Lust bite

chapter 4

His mind raced at the possibilities she had just opened up. But for now the
hunger was back in full vigor. He sank his teeth into her neck, he had forgotten
to numb her! But she moaned in pleasure?

"Oh wow Cyrus that feels good! Bite harder!"

It felt good? She closed her lips moaning. The sound reminded him of when the
other girls where screaming. Where they screaming? Or was it moaning? He bit
harder having her moan again. As he began to suck her face thinned out farely
well. Picking her up she wrapped her legs around him best she could her fat gut
getting in the way. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against
him as he continued. He's never fed that long before each swallow tasting better
then the last. He wondered if it would stop or keep going like it usually did.

"Oh keep going Cyrus this feels outstanding!"

He squeezed her tight having a rush of fat going into his mouth and kept
sucking. Then he stopped...he felt full? He had never felt completely full but
he managed to make it happen! Her skin had retracted with her fat and previous
stretch marks disappeared. He flopped her onto the couch as she rolled around in
pure bliss. His bite marks closed on her neck.

She looked about two hundred twenty pounds now. He had eaten three hundred
pounds that was a ton of calories. Now he was curious about what she had said
before not totally believing her.

" want to gain that back?"

She looked at him smirking hopping up. Her muscles used to her hulking frame but
she was now in a much slimmer body.

"Yes I do...and I'll let you suck it out again when I do." She whispered.

He smiled leaning down and kissed her.

"I'd like th-"

He started shaking he heard a large crack inside his skull as immense pain
followed and a loud ringing in his ear holes he grabbed his head screaming in
his high pitch scream in agony. What was happening? Was he dying? Was his
'father' right..?

No, this was different he closed his eyes as information flooded his mind
quickly becoming new pathways for him to explore. But for some reason he thought
all these memories where there this whole time. Just hidden in his mind. The
pain subsided his ears stopped ringing he opened his eyes. Hearing Maura now.

"Are you okay?!"

He stared at her. "I think so...except I feel a little different."

He closed his eyes concentrating on the fake prosthetics he used to wear. He
felt his skin and bones rearrange as hair painfully grew from new forming
follicles, ears popping out from the holes, a pointed nose crunched together he
felt something shift under his eye lids. He opened his eyes now with a dark
brown iris and black pupils.

"I know how to do that now...I didn't before.."

This was marvelous! He couldn't believe how amazing this was. His mind was
racing still, he couldn't wait to feed like that again but he felt exhausted.

"That's amazing...I have a friend I'd like you to meet she's a little bigger
then I was."

"...bigger? How big?"

She winked at him. "Probably about six hundred pounds. She lives about an hour away I'll have to get her. You okay alone here?"

He nodded. "I'm tired I'm going to sleep."

She waltzed over to him kissing him.

"Thank you for saving me."

He stared at her smiling.

"No you saved me Maura..."

He layed down on her couch and drifted off to sleep. Dreaming of his 'father'.
He hated that man. Luckily he was awoken by Maura coming back in. Behind her a
humongous black woman waddled through the door. Her massive round ass barely
able to get through. She was sweating and puffing as she sat down hard on the
other end of the couch. She was wearing skin tight sweat pants looking like they
where going to rip any second. Her shirt a super sized tank top riding high on
her fat belly.

"Cyrus this is Monika, Monika Cyrus."

"Pleasures all mine Monika..."

He stared at her, eyes taking in each curve, she smelled delicious she was
pretty to. Her face oddly enough still rather slim looked considering the rest
had rolls of fat hanging all around. Her eyes a deep brown, lips soft and plump.
Her skin was dark yellow stretch marks all over it.

"Hi, so you did that to her? Seriously?" Her deeper voice asking him a honest

He nodded. "I sure did. Do you want the same thing?"

She stared at him like he was insane.

"If you can."

"One condition..." He added. "You have to gain it back and more...I'll take it

She smiled. "I was hoping you would say that." She winked at him. Maura got up
and sat next to Monika smirking.

