Becoming the fat sister

Chapter 7 - the dress

Nan had just left and all 3 girls went to the living room to watch tv, both Hannah and mum was drinking red wine, while Lauren sat there rubbing her belly, she wanted some more cheese cake but she knew her mum would not be happy, she debated about waiting till everyone went to bed, but she could not wait, she got up, went to the kitchen, cut her self some cake, got a glass of milk and walked back in to the living room
"Don't tell me your still hungry?" Mum said
"You only gave me a small piece of cake after dinner, besides I'm the only one that's going to eat it" Lauren replied
Lauren sat on the sofa, Hannah was on her phone, on Facebook.
"Here look at this" said Hannah showing her phone to Lauren
It was a picture of Lauren from her prom night 6 years ago taken on this day. She just had an operation a few weeks before and she was so skinny in the photo, it was taken in the living room just before she went to her prom. Lauren was wearing a red dress, with one hand on her waist, and the other by her side, her body was slightly facing sideways with her smiling at the camera
"Look how thin you was back then" Hannah said
"Yea I was really skinny then" Lauren said with a mouthful of cake
"Do you still have that red dress?" Hannah asked
"Yea I do" Lauren said
"Bring it down and try it on, let's see you fit into it" Hannah said smiling
"Ok then" Lauren said, excited to get teased again.
She went upstairs got the dress and came down.
Lauren got undressed to just her underwear while her mum and sister watched, she got the red dress and put it on. The dress had a zip on the back, but she couldn't even make it go up, Hannah tryed to help but it would not go up, her fat back was showing, and it was tight on her. The bottom of the dress stopped halfway on her thigh and it was tight, she could not walk in that dress.
"Hold on" said Hannah as she got her phone out, "let me take a photo so we can compare"
Lauren stood there where she had stood 6 years ago and did the same pose as she did before.
Hannah took the picture and spent a minute to get the pictures of before and the one she had just taken to go side by side, while Lauren got out off dress.
She sat back down in just her underwear and finished her cake off and her milk.
"There we go, done" said Hannah, giving the phone to Lauren, you could tell the difference straight away about Lauren's body size. Her face was huge now compared to before, hers cheeks was big, and her neck was bigger, her boobs and belly was bursting out of the dress, her bum was sticking out from behind, arms was bigger and so was her legs.
"Wow What a difference" Hannah said
Lauren looked at the photo, she felt proud how big she now was, she looked fuller with curves, with more meat on her.
"You've gone from young and skinny to a right fat cow, haven't you?!" Joked Hannah as she grabbed Lauren's belly with both hands and started to play with it.
Lauren smiled as she gave the phone back, she then burped in Hannah's face.
"Send that picture to me" Lauren said, she got up said goodnight to her mum and sister and went to her bedroom, she sat there on the bed and received a text on her phone, it was from Hannah
"Here you go fatty 😉" it said with the photo, Lauren looked at it again and couldn't belive the difference of how she ballooned up in weight, and she then fell asleep.

The next morning Lauren woke up, and looked at her phone, went on Facebook and Hannah had posted the picture of Lauren online. She couldn't believe she shared it online so everyone could see it. "My fat sister" Hannah added next to the photo. Over the night It had received 12 likes, 8 shocked faces emoji, and 8 laughing faces, there was 10 comments aswell.
"What happened?" "Hannah your so mean" "is that really Lauren?!" "Is Lauren pregnant" some comments even said "your still beautiful Lauren"
Lauren really wasn't bothered by the picture online, deep down she was hoping Hannah would post it up online, Lauren went downstairs to the kitchen where mum was telling Hannah off for put the picture online, and reminding her that she didn't like it when she was being teased for being big. Hannah relised how she didn't like it and then felt bad and went to then take the picture off Facebook.
Lauren said it was fine, and she didn't mind it, Hannah was confused
"Are you not embarrassed?" Hannah asked
"No it's funny, don't worry about it" Lauren said

