Lust bite

chapter 3

The man burst out laughing maniacally. He hated this what should he do? Help
her? He wasn't sure until he heard her pleading more for anyone to come help.
Sighing he got up and walked to the ledge staring down into the ally way. Four
men and a woman where harassing what seemed to be two women on the ground asking
for help. Funny he only heard one...he took a second glance it was one woman!
One very large woman...she had to be over five hundred pounds. His hunger made
his stomach growl in anguish, he felt weak though he would need to eat the
smaller girl to have enough strength.

Jumping over the ledge he plummeted down landing hard in front of the fat woman
facing her attackers. Everyone had jumped staring at this man not know his
intentions. He looked back at the woman. She had a corset top on with black mesh
sleeves on, a black skirt with blue around the bottom edge, with black fish net
stockings some had rips in them. Her shoes where black and unlaced. Her hair was
short and black with a purple streak, eye shadow on as well the same color as
well as a darker purple lipstick. She was pretty and smelled so good.


He hollered she tried getting up but her knee seemed to be bothering her. He
hung his head sighing.


He rushed toward her scooping her up in his arms and began running out of the
alleyway when he felt they had gone far enough he gently put her down taking in
a whiff of her body feeling himself becoming aroused and hungry.
"Wait here..."

He sprinted his way back to where her attackers where meeting in the middle,
they obviously started following them.

"We won't hurt you if you just give us that pig!" The leader he assumed yelled
to him.

"No...I guess I'm supposed to retort that saying something like 'if you leave
you won't get hurt' right? Well you are going to hurt a lot...sorry.."

He pulled up his mask revealing his mouth and jumped at the girl slamming her
into the wall he bit her shoulder, she let out a terrible scream. He covered her
mouth with his other hand her screams muffled as he sucked her dry. What little
fat she had on her body wasn't enough so he had to drain it all again. When he
was done her let go of her dry mummified remains, they fell back and she
shattered into a puff of dust. A pink glowing orb bounced into the air and he
caught it quickly pocketing it. They all stared at him dumbfounded and
terrified. He pulled his mesh mask off revealing the horrors underneath.

Taking that chance Cyrus lept at one of them throwing his feet forward at him
last second, landing one on his chest and one on his face. The man fell back
yelping as Cyrus landed on top of him standing, slamming down hard with the foot
on his head having his head pop. Another one of them pulled out a large machete
swinging it at him, using his forearm to block it the blade sank in several
inches. Flexing his arm the flesh shot the blade out of the mans hands and into
the air. His skin folding into itself while closing up. Grasping the blade
firmly Cyrus swung it horizontally slicing the mans head clean off.

The remaining two men fumbled to get there guns his cold white eyes staring them
down waiting patiently. His breathing wasn't labored at all even contrary to
what he had done thus far. They managed to upholster there guns and began firing
at him each bullet pushing him back gun casings littering the ground at there
feet. He smiled as the bullets sank through him. The bullet holes closing up. He
was wasting precious calories healing so much so he started toward one of the
men grabbing his wrist and pushing it behind his back he then slammed him
against the wall.
He heard a bang as his head shot forward and to the right. Feeling his skull
bulge and explode out having some of his brain exposed. The air felt cold around
the gaping hole. He felt weak never being shot in the head he wondered if he was
dying? His grip tightened on the man on the wall half intentional half
accidental he squeezed the life out of him. He turned to look at the leader who
had shot him.

"Am I dead...?"

His strength started to return as the holes on his head closed up as nothing had
happened. He smiled again bearing all his horrific teeth they glistened in the
moon light.


He grabbed the mans arm hard and slammed his foot into his side pulling and
jerking it to the right ripping it off. He screamed in agony as he held the
bleeding socket. Cyrus started beating him with his own arm into a bloody
motionless pulp. His threw the mans arm onto his body and turned to leave. The
fat woman was peaking around the corner she gasped. Not knowing what to do he
mulled it over. Should he just leave? Or help her? Or kill her...? She stared at
him not screaming she just stared interested in him. Why was she so calm?