"You still hungry? Go ahead and bite her.

He was hesitant.

"I wanna *** her first it heightens the experience..."

Maura helped Monika to her feet as she slowly turned around.

"How about from behind? Only way your gonna get in there boy."

He felt his penis growing as he saw this massive woman bending over. Her ass so
full of fat that her hips had fat rolls on them, her ass shelf large enough for
him to sit comfortably. Maura helped her get undressed unleasing even more fat.
The tight clothes keeping it at bay, like an animal in a cage. But now it was
free to roam.

She leaned on the couch her impossibly *** spread he put his dick near it.
Hot moist air came off of her pussy as he expertly maneuvered his manhood inside
her. He rode her hard her body jiggling all over rapidly he held up her massive
booty sinking himself in deeper. It felt warmer then Maura, it felt great. Her
ass wobbled forward to back, her flesh slapping against his mid-section making a
wet smacking sound sound. She moaned almost ready to orgasm he could feel it.
They both came hard his semen filling her pussy as they moaned she collapsed
forward laying down trying to catch her breathe.

"So good..." He muttered.

That was so good and so was Maura, he wished he didn't need to feed on her and
deplete her body. Although helping them gain weight sounded fun. Maybe he would
be these two just for pleasure. Get more to be food, he didn't have to worry
about it then Monika was waiting for him to feed.


She giggled. "Yes"

Pushing her down so she was laying flat on her belly thinking it over he thought
why not. Concentrating his sharp teeth emerged and he bent down kissing her
abomination of an ass barely wrapping his arms around it. He started licking it
and finally he sank his teeth in and started to feast.

"Oh wow...that feels so good.."
He kept drinking the fat quicker and quicker. Maybe another new power would
emerge? Or maybe these where'nt new maybe they where old powers locked away the
in the recesses of his mind. Only awakened by these huge fat women. He looked
to Maura as he fed. He owed this all to her, he was starving that night they met
and look now he had never eaten this much in his entire life. She would foster
his desire for exchange for saving her life, needing her to find new victims.

Monikas ass was shrinking rapidly he had drank a lot already he gave one more
hard push on her still flabby ass getting some more in. He stopped satisfied
again. His mouth popped off of her teeth marks clearing up. He probably had
another three hundred pounds down. Funny how when he drank it didn't engorge his
body he stayed the same size. He wondered if his mind would explode with new
ideas again, waiting nothing happened.

"Did you like that Monika?" He teased.

"Yes that was out of this world!"

Maura grabbed some of her flab and pointed to Monikas rotund bare backside.

"Want another go? Take the rest, we could gain from scratch."

His cock got hard again as he sat down on the couch per there instruction.
Monika got up and straddled him. Kissing his lips all over while Maura kissed
his neck. Monika stopped kissing him and focused on riding his cock. He took
Mauras arm and bit into sucking out another hundred pounds. He turned to monika
and bit her neck hard sucking while she rode him. When he got out two hundred
pounds they both came again in perfect bliss.

The girls stood up checking out there new svelte physiques. He would enjoy
watching them gain for him into imobility, even though they didn't know that.

"I havnt been this skinny since well ever!" Maura chimed in.

"Well it better now la-" it happened again.

His mind felt like it was on fire as new information sprang into it again.
Wincing in pain he closed his eyes. It didn't hurt as much this time or last as
long. He opened his eyes calmly.

He outstretched his arms smiling as his body floated into the air several feet.
Learning how to fly was intoxicating he had seen his 'father' do it but never
knew how he did. He must have learned all these powers so long ago. Laughing he
flexed his muscles and floated down feeling so much alive. He stared at Maura
she had to be about one hundred twenty pounds now and Monika probably one

They all had decided to go to bed early that night, having ones physical
appearance altered like that takes a lot out of you. But they discussed about
Maura using her family fortune to buy a compound to foster fatties for Cyrus.
Also talking about the girls recruiting more for him. Hopefully soon they would
get them. They all slept together the girls huddled to stay warm, not used to
such little body fat.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.