Susie's weight gain

Chapter 5 - 5) the end?

Rose and Susie woke up the next morning, helping themselves to KFC. The grease hit their taste buds and they moaned loudly. Rose started to hand-feed Susie, and she accepted. Susie's stomach started to bloat up and ache, so she started to rub it.
"Mm... More."
"I'll keep it coming."
"Yeah?& quot;
"I think I'll stop eating so unhealthily, starting tomorrow."
"Susie, are you sure? You might get depressed again."
"I'm sure. But please, make this the best, most food-filled night of my life."
"Any time, sister." And with this said, Rose walked into the kitchen to get food. She grabbed everything that she could find. Then, Rose positioned Susie on the couch. She took off her shirt for her, and got straight to work. Susie ate and ate. Pastries, chips, cakes, pies, and more. All the while, Rose massaged her strech-marked covered belly. As Susie ate, she wanted more and more food, until she could no longer feel her growing belly. Her privates got soaked, and Rose made sure it stayed that way by giving Susie even more food. After 2 hours of pure eating, Susie wanted to get in the bed. But when she tried standing up, she fell back down, landing back onto the couch. She immediately panicked, but Rose shushed her, giving her more food. She kept eating, and Rose chose to join her. Now they both ate, sitting together on their breaking couch.

The next morning

The two woke up wet, covered in food, and with bellies aching like crazy. But Susie had a mission. Lose weight. But at 145.6 pounds, she was no longer capable of jogging. She chose that she just wouldn't eat much. But throughout the day, she got more and more hungry. By the time it got dark, she was getting shaky.
"Ugh... I just want to eat one burger."
"Susie, just get it then. You deserve it, you did well today."
"You think so?"
"Then I guess I do deserve a snack!" Of course a snack has been a lot recently.
"A burger, fries, and chocolate isn't too bad." And so Susie ate. But without noticing, she was back in the kitchen, on her hands and knees, eating everything in sight.
"Mm... It tastes so good! Ooh, cake!
A taco? Yes please! Mm..." She completely forgot about her diet, enjoying food all too much to stop. Rose didn't bother helping, because to her what mattered was just having a good time. So Susie being happy was just what she wanted.
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