"Thank you for saving me. What did you do back there? What are you?"

He looked away.

"I don't know what I am...."

She hobbled slowly to him looking into his blank white eyes. No one has seen his
face like this he thought and not screamed in terror. She placed her hand on his
cheek he pushed her hand away. He would help her.

"Do you need help going home?"

"I just live a block away...but if you could.."


He scooped her up again she was heavy, and warm, so soft to the touch he fought
the urged. He carried her to her pent house. He was wearing his mask again on
the off chance they would see someone he carried her all the way to her door and
brought her inside setting her down on a large couch. The place was immaculate,
a huge place made everywhere he lived before seem even crappier. He turned to

"I'm going..."

As he started out the door he felt woozy. The amount of calories it took to heal
him must have been to great. He passed out slamming onto the ground.

Awakened by the smell of cooking fat he stirred awake. The fat woman was cooking
some bacon for herself. He shook his head still feeling a little light headed.
She had changed her clothes wearing black tight boy shorts with a white silky
top. She saw him awake.

"Your awake! Good I was hoping you where okay. Do you want anything? Um what's
your name?"

"Alcohol...and its Cyrus..what's yours?" He responded.

"Its Maura, and let me see what we got."

She thought for a moment opening a cabinet pulling out a bottle of dark rum
with a glass. She finished cooking and came over with the food and drink. She
sat down hard of the couch having the air squeak out of it and she started
eating a large pile of bacon.

Greedily he poured a full glass of rum drinking it down quickly then pouring
another he started sipping on it. She was curious.

"Are you a vampire?"

"I told you I don't know some kind of monster, but I don't drink blood if that's
what your asking."

She looked confused.

"People consider me a monster to...but then what was it you where drinking out
of that bitch?"

She seemed to have had run ins with those people before seeming very cold toward
them. I guess I could tell her he thought.

"Her fat, all other fluids that came with it was a accident. I need human fat to

He sipped hard on his rum she had finished her bacon already mouth greasy.

"Does looking at me make you hungry?"

He looked her over feeling arousal and hunger rise within him. He raised his

"Extremely, that's what this is for. The hunger pains are unbearable sometimes."

"Why do you fight them so much? Why not indulge?"

He looked down. "When I do more then not the woman dies...I take to much.."

"How much are you taking in...?"

"Most I have maybe one hundred seventy pounds of fat and fluid..."

She smirked. "Was that how much the girl weighed?"

Looking back at her wandering what the point of that was. "Yes what's that

"Why not try a fatter lady? Like myself!"

"My 'father' banned it as taboo..." He sadly stated.

"Pfft why not try it?" She mocked.

Why didn't he ever try it? He was warned but always sketchy details attached.
She pulled her shirt off showing off her blubbery form shaking it a little she

"Come and try it."

His penis was engorged wanting to *** her. She noticed it.

"Oh you have sex first to?"

"Usually I do..."

He kept staring at her enthralled by her rolls all over her body. He got up and
was upon her kissing her passionately, she kissing back just as much. He never
kissed anyone like this nothing masking his appearance. She moaned wrapping her
arms around him pulling him into her fat belly folds. He ripped off his clothes
and helped her pull down her shorts.

"Oh *** me Cyrus!"

She seemed to be very turned on by him, the allure of a vampiric like creature?
Or that he was a freak in real life. Needn't matter, he slipped himself in
immediately feeling a more pleasurable feel from her that a thinner woman her
tits full of squishy fat looked decadent. He grabbed them as he thrust inside
her. Not to long after starting they both came she kissed him running her tongue
carefully over his sharp teeth. Was she willing now to let him feed? That was
also a first.

"That was great Cyrus. Was it good for you?"

He nodded.

"You hungry now? You know there are people out there who enjoy gaining weight
who want to be fatter, probably wouldn't mind starting from the bottom again..."

His eyes widened taking in what she just said chewing it over in his mind.
Seeing fat women gorging themselves for him in his minds eye.


She smiled kissing him deeply.

"I know because I'm one of eat up!"
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.