Lust bite

chapter 5

In the morning they all went out to a breakfast buffet, the girls wanting to
throw caution to the wind even more now. They both grabbed three large plates
immediately piled with eggs, meats, pancakes all covered with syrup. Although
there fat was gone there stomachs where still stretched out and they where able
to stuff themselves as much as when they where full sized. They both kept eating
encouraging one another until they both looked nine months pregnant. Extended
painful bellies popped out from underneath there tiny clothes, the bellies
looked almost fake when filled to the max on there new tiny frames.

He didn't want to help feed them, not yet anyway. Maybe when they got back to
there original weights. He was simotanously turned on and hungry watching these
girls gorge for him and themselves. He needed more.

"Oh I'm so stuffed..." Moaned Maura, then looked at Monika. "What about you?"

Monika only nodded not able to fully respond. Cyrus' grin enveloped his entire

"Girls, I love that you two will gain for me..but do you think you could find

Maura smirked grabbing his hand.

"Of course we can, we can find women who want to loose weight to just so you can
eat when you want to. But leave it to us we will find some."

He felt more alive then he ever had in his entire immortal life.

"Just give me a few months and we will have some gaining girls for you and a
place to fatten them up in." She reassured him.

He kept smiling. "Thank you."

She leaned in and kissed him. "No thank you..."

~Three months later~

Maura had kept her promises, She bought him a large compound and remodeled it
making it suitable for living. In the feeding section of the house seven large
electronically controlled garage doors layed out a hallway three on either side
as well as one at the far end. Each room inside was enormous and was padded and
reinforced for someone to gain. The latest technologies inside it for the
recipient to pass the time. A electronic key pad was set in the room to order
food from several chefs up stairs working around the clock. The food would be
sent down a small elevator shaft so they could stuff themselves.

Monika and Maura each found him a girl very willing to gain weight for him after
seeing what he could do. Maura found him Julie. A young girl from the
Philippines weighing about four hundred fifty when they met he sucked her down
to one ten. Monika got him a blonde from London named Diana her accent made him
wild when she spoke. She had weighed about three fifty when they met now she was
down to one hundred.

He was very pleased in who they had found for him each girl stuffing there faces
all day letting him help and watch. But he wanted more three rooms remained

There was one unforeseen occurrence out of all of this. After he fed on someone
there body changed, they described it as a uncontrollable hunger. Much like his
own he assumed, after that a metamorphosis also took place. They where gaining
weight much quicker then before he bit them. Maura and Monika easily packed on
two hundred pounds each. Leaving them in the three hundred pound range again.

He didn't want to feed on them yet he wanted them humongous before he did. The
other two though perhaps every three hundred pounds they gained he would feed.
The new girls had gained about fifty pounds very impressive he had thought.

He walked around the feeding rooms he would check each one by accessing a led
screen on the electrical panel to each door. Each girl seemed to be eating,
except one Julie she was laying back rubbing her belly moaning. He saw her unzip
her pants and slip her hand down into her pants and began to masturbate. He felt
himself getting aroused, even though she only weighed about one hundred eighty
pounds he wanted her. But he decided to rather go to one of his meatier girls.
He walked over to Mauras feeding station and opened the giant metal door, the
door rumbled as it opened up. She had three plates in front of her as she
stuffed herself silly.

"You horny Cyrus?" She asked.


She stood up and kneeled on the floor moving the food in front of her as she
kept stuffing herself. He jumped at her and straddled her putting his dick deep
inside her. Thrusting his manhood until he couldn't take it as he blew a load
into her. She had kept eating the whole time not missing a beat. He stood up and
wiped himself off, turning to her he smiled.

"Any luck finding another one?" He pleaded.

With food in her mouth she muttered a muffled "No." He sighed as he patted her
*** while slowly walking away.

"Well keep looking I need more women for my farm."

He left Maura to her feast still feeling not fully satisfied. He walked back to
Julie's door she was still touching herself. With one arm now while using the
other to shovel in food. He opened her door and walked in startling her.
Wondering which girl was sweeter he told her to lay down and spread eagle. She
did as she was told as he sunk his penis deep within her. She winced in
pleasurable pain while he began thrusting into her. She was a tiny girl only
about four foot eight. The little fat on her body looked ridiculous on her but
he liked it. He needed them to gain more, eat more. He needed help.

"Julie...keep eating. I need you fatter...alright?" He said calmly.

"Yes, Cyrus I will not let you down!"

She started stuffing her face with both hands greedily wanting to gain for him
over and over again. She finished the large plate of food in front of her and
layed back looking like she was going to pop. He kept thrusting as she lay there
moaning. That was all he needed as he started to cum inside her finishing the
rest of his load that didn't come out with Maura. He stood and smiled at her.

"That was good, keep up the gaining Julie."

"Yes I will don't worry." She replied.

" you know anyone like you? And the other girls. Who wants to gain."

She thought for a second not knowing if she should say.

"Please I need more women like you..." He pleaded.

"Well I talk to this one woman online her name is Sumih. Would you like me to
contact her?"

His adrenaline started pumping. "Do you have a picture of her?"

She picked up her phone and found a picture her friend had sent to her.


She handed him her phone as he stared at her. She was a plump indian woman
probably just around three hundred pounds a lot of her weight in her ass and
midsection. She was just his type.

"Would you be able to contact her? I want her...any expenses for her to come
here will be taken care of." He begged.

"I will e-mail her right now."

"Good, don't forget to keep eating." He said as he left her room.

It was great they where seasoned fatties themselves but what would he do when
they hit higher weights? He wouldn't have enough time to feed them all. Besides
he still needed one more girl. The last room he would keep open for someone he
would find and really need to have.

Maybe Diana knew someone who liked gaining as well? It wouldn't hurt to ask. Her
door opened slowly as he saw her slowly come into sight. Her large tits exposed
as she was chowing down on a entire chocolate cake. Her belly holding most of
her weight.

"Hello Diana, how is your feeding going today?"

She smiled teeth covered in the chocolaty treat.

"Very good, I'm loving it." She replied.

"That's good. Diana do you know anyone like yourself? Who enjoys this who wants
and needs this."

"I don't know...I may..but you may have to persuade me to talk.." She teased.

She layed back laying the cake on her tits and still was eating. Her legs spread
far apart revealing her blonde bush. He felt aroused again even after he had
came twice now.

He slithered over hovering above her.

"Like this.."

He slipped himself inside her as well and started ***ing her hard. She liked it
rougher then the others. His penis felt less responsive then before from cuming
twice already.

"Yes baby faster! Force yourself in deeper!"

He grabbed her arms and held her down as he used it for leverage her face
contorting in pain and pleasure. A perfect mix he had perfected for her. She
started humping her pelvis up forcing him in even deeper. He started to feel her
vaginal walls becoming ribbed going in this far. One more hard time on her and
and she held up her pelvis humping him frantically as well while screaming.

"Yes yes! *** me! Make me your fat sex pig! I love it! Ohhhh!"

He came again and his balls began to hurt, his shaft feeling bruised and the
head of his penis sore.

"Now will you tell me?" He breathed heavily.

Smiling with her eyes closed she nodded.

"I know a girl in the states named Corisa. She's probably about three hundred
fifty. Want me to invite her here?"

"Yes everything will be paid for her coming." He replie.

"Take a nap Diana then continue eating."

He left her there as she drifted off to sleep he went over to Monikas door and
saw she was sleeping. Not wanting to wake her he let her be. He went and sat
down on a large love seat looking to the ceiling as he felt his mind swirl with

"Everything I ever wanted is slowly coming into fruition.."
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.