing we do whether its heal or shoot lightning, or whatever! It
takes calories we have absorbed. I don't have many left. So the gloves come off
from here on out. I don't have time to waste, so I have to find something that
will keep you down long enough..."

Cirus wriggled his fingers again but nothing happened. Cyrus was looking around
waiting he laughed to himself.
"I didn't do it yet, ***ing idiot.." Cirus told him.
Placed out his hands he slowly lowered them. Cyrus felt a chill throughout his
body as he felt himself stiffen, his organs began freezing solid while he
watched Cirus laugh to himself. He saw him mouth, -we will be one again...- as
he punched him shattering his body. The pieces started to crawl back together
and heal up where they broke. Still in control of the water in his body Cirus
lifted his arms up now. Cyrus could hear his blood literaly boil as the immense
pain of it caused him to scream out. Skin turning a bright red as he lashed out,
his eyes boiled over. His painful rage exploded as he sent a slice of
telekenetic energy at Cirus. It sliced into him leaving a large gash all the way
accross his torso. Cyrus' body temperature slowly became normal as his body
healed up. Staring at Cirus he did notice that his body was healing at a much
slower rate.

I can do this he thought...I can beat him! Clenching his fists as he raised them
up he opened them quick and forcefully, a dark red fireball popped up from his
palms. He threw them as hard as he could the balls hurtling toward there target.
Cirus clenched his fists as well and lifted them. Boulders buried deep beneath
the ground cracked out from the dirt. Several boulders blocked the fire balls as
they turned red hot from the flames. Punched his fists forward Cirus made the
bloulders rockey toward Cyrus at immense speeds. Unable to dodge they smashed
into him, sinking through his skin and slamming his insides, much like how Cirus
had done before. The burning ember color of the boulders singed and seared his
inside as he screamed in agony. Boulders finally coming to rest after they
ripped out his back his muscular and bone structure visible from behind. The
skin on his back crawled back to form together. He was breathing heavy, never in
his life had he taken so much damage. But yet his body healed just as quick as
it ever had.

"You didn't lie did keep healing up so quickly. I don't have time for
this!" Cirus screamed out.

"Well unlike you I do!" Cyrus boasted, and laughed.

Cirus scowled while placing his arm out, fingers curled toward his palm as he
began pouring mass amounts of energy into the center of the palm. A small black
speck formed and began to grow, a low humming started up as it formed. Growing
to about the size of a baseball. He moved his hand allowing it to float on its
own, it moved down slowly the energy so dense and heavy. Cyrus laughed to
himself, he would be able to dodge that easily judging by how slow it looked.

"Its been fun Cyrus, but after this we will be one again!" Cirus screamed.

Cirus placed his index finger under the energy ball and began spinning it
around. A small cyclone formed over it as the ball began spinning extremely
fast, thrusting his arm forward the ball went into action and sped toward Cyrus.
Deciding dodging would be useless he was going to shoot his own energy ball and
stop it in its tracks. He waited as the ball lept at him almost upon him. An
extra gust of wind sped the ball right into his vicinity. Forming his energy
ball quickly he thrust it out to block the other. But instead it slipped right
through and went right into his chest. It stopped in his heart as it became
tangible energy again. All he could hear was the horrible humming as it
compressed every cell it came into contact with, then blowing it apart. He
screamed a garbled scream due to the vibration as he felt his internal organs
crush and blow away. His chest blew open as the black ball was visible from the
blow out. Trying to grab at it was futile, it simply crushed and blew apart his

Cirus had appeared in front of him smiling, mouthing -its over.- subsequently
the ball exploded tearing him apart as his body parts littered the ground, still
having lingering effects from the energy ball. His body slowly reformed to much
amazement to both of them. Patches of skin still singing away and then healing
all over his body. Standing slowly he slouched over breathing heavily unable to

"Looks like we need another to finish you off!" Cirus yelled as he ran toward
him black ball already formed.

Cyrus knew he only had one chance at this, he had to time it perfectly. Cirus
was inches from his chest with the ball. Cyrus created his white energy ball
quickly and threw it at Cirus chest. Just as the black one began scorching his
flesh. His white ball started slipping through Cirus chest, all according to

"Die!" They both yelled at one another.

Cyrus flexed his hand as the small pocket dimension ripped open sucking in the
black ball. Relaxing his hand said pocket dimension re-opened right on Cirus'
back shooting out the black ball. The black and white balls clashing into one
another inside Cirus. Still intangible the balls did nothing, but he couldn't
stay that way for very long. Cirus tried to simply move being intangible it
wouldn't have been a problem. Except Cyrus was sending a bombardment of
telepathic energy at him, making him paralyzed. Ripping at Cirus thoughts he
learned he was only able to stay completely intangible for about thirty seconds,
only a little bit more he smiled at Cirus as the energy started to damage him.

"Go to hell..." Cyrus whispered.

Cirus' body became tangible in a split second, his face contorted in utter
anguish as both energy balls crushed and tore him from the inside out.

His body started convulsing from the output from the clashing energies. The
balls glowed illuminating Cirus both balls easily visible for a onlooker. An
unexpected occurrence happened the balls started to fuse into one another. A
gray light shone within Cirus now as a dark gray ball double the size from
before was created within him. Cirus body was being ripped up much worse then
Cyrus' had been. Wanting to finish this off Cyrus charged a giant bolt of
lightning again, and shot it right into the large gray energy ball. It absorbed
it sucking all the energy in quickly, then promptly exploded in a gray flash of
light. The energy blast it gave off sent Cyrus back several yards before he dug
his feet in and stopped himself.

"I did it. I beat him!" Cyrus exclaimed.

But then he saw something move, a slab of interwoven muscular tissue pulsated on
the ground as Cirus body quickly started to reform. Rushing the slab Cyrus began
pummeling it, fists getting wet from the bloody mass. Spinning around quickly
toward the woods he called out.

"Maura! Help me!!" He heard rustling as she sped out full force appearing beside
him pummeling the mass just the same. A shrill cry emanated deep within the
mass, water around them sprang to life as it wrapped around the mass. Creating a
sphere that promptly froze. Three slabs of rock also sprang up surrounding the
mass, and to top it off gale force winds where forced from the crudely made
structure. They waited several minutes, then the winds died down and they heard
movement within the structure. In an instant it exploded open, rock dust and
frost filled the air. Cirus was breathing extremely hard, bent over with his
eyes closed he looked exhausted, but he managed to stand straight and glare down

"You brought a companion did you? Doesn't matter I will still ki-" Cirus
stumbled forward shaking his head. His face turned stern and serious as his eyes
bugged out when he thought.
"*** this...I'll do it now.." He sprang into action running full throttle
toward Cyrus he would have slammed into him if he wasn't intangible stopping
when he was inside Cyrus he spun around trying to line up his body with Cyrus'
there eyes turned gray as they crossed over. Cirus turned tangible as cursed
under his breathe.

"Stand still!" Cirus screamed.

"What the hell are you doing?" Cyrus demanded.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.