Euro magic

Chapter 7 - point of no return

Time seemed to slow down...almost stop. With Kat gently urging him on, Mike ate bite after bite. After what seemed like hours, he no longer cared what he was eating. He just wanted to eat. And eat. If he got to a point where he wanted to take a brief rest, Kat would pick up the fork and feed him.

"Must not stop, piggy," she cooed. "Must keep filling belly to get nice and fat." Mike could just nod and continue to eat. Her words just made him want to eat more.

Out of the corner of his eye, Mike was aware that people were staring at him. His face blushed a deep red. Seeing this, Kat turned and saw the people staring. "They see you becoming my fat piggy," she said. "You like them staring, yes?"

Again, Mike nodded. His hands fell to his sides as Kat continued to feed him. His sides. They felt bigger to him. He looked down and gasped at what he saw. His belly now sat on his lap. His shirt had ridden up to expose the round fat belly he now had.

Mike swallowed and looked at Kat. She paused, then set the fork down. "You wish to know why, piggy? Perhaps why and how?" She started to rub his belly, waves of pleasure coursing through him. "Miss Kat will explain all to piggy."

She slid a large plate filled with various cookies and cakes. "Piggy must eat first dessert while Miss Kat tells story."

Mike began raising the sweet treats to his mouth as Kat told the story. As she talked, Mike continued to eat, his eyelids starting to lower.

"Many many years ago, my great-great-great grandmother work on farm in the old country. She work as nanny and teacher for farmer's children. Farmer was good to children, but very mean to my Busia. He give his children lots of food to eat. For Busia, only scraps. When she ask why this is, he laugh and say he no want fat woman to teach his kids. My Busia not fat, but his words hurt. She run off crying. She come to far side of town. An old woman see her crying and ask what is wrong. Busia tell her everything. Old woman kiss Busia on cheek and tell her that she fix everything. She give Busia bag of candies. Tell Busia to give them to farmer. All will be fixed. "

Mike stared at her throug his half-closed eyelids. The plate of cookies and cakes now empty.

"Come, piggy. We go home now. I will finish story later."

With that, she stood up. Mike slowly rose to his feet, his fattened belly bouncing and jiggling. He followed Kat to the door, his gait now a definite waddle.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Garfield 6 years
I like it. Where to find such a women?
FrecherTyp 6 years
Oh a lovely sweet beginning :-)