Lust bite

chapter 10

Jerking him off slowly as they started making out again. He crept into her
thoughts for a second accidentally.
-I want to *** him so bad! But I'm too damn fat now.- pulling back he stared at

"We can do"

He floated back staying several feet in the air as he extended his hands fingers
spread apart. Tightening his fingers he created a invisible cradle all along her
body as she slowly began to rise. Spreading her legs he went up and starting
eating her pussy, moaning with delight she tried to pull back unsuccessfully.
Running his sharp teeth gently along her clit made her shiver with delight.

"Oh that's so good Cyrus!" She moaned.

He had been looking forward to this for a whole year being able to *** this
gargantuan woman. Pulling back he floated into the air and sunk himself in. She
was super tight, wet and warm it felt so good around him. She barely managed to
place her hands on her belly and started shaking it for him. The ripples shaking
down into her fat pussy shaking it around his cock. He was thrusting harder then
with any girl he was with not able to control himself.

"Oh yes...keep going..I'm gonna..ohhh!" She screamed.

He felt her pussy get warmer as it tightened even more around him as he kept
going. Her face flushed red as he kept going he saw her eyes close as she
scrunched up her face. Starting to feel over stimulated at first she rode it out
until she started feeling tingles again.

"Don't stop Cyrus! Do it again!" She begged him.

Not saying a word he kept humping away his body smacking against hers as her
folds slapped against themselves. Her body and hair drenched with sweat not used
to this kind of activity, especially not after a full feeding.

"Hmm Cyrus yes...Cyrussss!" She moaned.

"I'm cumming!" He screamed.

Taking the cradling telekenetic energy away they fell to the padded floor. He
landed on his back as every ounce of her mammoth frame came crashing down on
him. She yelped in pain but it turned back to pleasure as the shock wave passing
through her fat shook her in ways she couldn't imagine. From the fall his dick
was forced even further in as he exploded inside her feeling several blasts of
seminal fluid drain from his cock. Slapping his hands on either side of her huge
gut he sunk his hands deep into her soft flesh pushing it up and down as he
drained out. He kept cumming until his penis was flaccid and useless, pinned
under her he stared up her face contorted in painful blissful pleasure. Sweat
dripping down her while she breathed heavily, not wanting to move yet he just
lay there pondering. -How big could I make her?- her face still flushed, he felt
her deep vaginal walls stop pulsating.

"Oh my god Cyrus that was amazing...I can't wait to gain it all for you again!"
She squealed.

Well time to lay down the law he thought to himself. He lifted her huge belly
and wriggled out from underneath her. Her belly made a wet slapping sound as he
let it go. Going right up to her he kissed her passionately on the neck and lips
then pulled away.

"Here's the thing Maura...I'm not feeding on you. I am feeding you until I see
fit." The grin he produced on his face made her jump.

"What do you mean? That was our deal! I did everything you asked!" She yelled
immediately filled with rage.

"Yes, and I thank you, but now I'm telling you what to do..." He said coldly.

"How do you plan on getting money then without me! Tell me that!" She said
thinking she had won.

He closed his eyes as his bodies structure changed before her eyes, his bones
crunching skin crawling. When he opened them he was an exact copy of her, only

"Well this I can do for starters in case they need ME in person." He spoke in
her identical speech pattern.

Feeling utterly defeated she snapped out at him. "I refuse to eat anymore!" His
smile grew as he began maniacally laughing. Seeing herself smiling and laughing
like that made her jump again.

"And what do you plan to do? Roll away? Kill yourself?" He turned back to his
normal form as he lunged toward her clasping his hand hard around her neck. She
gasped to breathe as his grip tightened.

"Or do you want me to end it now?" His smile still broad along his face as he
stared into her paniced eyes, tears starting to form in them. He could hear
there heartbeats racing against one another, one pumping from fear and the other
excitement. He felt a slap on his wrist snapping him out of his brutal trance,
his grip loosened.

"Master I can force her...don't let what we have done here go to waste. I can
take it as far as you wish." Krista spoke calmly to him.

He let her neck go smile gone now as he pointed at his slave. "You better make
it worth my while Krista! I'm counting on you."

