On the brink

chapter 25

She loved standing after she had been in bed for a while, because she noticed the difference between the last time, and how the new weight pulled at her body. Her belly definitely hung lower, her thighs were forced farther apart, and she could feel how the fat on her arms was forcing her arms to hang at a more extreme angle off her body, the fat leaving no room for them to fall flat on her sides.
"Yea you are!" Luke responded, jiggling her now free hanging stomach. It was majestic how her fat rippled and shook now that it had nothing to press against and dampen the movement. She was enormous, and now the difficult task of pulling up her new swimsuit began. "Okay guys, I'm going to help lift her leg, you need to move the hole in her bottoms into place as fast as you can okay?" Luke said to Amanda and Mallory who were kneeling on either side of Lilly's massive thigh.
"Got it!" Mallory said, still breathing heavily from her feeble attempts to assist Luke and Amanda in getting Lilly to her feet.
"1... 2... 3!" Luke's face strained as he pulled at Lilly's leg, and Lilly grunted as she tried to lift it, only achieving an inch or so removal from the floor. In one fluid motion Amanda and Mallory slid the swim suit into place around Lilly's fat foot. Mallory examined the swollen toes, each painted a cute red color, something that Amanda and Lilly did to pass the time when Luke and Mallory were working.
"Your toes are seriously... the cutest!" Mallory exclaimed in a huff as she touched the fat toes for emphasis.
"Thanks!" Lilly said, dripping in sweat she was slow to respond, deep labored breaths dominated her ability to speak in anything more than short sentences.
The process was repeated with the other leg, and Luke and Amanda began pulling the garment up Lilly's gargantuan legs. They had to maneuver the garment to slide it between the tightly pressed fat of Lilly's inner thighs, from Mallory's perspective it looked like they were trying to floss Lilly's thighs something that made her giggle as she watched.
Finally the garment found its resting place on Lilly's massive ass. From the front it couldn't be discerned that Lilly was wearing anything at all, save for the small strips of fabric that connected around the side to the back, which were almost completely obscured by the rolls of fat on Lilly's hips. 'Man if we're not careful I might need a team of lawyers to protect Lilly from public nudity charges' Luke thought to himself, examining all of the flesh that was exposed.
"Whoo... the hardest part is done!" Luke said triumphantly, once again jiggling Lilly's belly of jelly. While Luke and Lilly spoke, Amanda and Mallory worked on getting Lilly's massive breasts into the top, which didn't do much in the way of support, except to cause her breasts to take on a more rounded shape.
"For... you... I.. still have... to walk!" Lilly said huffing.
"Haha yea, but we're gonna help you with that too!" Amanda said smiling. "C'mon let's get moving, I want to get to the beach with some daylight left!"
The group then accompanied Lilly as she slowly shuffled toward her scooter, even the walk to garage was too much for her to even attempt. Her breathing was labored as she took heavy steps, leaning heavily against Luke and Amanda as she waddled. She felt the underside of her belly slap against her shin as she shifted her weight to move forward. Every part of her was growing with each passing day, causing her to jiggle even more everytime she walked. Her ass looked like a wave pool, ripples jiggling from one cheek to the other as each foot made contact with the ground.
Finally on the scooter, she drove to the garage, her hips were getting dangerously close to making contact with the widened doors of her and Luke's house.
"Pretty soon she won't be able to fit through the doors Luke!" Amanda said as the group walked down the hallway, following Lilly's engorged form atop the scooter.
"Hey.. I can still... hear you!" Lilly said, not quite one hundred percent recovered from the 10 foot walk to the scooter.
"Your ears haven't completely closed with fat yet?" Amanda responded teasingly, Lilly turned her head as much as possible to give an evil glare, but only managed to cause her neck fat to bunch up, hindering her face from completely turning around.
"Alright ladies play nice!" Luke said laughing, knowing all the teasing was in good spirit. "Are you ready to see your surprise!" Luke said, his hand on the garage door handle.
"Yea!... Lemme see!" Lilly demanded, growing impatient. Luke complied and revealed the greatest surprise of the day so far. "Oh my... goodness is that... an all terrain scooter?!"
"Wow! I'm surprised you got that so quick!" Luke responded.
"The big poofy tires.. Are kind of... a give away!" Lilly said giggling, happy that Luke was so impressed.
Luke brought the scooter into place next to Lilly's current scooter, and with the features of the newer one positioned it to make it as easy as possible for her to transfer chairs. After some huffing and puffing Lilly was again seated in the new chair. It fit into the brackets Luke had placed in the back of the van.
Mallory sat in the front passenger seat next to Luke, and Amanda was forced to sit on the floor in the back next to Lilly, Luke promised to drive extra careful on the way to the beach. Amanda didn't mind, it meant she got to be the one to feed Lilly the snacks Luke had packed to hold her over on the way to the beach. Lilly's 'snacks' constituted enough food to feed an average person or two for a day. Lilly was growing increasingly accustomed to being fed, the times where she fed herself anything more than a few bites becoming increasingly uncommon with three lovers who were constantly eager to push food past her lips.
