Lust bite

chapter 7

He heard his stomach growl. He was always hungry the hunger never went away but
feeding did keep it at bay for awhile. He wouldn't starve if he ignored the
hunger, but sometimes it was just unbearable.

He had arranged his two new girls to come to the compound the same day. His
doorbell rang and Diana and Julie walked over excitedly to meet and see there
old friends. He could smell them before the even came into the house. The
anticipation was unbearable wanting to lustily feed on them was clouding his

The girls opened the door and two women over three hundred pounds waltzed in.
Julie's friend Sumih was short and perfectly round. She smelled spicy and
delicious he wanted to bite her now right away but he controlled himself. Dianas
friend Corisa was pretty tall having the fat evenly proportioned, long brown
hair down to the middle of her back. He smiled at them as there friends hugged
them hello.

"Hello friends, welcome to our home." He said.

They all made formalities as they walked around the compound.

"How did you loose all that weight Diana? What you were telling me was a little
sketchy." Asked Corisa in a thick texas accent.

"Well Cyrus helped us. I'm actually trying to gain it back and he's helping."
Said Diana.

"No way are you serious? He is helping you? Is that why I'm here you thought
maybe I would want to as well?" She quiped.

"Yes actually I know we discussed it from time to time. I know this sound crazy
but he can take the weight...away. But then you can gain it back from scratch!"
Diana said excitedly.

"Your kidding me right? That sounds ridiculous." Said Corisa.
Julie and Sumih where having the same conversation almost to a tee. But both
girls seemed to be having a hard time swallowing the situation. Cyrus wanted to
help things along as he was standing off to the side of there conversations.

"What they say is true! If you don't believe them then watch.." He directed.

He concentrated as he began his body feeling lighter by the second. He started
floating into the air, just a little at first but then he was several feet up.
Not wanting to wait to explain he dove right in.

"I must feed on the fat of women. Your friends allowed me to and are gaining
weight for me. So that I may feed again and again. I feel its a good deal, you
loose weight and get to gain it all over again!"

Sumih and Corisa seemed speechless not knowing what to say.

"Come on Sumih! It feels really good. Just try it once, if anything you will be
down in the hundreds again!" Pleaded Julie for Cyrus' case.

"I guess so..." She replied.

Before she finished agreeing he was upon her shoulder teeth flashing as he bit
into her. She moaned with delight as they all did when he fed, body spasming in
pleasure. He got her down to one hundred pounds and released his mouth from
her. Fat dripping down the corner of his mouth, he licked it off and looked over
to Corisa.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, I won't bite...too hard." He spoke softly.

She was enthralled my his charm and decided to go for it walking up to him. He
smirked happy to have gained two more girls. As she stood in front of him he
tilted her head to the side and bit in snuggly.

Pulling away as he finished he noticed she was a little heavier then the other
girls due to her height. Probably one fifty after the feeding.

"That was delicious I look forward to do it again."

He felt the pain again, he grabbed his head as he dropped to one knee. Beathing
heavily he felt a wave of pain erupt in his head. Corisa grabbed his arm.

"Are you okay!?" She yelled.

He felt two more waves radiate through his mind, they felt less painful but
still crippling. Shaking his head clear he stood up.

"Yes I'm fine.." He said.

-wow that was weird looked like he was having an aneurysm-

"A what Corisa?" He asked.

"I didn't say anything.." She said.

"Sorry never mind." He said.

His mind had new information rush into. He remembered three new powers. He could
read minds, he could produce lightning from his body and also bring back those
people from the orbs back to life.

"Do you girls wish to help me? Everything you desire will be taken care of

All four girls talked it over and Sumih and Corisa agreed to gain for him. They
where taken back to there rooms and prompted on how everything worked.

"I will be back with a present for all of you."

Walking to a large hallway in his compound he stopped at a large safe. He
punched in the date he met Maura on a electoral key pad. The giant door slowly
opened, and inside on a pedestal was his black box. Cradling it under his arm he
walked down to the feeding rooms. Opening Mauras door first he walked in
stirring her awake. He took his altered face down only showing what he truly
looked like to her.

