Becoming the fat sister

Chapter 10 - the fat sister

Mum got into her car, while Lauren locked the front door of the house and made her way into the passenger side, she got in and the mum couldn't belive how far down the car would now go when Lauren sits in it. The mum drove down to the bottom of the road but then the car stopped all together, the power just went from it and would not start back up.
"Oh no I done believe this" the mum said pissed off.
Lauren saw that there neighbor mark was at home. The guy who owned his own car garage, Lauren said she would get out and ask mark for help, Lauren got out the car, knocked on marks door and asked for his help, he came out and looked at the car, he said there was a problem with the engine and to leave the car with him to fix, he asked the mum to get in the car to ster it off the road as he pushed it from behind. Lauren then placed her two hands on the back ready to help push it aswell.
"No what are you doing" mark said to Lauren
"You can't push it, your pregnant, stand back" he told her
Lauren was surprised he said that, she did look pregnant, the mum had heard mark mistaken Lauren for being pregnant and shook her head at her. Lauren didn't correct him, she sat back while he and mum got the car off the road.
Mark said he would look at the car, mum said thanks and then said to Lauren to go use her car. So the pair of them walked up the road back home to get Lauren's car.
"He thought you was pregnant haha" the mum laughed as they walked back
Lauren opened her car and got in, the mum saw how the car would dip from the outside when she got in. The mum opened the passenger door to get in, she always praised her for how clean her car was before but now she saw two McDonald's bags, a Krispy cream donut box and a few sweet wrappers on the floor.
"Oh my god look at the mess" the mum said angry
Lauren wasn't just eating junk food non stop, she had also became too lazy to clean up after herself.
"Just get in" Lauren said wanting to just get to the bowling
The mum sat there as Lauren drove, thinking how her skinny little girl had now became this out of shape blob, noticing Lauren keep taking one hand of the wheel to rub her large belly that sat on her lap. She also saw Lauren's boobs bounce everytime she drove over a speed bumb.

They got to the alley and saw there friends from work, Lauren went to go get a drink and noticed they now served hot dogs there. Lauren got the big xl one she then joined up to everyone with a hot dog in one hand and a pina colada in the other. She stood next to the one part of the group as the other lot was sitting down. Everyone was still waiting for Hannah to turn up before they started bowling.
Lauren could see a few eyes checking her out, looking at her belly as she started eating this hotdog
"I didn't know they served hotdogs here, that's huge!" Someone said
"Yeah trust Lauren to be the 1st to discover that" the mum said.
About 3 minutes later Hannah turned up, walking towards the group, everyone looked at her and she really dressed up, hair looking great and a tight dress to show off her new slim figure.
Everyone was greeting Hannah, as the mum shouted out to Hannah about how her car broke down and Lauren ended up having to drive them both here.
Hannah shouted back "the car probably broke down because it couldn't carry Lauren's weight" as she greeted her sister from behind placing her hands on the side of Lauren's fat belly and pushed inwards. As Lauren was chewing a mouthful of this giant hotdog. Everyone heard Hannah's comment then looked at this belly that now struck out of Lauren.
Lauren thought that was the best tease she has had so far and secretly enjoyed the attention. She liked being part of the joke.
"We left the car with mark, and he thought Lauren was pregnant" the mum shouted to Hannah as everyone else listened in.
"Yeah 12 weeks deep in garlic bread" Hannah said Lauren acted like she didn't care and kept eating her hot dog.
Everyone got their bowling shoes and began to bowl. They had two Lanes going with two games. Lauren got her shoes and went to the lane she was on, she sat down with her belly pushing out and her thick thighs spreading over as she sat down, which caught a few people's attention. She put her shoes on and waited for her turn, she got up picked up the orange ball she normally uses but she noticed something straight away, her fingers were now to big to fit in the three holes to hold the ball. She never noticed how fat they had got. She put the ball back down and picked up a green one where the holes was slightly bigger.
"How comes your not using your orange ball Lauren?" a friend shouted on her lane
Lauren said "my fingers won't fit in the holes" being honest about it. Her friend nodded and no one else noticed or heard them. Lauren stepped up with her bouncy body and threw the ball down the lane, Hannah stepped up on the other lane at the same time as Lauren walked back to collect her ball. Hannah went for pace and power and took down a lot of pins. This is how both games went Hannah was stepping up running up with ease and getting strikes, Lauren looked at the rest of the group and saw Hannah doing well. The boys couldn't take their eyes of her while the girls was amazed how much weight she lost. Not only that but she looked a lot younger and energetic than she used to be.

