Becoming the fat sister

Chapter 11 - the meal out

Lauren stepped on the scale, it responded with 195 pounds!
"Omg, wow, I can't believe how fat I've got" she said, removing her right arm away from holding her boobs and letting her thick belly reach out from holding it in just so she could read the scale.
Dean was on laying on her bed, watching her waddle to the mirror in just her white pants that was too tight for her. They was home alone.
"I never thought I would get this big" she told him, it was never her plan, she just wanted to put on a bit of weight but not this much, she wasn't upset, she was just shocked how she now looked this big.
She looked at herself in the mirror, standing in front of it, trying to remember how she looked a few months back to her slimmer self, now she had a chubby face, with big cheeks and neck. Her boobs had gained 10 inches and would get in the way.
She placed her hands on her belly, picking it up and letting it drop back down, she then faced sideways to the mirror and bent slightly forward to let her belly and boobs hang. She then started to jiggle her fat belly, getting out of breath as she was now unfit and struggling to deal with how heavy she now felt carrying the extra weight. She then saw the fat rolls on her side and started to grab them.
"You really look amazing now" Dean said with a smile as he was getting turned on.
Lauren turned round to see her fat ass and how meaty that had got, grabbing it.
Dean got up of the bed and walked over to her, to play with her fat belly, poking and pinching it, she loved it and so did he,
"Your so fat now, look at you" he said, knowing she loved to be teased about her size.
"Suck your belly in and hold it" he told her
She took a deep a breath and sucked her belly in.
"You can't hide that belly anymore" he teased her
She couldn't hold it in anymore and let it go as he watched her belly come out.
"Come on we should get ready now" Lauren told Dean.
The pair was getting dressed to go out together and meet up with her parents for a meal out, so they could get to know Dean some more, they didn't know about Dean love for Lauren's fat body.
Lauren wore a tight white and black dress, her thick arms was out of the dress and it showed of her belly and boobs. She put her hair back to show of her chubby face, knowing Dean loved it but her parents would look at her still shocked at her new size. Her bum was sticking out of the dress as well as the whole thing stuck to every body part.
The pair drove to the restaurant and meet her parents outside after they had spent the day out. Dean meet Lauren's parents with a smile and a friendly handshake, greeting each other with small talk and then headed into the restaurant as Lauren walked in 1st Dean followed behind her, watching and checking her bum, swinging left to right with every step, he wanted to place his hand on her but knew it wouldn't make a good impression on her parents and had to resist her swinging ass.
Lauren told the waiter they had booked a table and was shown to their table, it was a booth seating and Lauren got in, sitting down and then moving over to the other side to let Dean sit next to her, as she did, she could feel her belly pushing against the table, she breathed in to move over, moving up and down with her boobs bouncing along the way. She got to her side and was out of breath from just sitting down in the booth seating, she sat back to stop her belly from reaching the table, but their was not much distance she could make to separate herself. Dean sat down with no problem with his average build, he looked at her and her belly, she looked at him with her smile. He had a big distance for him and the table as Lauren didn't.
All 4 of them was now seated down looking at the menu, and begain with some small talk, mainly Lauren's dad asking Dean the usual dad questions to see if he was a good partner for her youngest daughter, he answered his question with confidence and passed his tests.
"How come Hannah didn't want to come?" Lauren asked her mum
"She's still on a diet and watching what she eats" her mum replied with. Hannah was in great shape now and she could of came out for a meal. It was Lauren who should really be watching what she eats, Hannah was just being akward and funny to say that and reject the invite, everyone knew she could have came.
Lauren looked at the menu not sure what to eat, she was starving, Dean suggested to get the pizza, which was huge with a ton of toppings and chips, onion rings. He only suggested to get that as it was the biggest meal they had with the highest calories on it.
The waiter came over and Lauren instantly relised it was an old friend from college who she had not seen for a while, the waiter was a young slim, pretty girl, she got her notebook out ready to take the party's orders
"Hey Shannon, how are you?" Lauren asked her with a smile, as the waiter then looked up at her with a slight confused face, trying to work out who she was
"Um hello..." She said with an akward smile trying to work out who this person calling her name was
"It's me, Lauren, from college " Lauren told her
"Oh blimey, hey Lauren, I hardly recognised you" Shannon replied feeling akward. She had no idea who Lauren was, only till she told her, it had only been three years since they last saw each other, but Lauren was now a lot fat and she couldn't belive it was her and how she let her self go.
The pair had a small chat and then everyone told her what they wanted to order. Lauren asked for the pizza with a large coke handing the menu back to her old friend, Lauren caught her mum with her eyebrows raised as she made her order, knowing her mum was probably not pleased that she ordered the biggest thing on the menu and not watching what she eats.