"What is it Cyrus? I was just resting." She asked.

"I have a present for you. Something to help you gain quicker."

He grabbed at his neck pulling up a necklace with the black boxes key. Opening
the box he looked over the orbs remembering who the people were. Grabbing the
purple one he placed it on the ground after setting the box down.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Just watch.."

He outstretched his hand over the orb and his hand started to emanate a golden
light. Showering its rays upon the orb, the orb started to pulsate. Something
inside the orb started pushing out, it started stretching as it was being pushed
out. The dark purple shell of the orb started to become translucent as it grew.
It was now the size of a large ball, hands and feet pressing up against the
gooey walls of the orb.

"What the hell is that?" She asked again.

He turned to her. "Your feeder.." He said bluntly.

The shell of the orb was now transparent. A dark purple liquid inside concealed
a shadowy figure of a woman still pushing against it. The orb grew three times
as large now as the shell started becoming paper thin. One last hard push from
the woman split it open. Her body flopping out onto the floor covered in the
purple liquid.

The liquid turned to vapor as it contacted with the air, the woman started
choking and coughing she began throwing up the liquid out of her lungs. He
walked over to her as her skin dried off, breathing heavily she caught a glimpse
of him remembering what he had done to her. She scurried back frightened of him.
He reached out his hand but she smacked it away with immense strength. She
looked down at her hand in disbelief.

"Welcome back was your second birth?" He asked.

She tried to speak but more liquid came up. Clearing her throat she tried again.

"You killed me..." She said in a accusatory tone.

"Yes I am so sorry, my urge to feed was to great. But I have brought you back!
With a very important task." He spoke in a booming voice.

"Why would I help you after what you did?!" She screamed.

He smirked slowly wrapping his hand around her neck. She was unable to move
again like before in her first life.

"Because I own you..." He whispered.

Her eyes lit up knowing deep in her mind this was true. She was his slave until
she was dead again. Closing her eyes she willed herself to calm down.

"What is my task...m-..master." She barely spit out.

Standing he pointed toward Maura. "It's simple. Feed Maura into complete
imobility! So I may feed on her whenever and however much I wish!"

Krista was overweight before she had died and was fascinated by gaining weight
all her life but always to scared to do it. Perhaps she could live her fantasies
through her?

"Alright..that sounds exciting master." She replied.

He looked at her confused. "Exciting? Looks like I won't have to brain wash you
at least. Some of the others might need a whole memory wipe."

He stood slowly leaving. Staring at Krista he left with a few words. "Obey Maura
as well she is also your master. Understood?"

She simply nodded as he left the room. Hearing the door slam down loudly. He
gave each girl a slave to help them feed most had to be brain washed. But
Sumih's girl had to have her memory cleared completely to even talk to her about
the idea.

Sitting down in his study Cyrus poured himself a whiskey and sipped it slowly.

"This will help them along nicely." He began to laugh hysterically imagining how
fat his girls where going to get for him. All for HIM.

He turned his attention to the black box one orb still resided in the box, under
a false bottom was a black orb. His 'father' residing in it. He closed and
locked it not wanting to face him yet. He wasn't ready, wasn't strong enough

~Nine months later~

They all where gaining insanely fast thanks to the help of there feeders. Monika
was fattened up to a unbelievable eight hundred forty pounds. He turned off
Maura's door panel when she hit seven hundred, wanting to have her gain be a
surprise when he was done with the others. The other girls where four hundred
pounds or more. Before he fed the ***ing would be the sweetest he would ever

He knew today was the day he would feed starting from the newest girls to the
senior, he wanted to start early so he would have time with each girl. Standing
at the hallway containing the large metal doors he was so eager to start. He
started with Sumih, on the electronic panel a digital display of there height
and weight was shown. Sumih's panel said five foot four and four hundred pounds
he got excited. He pulled a lever to open the door and walked into the room
Cynthia was feeding her a large cake and didn't stop until he instructed her to.

"Cynthia stop." He commanded.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.