"You ***ing monster!" Maura screamed face beet red, her left eye clouded with
red on the white of her eye. "You still can't force me!" She screamed.

Krista smiled holding up a surgical mask as she quickly strapped it onto Mauras
mouth gas could be heard as it entered Maura's blood stream. She slowly calmed
down eyes droopy as she was completely relaxed.

"What is this...?" Maura barely got out.

"Nitris oxide...we have to keep you calm otherwise this would never work." She
turned off the gas and took the mask off as she started forcing her to eat
again. He felt his dick pulsate as excitement ran through it as he watched.
Patting Mauras belly he smirked.

"Keep growing girl I love it..." He turned and slowly walked away, her outward
appearance calm but inside he could hear her screaming anguish as she was force
fed. He walked briskly to his quarters and slumped into a chair holding his head
in his hands.

"What was that..." He spoke to himself, sweat pouring down his body. His dark
urges had been popping up more and more lately. He hadn't killed anyone in a
long time, was his urge to kill as strong as his urge to feed? He didn't know,
maybe they where supposed to go hand in hand. It didn't matter now he had gotten
the urge out for now but he wondered how long it would last...

~Four Months Later~

She didn't hear him.

She died quickly.

He enjoyed it way too much.

He watched a young girl walking home from a bar. He hid in wait in an alley
way. The scent of her made his blood boil, her thin frail frame broke like a
paper mache doll under his heavy fists.

Looking up at him her quivering broken body looked pitiful.

Blood dripping from his hands he smiled as his hands set ablaze burning off the

He shot a column of flames onto her incinerating her completely. The last thing
she saw was his grinning face.

He felt better the urge had subsided as endorphens swam through his veins taking
the edge off. What was he? He still wanted to know, one day he planned on asking
his 'father' day..

~Eight Months Later~

His pulse raced as he sped along the halls, the screams from the girls on his
feeding floor sounded horrifying. He rushed to them. The screaming was coming
from Sumih's room, he slammed into her door slowly ripping it open. He was too
late, her massive form lay limp eyes glazed and wide open, blood trickling down
the side of her mouth. A silhouette of his 'father' was in front of her, fuzzy
hard to make out.

He yelled out to it. "Father! How dare you!" The figure slowly turned around,
revealing its faceless head, smooth skin where facial features should be. The
figure lifted its hand and started reaching toward him, muffled laughter
emanating from the mouth less being. It wrapped its hand around his neck as
jolts of pain shot through him.

Falling out of his bed he held his neck breathing heavily another
premonition. Every time it happened it was the same just with a different girl.
He knew he had to get stronger if he wanted to fight his 'father' he stood up
shaking the sleepiness from his mind, it was two in the morning but he felt wide
awake wanting to train. Running as fast as he could he went to a large training
facility on the compound.

"If my father haunts my nightmares, then I shall become nightmarish myself!"

He flung his hands forward creating two dense balls of fire and shot them.
Spinning through the air he vanished appearing in front of them the high pitched
whistle from his movements still radiating through the air. Grasping the balls
he slammed them together having them explode. A blast of hell fire rocketed him
back as he slammed into the ground cracking it.

He spun around and stood back up on his feet gracefully as he shot a large bolt
of electricity out of his curled fingers. Racing against the raw energy he made
it turn around and head toward him. Catching it in his hands he slammed it
tightly making it dissipate beneath his deadly grip. His hands were singed from
the energy. The wounds on his hands healed up as he raised his left hand using
his telekenesis to lift a large weight readying himself to smack it away.

He heard a large smash from the other side of the compound. Dropping the weight
he listened carefully to what it could be, slipping in and out of shadows along
the way there. He heard foot steps of about a dozen people in his hallways as
they made there way to the feeding hall. He let them pass he noticed they each
had a semi automatic weapons, not to diverse in firearms he wasn't sure of the
caliber or make of the weapons. They arrived at the hallway and looked at the
metal doors. He could have killed them in a blink of an eye, but what was the
fun in that?

"Are you sure this is it?" One of them said holding an ear piece closer to his
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Chrysophase2003 7 years
This is an excellent story that is easily overlooked. It was taken to its logical conclusion, and illustrated a little of the monster in all of us.