The game finished, Hannah came top on both games, while Lauren struggled and came bottom on both games. Lauren usually does well when it comes to bowling, but she no longer was able to use her special ball and she couldn't adjust to having to bowl as the fat girl she now was.
Lauren was looking for her shoes, Hannah had stuck them up on top of one of the arcades marchines, Lauren called her a twat and then walked to the marchine while Hannah and a few of the group laughed and watched on. Lauren went to the marchine and saw the shoes on top, she lifted her hands over her head, with the top coming up to just under her boobs and her belly sticking out, they could see her belly pouring over her straining shorts. this happened before at work and at home, now it was happening in public in front of friends and family as they laughed and watched. People saw Lauren's new belly and raised their eyebrows amazed at just how fat she had got. She kept reaching, she then tip toed to get closer to the shoes, then her belly rubbed against the glass wall of the marchine, pressing up against it, it was a sight people would of been embarrassed by but Lauren saw the funny side to it. She did get her shoes and then adjusted her top to cover her belly.
She waddled back to the group, knowing they had all been talking about how fat she has got. She just wished she could of listened in to the conversation.
The group then played some games on the pool tables. One of the tables that a game was being played on, Lauren got close to the table with her belly then resting over the side on the table. It was the table that Hannah was on, and she waited for her sister to notice and tease her about her fat guy resting on the table, Hannah saw her sister
"Get your fat belly of the table, you look like a hippo" Hannah poking her belly, then getting two of the lads to poke it aswell.
Lauren went and sat next to her mum, her was sitting with a friend talking, Lauren heard they was already in a deep conversation about her weight
"I have stopped buying junk food and trying to get her on a diet" the mum explained
"Her ass is huge now, it's bus-sized" the mum added.

The whole group went outside, to the amusement park on the other side of the road, and someone said to everyone to go on the ride with the giant swing, it had little chairs at the ends on a long chain and would swing people round. Everyone got on it, Lauren sat her butt into this seat, her thighs are bulging out of the side, she could hear her mum and sister both giggling, they could have been laughing at anything but Lauren knew they was laughing at her, about how her fat was bulging out of the side. The ride went round and finished, Lauren stepped and went to walk off the platform, only to realise her butt was still attached to the seat and it was going with her. Her mum and sister was laughing their heads off, Lauren again saw the funny side to it.

The party went into two groups, boy and the girls, Hannah pointed out a photo booth and said to get a picture, there was 9 girls in the group, so Hannah said to have 3 at a time, One set went in and got their picture taken, Hannah said her, mum and Lauren would take the next one together. The 1st group came out and collected their pictures, Hannah went in first then, then Lauren and then mum. All 3 was stuck in this booth, Hannah was adjusting the setting while the mum tryed to squeeze in, Lauren took most of the seat, Hannah was up against the wall and not even sitting and the mum tryed to get her face in the photo aswell.
All 3 was shouting at each other and then had to rush to smile for the photo, they all got out and collected the pictures. Both Hannah and the mum could be seen desperately trying to get their face in and only just got in, while Lauren smiled with her fatter, fuller face with her chubby cheeks, and her 3 chins. "Hmm maybe that wasn't a good idea" Hannah said disappointed.
Hannah and Lauren then went on to the dance move marchine, the one where you tapped a foot in a certain direction at the right time. Both stepped up and played to the same same song, Hannah killed while Lauren couldn't keep up, and was sweating all over moving her large body all around, she stopped playing before the song finished.

The night went on and then everyone said goodbye, Hannah drove mum back home
Lauren drove back home, She drove past deans and then decided to pop in to tell him about tonight. She knocked on his door and he opened it and smiled.
He then invited her in and gave her another weight gain smoothie to force her to drink.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Rstlne 6 years
Sorry, but I feel that MathMachine4 does have a little bit of a point. Good grammar and spelling can make a profound impact on the readability and enjoyability of a story. But I also agree that he doesn't have the best attitude in his comments.
Jdm 6 years
Hopefully some more chapters coming soon, great story
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a good story. 2 small suggestions: Track Lauren's weight and/or a little more description of what she looks like during the stages of her gain
Champ 6 years
I wonder how much Lauren weighs now...
Great story!
Karenjenk 6 years
I love the humiliation factor. The description of her moving (p. 4) was really good. I could get a visual from that.

Your descriptions are really great. Personally I would like to see some weight in numbers, however, your descriptions are amazi
DominantMaleFA 6 years
You have a good start here. I've love to see more of Dean feeding and fattening Lauren, and I like the humiliation you have coming from her family. I would recommend building on this tension.

Good job!
Td0057 6 years
Great stuff. It appears an FA boyfriend or an encourager might make an appearance.
Giantjay 6 years
Nice start, love the dynamic you've created in the family - and the teasing! Hope to see her get a whole lot bigger. smiley