Mum had gone food shopping and returned home, asking the girls to help her put the food away, Lauren came and helped but Hannah was busy on her computer, Lauren relised something about the food her mum had brought straight away. There was no pizza, cakes, fizzy drinks, biscuits and the other junk food that Lauren had been eating for the last few weeks, she was still sneaking more food into the house but mum had now no brought any of normal junk stuff she would usually bring home.
"Where's all the good stuff" Lauren asked
"No more junk food for you, it's bad, and you've got so fat now, so I've got healthy food for us all" mum said. Their was fruit, low calorie meals and snacks.
Lauren didn't know what to say, her mum was stopping her eating the food that she had became so used to eating. She hadn't put on weight or grew in size for a while, her body had became used to the food and lack of exercise, but she was still eating this junk food on a daily basis.
Lauren got ready and went to work, as she drove into work, (noticing how the seatbelt would disappear in between her big boobs) she started thinking how she was going to sneak more food into the house. Lauren got to work and sat on the till, it was dead quiet, hardly no customers in the store, the manager came over to Lauren and asked her to tidy down a few aisles.
Lauren used to do this all the time before, bringing stock forward and getting rid of the cardboard, the manager told her to tidy the pet food aisle and the household, so she went, she used to fly down to aisle quickly before but now Lauren was a bigger girl and the extra weight slowed her down, her belly was pushing out of her work shirt, every time Lauren raised her hands over head to reach the top selves, her belly would pop out, when she moved her hands forward in front of her face, her boobs was in the way.
She then bent down on to her knees to do the bottom selves reaching right at the back to bring forward the stock, as she did this her top from the back near the bottom would raise up, showing Lauren's fat back, she struggled getting back up and had to keep adjusting her shirt, it was slowing her down, not only that but the work was making her breath more and she got red in the face. She was sweating and this made her top cling on to her body. This was basic work that Lauren never had a problem with before.

Lauren went to break, she went to the toilet and sat on the seat, she loved how her ass cheeks would speared over the seat, she starting to think if her mum might have asked the manager to keep her off the till so she would move around and lose some weight, the manager did ask her to tidy the aisle with no food down it so Lauren wouldn't crave for something to eat. It did sound silly, then Lauren was thinking about what to do now their was nothing to binge on at home.
Lauren finished work and went to McDonald, she had a Big Mac meal, with two cheeseburgers, a strawberry milkshake and a mcflurry ice cream, she finished the lot and then went home, mum had made a low calorie pasta meal for Lauren which she also ate, not telling her mum about the takeaway that she just had.

Lauren was in bed, rubbing her belly, thinking how she liked being a fat women, she liked being teased about her weight, people staring at her, or playing around with her belly. But she started to wish she had someone she could talk to about it all, about how she was purposely trying to get fat...
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Rstlne 6 years
Sorry, but I feel that MathMachine4 does have a little bit of a point. Good grammar and spelling can make a profound impact on the readability and enjoyability of a story. But I also agree that he doesn't have the best attitude in his comments.
Jdm 6 years
Hopefully some more chapters coming soon, great story
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a good story. 2 small suggestions: Track Lauren's weight and/or a little more description of what she looks like during the stages of her gain
Champ 6 years
I wonder how much Lauren weighs now...
Great story!
Karenjenk 6 years
I love the humiliation factor. The description of her moving (p. 4) was really good. I could get a visual from that.

Your descriptions are really great. Personally I would like to see some weight in numbers, however, your descriptions are amazi
DominantMaleFA 6 years
You have a good start here. I've love to see more of Dean feeding and fattening Lauren, and I like the humiliation you have coming from her family. I would recommend building on this tension.

Good job!
Td0057 6 years
Great stuff. It appears an FA boyfriend or an encourager might make an appearance.
Giantjay 6 years
Nice start, love the dynamic you've created in the family - and the teasing! Hope to see her get a whole lot bigger. smiley