All four of them got chatting away and having a good talk, getting to know each other as Dean made a good impression to Lauren's parents.
Then, the food came, Dean got his first, then dad and then the mum, Lauren sat there, hunger and staving, then her pizza came, it was huge, on a larger plate compared to everyone else's, then with a huge bowl of chips and another with her onion rings. Everyone at the table was looking at the food as it was placed on the table. The waiter said enjoy as she walked away. Lauren got stuck into the food straight away, shoving it straight into her mouth to please her now big appertit she had developed. Her mum would look up at her now and then seeing who eat her food. Lauren showed no sign of slowing down, she was just focused on eating all the food before she felt full.
Lauren managed to eat all her food, everything she had was now inside her, Dean had left some chips on his plate and Lauren asked if she could have them, Dean obviously gave her the chips.
Lauren finished them off, then wiping her mouth with a tissue, rubbing her stuffed belly under the table.
"That was so good" Lauren told everyone at the table.
The empty plates got taken away, mum had to go to the tolet and dad had to take a business call outside, leaving Dean and Lauren alone.
"My parents seem to really like you" Lauren said pleased to Dean, but he was more focused rubbing Lauren's belly under the table now that they was both alone. He put his hands on Lauren's chubby thighs and started to move up them.
"So, what are you going to have for dessert?" Dean asked Lauren looking at the menu
"I don't think we are getting dessert, plus my mum kept looking at me while I eating" Lauren said to him
"Come on don't be silly, I'm getting desert and they got some cheesecake for you aswell" he said
Again one with the highest calories with it.
"Order the cheesecake Lauren, you know you want it" Dean teased her, she did really want it, especially as he read the description to her of the cake on the menu.
"Ok fine, I will get the dessert, only if you order something aswell" Lauren negotiated with him
"Ok, also get a milkshake aswell" Dean added with a smile. Then both mum and dad sat back down, apologing for having to leave the table.
Shannon the waiter came back to the table, asked if everyone enjoyed their meal and if they would like some dessert. Lauren said yes to ordering dessert, as her mum and dad was about to say no thanks to dessert. Lauren got the dessert menu as Shannon got her order pad out and clicked her pen.
"Can I have the cheesecake please, and a strawberry milkshake please" Lauren asked
"Would you like the extra large milkshake for an extra 25p." Shannon asked
"Yes please" Lauren said handing her the menu, catching a slight sight of her parents reacting with both them with their eyebrows up, amazed that their daughter still had room for dessert.
"Can I just get a coffee please" Dean asked, Lauren was shocked and laughed to herself as Dean didn't hold himself to the bargain as well. Both the mum and dad ordered just coffee.
Lauren cake and milkshake turned up and she Made a start while everyone else at the table watched her. She took her spoon and cut a bit of her cake and placed it in her mouth and started to chew
"Hmmm oh my god, that tastes so good" she told everyone. She finished her cake and milkshake. Every bit of the cake and every drop of her milkshake. She sucked every last drop of the milkshake then placed to jug on the table and sat back rubbing her belly. The waiter came and Dean took care of the bill.
It was time to leave, Dean got up and stood to watch Lauren struggle to get out of the booth, she moved to side, sliding along the seat, she stood up, feeling stuffed and heavy to move, Lauren said goodby to her old school friend Shannon as they walked out, she said goodbye and then looked at the belly sticking out of her dress. Dean and Lauren then said goodbye to mum and dad, and then headed to Lauren's car, Dean got in and Lauren sat in the driver seat, the car dropped as she got in, she closed the door,
"Oh my god, I'm so full" Lauren said looking at her belly that was touching the wheel.
"I can't belive you didn
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Rstlne 6 years
Sorry, but I feel that MathMachine4 does have a little bit of a point. Good grammar and spelling can make a profound impact on the readability and enjoyability of a story. But I also agree that he doesn't have the best attitude in his comments.
Jdm 6 years
Hopefully some more chapters coming soon, great story
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a good story. 2 small suggestions: Track Lauren's weight and/or a little more description of what she looks like during the stages of her gain
Champ 6 years
I wonder how much Lauren weighs now...
Great story!
Karenjenk 6 years
I love the humiliation factor. The description of her moving (p. 4) was really good. I could get a visual from that.

Your descriptions are really great. Personally I would like to see some weight in numbers, however, your descriptions are amazi
DominantMaleFA 6 years
You have a good start here. I've love to see more of Dean feeding and fattening Lauren, and I like the humiliation you have coming from her family. I would recommend building on this tension.

Good job!
Td0057 6 years
Great stuff. It appears an FA boyfriend or an encourager might make an appearance.
Giantjay 6 years
Nice start, love the dynamic you've created in the family - and the teasing! Hope to see her get a whole lot bigger. smiley