Becoming the fat sister

Chapter 3 - the night out

It was a week later, both mum and Hannah had seen Lauren's recent weight gain and how much she had grown. It was a surprise to the mum and Hannah and was now expecting to see Lauren trying to lose weight, but their was no attempt, she was not working out oreating less, she was still eating junk food in secret and loving how big she was getting. The way her body would move and jiggle when she walked, the way her thighs would rub together as she walked. She was a cute chubby girls now, but still tryed to hide her belly from friends and work.

Hannah had been doing really well with her diet, and had lost a lot of weight and you could see it on her face.

The sisters were both going out, for a session of clubbing and heavy drinking. Lauren didn't want her friends to see her new weight gain so she did her best to hide it, putting her hair down to cover her now big cheeks, and a baggy black dress that hid the shape of Lauren's new body. She was confident that she hid her gain really well and no one would even notice.
Hannah went for a tight red dress, highlighting her new weight loss, she looked a lot different to her bigger size, she put her hair back and you could see the weight loss from her face.
The night was great and everyone had fun, everyone said how well Hannah had done with her weight loss and no one mentioned or not even really noticed that Lauren had gained weight.
Lauren went to bed pleased with herself.

The next day Lauren went on fb and see some of the pictures that she had been tagged from the night before, and then it hit her, the two pictures of her that she was in did not hide her weight gain.
And Lauren started to panic, she didn't want everyone to see this.
One picture was of all the girls lining up facing the camera, Lauren was on the right side of the line up, facing sideways!
"Oh no why did I do that" Lauren cried out
She then remembered how the wind picked up just when that photo was taken, she was facing the wind, which then pushed her baggy black dress the other side of Lauren, and there it was, you get the outline of her front body though this dress, what made it worse was that it was a white wall the girls was standing in front of and Lauren stood out. The boobs and the belly was both sticking out, it looked like she was pregnant. The wind blew her hair back to show her new round face, in which Lauren didn't even realise just how fat her face had got.
She looked at the other girls in the picture and they all looked amazing but then there she was, she stood out and relised that she had became the fat friend of the group.
The 2nd picture didn't do any favours either, someone took a picture of Lauren tucking into a kerbab, her eyes were fixed on to the fast food, with her mouth wide open bending her neck backwards and showing her triple chin.
Lauren was really embarrassed by it.
The comments didn't help her either, the picture of her eating got the most likes and people was laughing with their comments.
"Love at 1st sight" "who needs a man"
Then it was "how many chins Lauren? Lol"
It was out, Lauren was a fat girl, no hiding it now.

Lauren started to think it was time to stop getting fat and lose the weight. Hannah was being supportive asking her to join in with her on her jogs and lose some weight before their hoilday which was in two weeks time.
Lauren though hard about it, but deep down she didn't want to, she liked to be big, and actually enjoyed eating anything she saw, her appertit had grown and loved having curves.

Hannah continued her diet while the mum started to lose weight when she joined weight watchers.
But Lauren didn't want to start a diet, not yet. She had a belly and had became proud of it.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Rstlne 6 years
Sorry, but I feel that MathMachine4 does have a little bit of a point. Good grammar and spelling can make a profound impact on the readability and enjoyability of a story. But I also agree that he doesn't have the best attitude in his comments.
Jdm 6 years
Hopefully some more chapters coming soon, great story
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a good story. 2 small suggestions: Track Lauren's weight and/or a little more description of what she looks like during the stages of her gain
Champ 6 years
I wonder how much Lauren weighs now...
Great story!
Karenjenk 6 years
I love the humiliation factor. The description of her moving (p. 4) was really good. I could get a visual from that.

Your descriptions are really great. Personally I would like to see some weight in numbers, however, your descriptions are amazi
DominantMaleFA 6 years
You have a good start here. I've love to see more of Dean feeding and fattening Lauren, and I like the humiliation you have coming from her family. I would recommend building on this tension.

Good job!
Td0057 6 years
Great stuff. It appears an FA boyfriend or an encourager might make an appearance.
Giantjay 6 years
Nice start, love the dynamic you've created in the family - and the teasing! Hope to see her get a whole lot bigger. smiley