"I'm so excited to watch all this flesh jiggle as we drive!" Amanda said, rubbing Lilly's huge belly. Most of her flesh was exposed, her breasts and ass being the only things that were covered.
"It's magical, trust me!" Luke said as he pulled out of the driveway, the shifting in the car causing a ripple to cut across Lilly's belly, which elicited a gleeful squeal from Amanda. "See?" Luke said in response.
"It's great!"
"Yea... alright, now get me some food!" Lilly interjected with an annoyed expression. Amanda obeyed and began feeding the behemoth beauty.
Almost an hour passed before the smell of the ocean air began filling the car, causing everyone to become more excited about the beach.
"Alright everyone, right around this corner we'll be able to see the water!" Luke announced as they turned the corner around a mountain.
"Oh it's amazing!" Lilly said, the ocean finally coming into view. "Thank you so much guys, this is the best surprise ever!"
"You're welcome hon, I hope you're ready to feel the sand between your fat toes!" Luke said as he pulled off the freeway and into a parking lot next to the beach. The beach was dotted with visitors enjoying a day at the beach, wholly unaware of the spectacle that was about to unfold in front of them.
The group began to unload from the car, and Lilly wheeled her chair back onto the the platform that lowered from the van to ground level. The first unsuspecting observers were walking by the van when the massive pile of flesh came into view, the fat jiggling as the platform lowered. Their surprise was self-evident as their jaws dropped and they began exchanging whispers. To be fair, from an outside observer's perspective it truly did seem like Lilly was essentially naked, even though she was covering all the goods.
"Oh my gosh, their jaws literally dropped!" Lilly observed laughing at the reaction her massive body elicited. The sea air felt so good on her skin, the cool moist air rushing past her huge folds.
"You're quite the spectacle honey!" Luke responded kissing Lilly on the cheek as he pulled an ice chest behind him. The girls carried a couple picnic blankets with them as well as assorted items such as sand toys, balls, and plenty of food that they would use to occupy their time at the beach.
Much of the activity on the beach hushed as Lilly made her way onto the sand, beachgoers slowly turning their attention to the massive woman who was being carried by an oversized scooter.
Mallory wasn't used to not being the center of attention herself, especially when she was wearing clothes that exposed a lot of her flesh like she now was. Some of the stares came in her direction, but the lion's share were directed at Lilly. Once in a strategic position on the beach close to the water but far enough away to avoid the high tide the girls and Luke began setting up their own little paradise.
"I'll put some sunscreen on you Lilly, we don't want all this pale flesh to get burned!" Amanda said as she pulled a couple of large bottles of sunscreen, the kind you buy from bulk discount stores. Luke hadn't been sure how much sunscreen they would need to cover Lilly's massive body adequately. Amanda began the monumental task of rubbing the sunscreen into every exposed inch of Lilly's flesh, which was almost all of it. Amanda squeezed a large glob onto Lilly's belly, eliciting a yelp, the cold sunscreen surprised Lilly when it landed on her sensitive skin. "I might need some help Mallory, there's a lot of ground to cover here!" Amanda said as she rubbed the sunscreen into the folds on Lilly's tummy. "Start getting her back!" Amanda handed the other bottle to Mallory who promptly began rubbing it into Lilly's soft back.
"Mhmmm that feels so good!" Lilly said loudly, noticing a few fellow beachgoers gawking at the spectacle. 'These people treat that fat blob like a queen! What the hell is going on here?!' Thought one particularly interested woman as she watched with morbid curiosity.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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NoviceFA 6 years
The story should be fixed, if there are any continuity issues between chapters please let me know. Enjoy the 28th addition to the story smiley
Mdy73 6 years
It is great to read...
Fluffylove 6 years
love it..please keep it going.
NoviceFA 6 years
Sorry about the wait guys, things got busy, but I've been writing little by little. Hope you enjoy the additions that are coming.
Koudelka 6 years
This is the best story that I've read in a long time.
You really manage to show the pure pleasure of the protagonists huge fatness and her strong wish to grow even fatter without taking care of the consequences. Wonderful!
I really would love to see thi
Lifelost65 6 years
I am loving this story so far great job! Though I am kinda curious to see what would happen if Amanda's curiosity got the better of her and she tried the shake one night while Lilly and luck were asleep or something.
Lady1 6 years
Amazing so far but very excited to see where the story goes with Amanda and her first sexual experiences with Lily.... please make it happen
Fluffylove 6 years
Please more. This is soo good
Iafeeder 6 years
Please keep this up! This is amazing!
PrimusFeeder 6 years
I hope it continues in the realms of reality and we see how it begins to affect her health
Karenjenk 6 years
Wow.... your description are so detailed. Its like you have personal experience with this. ;-)
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for your feedback everyone. Let me know if the newer chapters are good additions.
Tarquin 6 years
Awesome! REALLY looking forward to the next chapters!
DawnofBleach 6 years
This is AWESOME!! My favorite parts are when she loses time and control when eating-as if she could eat forever!
DominantMaleFA 6 years
Loving the descriptions of her struggles to move. Keep it up!
PrimusFeeder 6 years
Good start, keep it coming