My life

chapter 3

I couldn't really understand why I went back to my small self after every time I "stuffed" myself. I started to get slightly frustrated with my lack of progress a few months after I made the decision to gain. Each day made me more and more disappointed with myself and my goals. I could not figure out why I wasn't gaining, so I gave up. I completely dropped the fantasies of me gaining weight and did not "stuff" myself again...

Well, until another spark was lit...

I used to own a bunch of stuffed animals. My sister's and my collection ranged from small cats to toddler sized pandas. We would play with them, pretending we lived in a different world where animals ruled. One day, as a joke I stuffed a bunch of stuffed animals under my shirt and walked around, pretending to be pregnant. My sister and I got a great laugh out of it, but that little, harmless joke triggered my once dead fantasies.

The night after I did the joke, I had another fantasy. This one was different from the school trip ones. I had not had a fantasy in two full years, so I had matured a little. This is kinda how it went...

I was laying down, looking at the ceiling above me. I was pondering the things that had happened during the day, and wondering what I was gonna do tomorrow. I began to feel a wave of numbness spreading over my body. I wasn't scared, but surprised and curious as to what is was. I let the feeling consume me. I started to feel unbelievable pleasure throughout my entire body, but centered on my stomach and thighs. That's when I began to grow. I could feel my butt pushing me up off my bed, forcing my back to arch to accommodate its growth. I could see my belly rising and feel it digging into my rigid arms that were stuck at my sides. Slowly, I felt the numbness go away, replaced by a feeling of need. My body needed me to eat.
I slowly raise my new girth into a sitting position. My belly spread out onto my lap, almost reaching my knees. I attempted to stand up, but failed to move my thighs off the bed because of how heavy they were. I picked each one up with my arms, which I noticed had also been blessed with fat, and moved them off the bed so I was in a sitting position. I heaved myself up, and instantly fell back down onto the bed, hearing a loud cracking noise which I could only assume was the bed breaking under my weight. I reached for the chair that is near my bed and pulled my body forwards, almost losing my balance because of my swinging belly. The ground shook with each one of my movements. After steadying myself with the chair, I began to walk out of my room, well, it was more of a waddle then a walk, but you get the picture. I moved myself into the kitchen, where my mom waited for me next to a large feast.
"Oh good, I was just about to wake you up. You look starving! You are going to eat all of this and you are going to like it. You are for too skinny for a boy your age." I made my way over to the single chair at the counter, lowering myself onto it slowly, as I did not want to break it. As I settled myself in, my mom placed a large plate of steak, mash potatoes, and casserole in front of me, motioning me to eat it. I gladly did.
I ate like a monster. I didn't weight to swallow before I stuffed another bite of food into my mouth. It was like my arms were not my own. I finished the first plate in less than a minute, which was quickly replaced by another, much larger plate. This one had four 5 lb burgers and what seemed to be an endless amount of fries on it. I stuffed half a burger at a time into my maw, barely savoring the taste before swallowing. My body demanded that I eat more, and I was helpless to refuse it. I slaved away to feed my body, which began to expand as I ate. Slowly, my belly began to push into the wooden shelves below the counter and the countertop itself. My butt expanded outwards, further engulfing the chair beneath me. At some point, my mom had replaced the plate in front of me with a XXXL pizza that was 58 inches across. I didn't even notice her switch the plate with how I was eating. The pleasure had returned with the growth of my body, and all I cared about was keeping the pleasure going. I didn't want it to stop. I never wanted it to stop. About ⅓ of the way into the pizza, I broke the chair. ⅔ of the way and I couldn't reach the table anymore. My mom fed me the rest of the food after that.
My body didn't stop growing until every morsel of food was in it. My belly pushed me four feet out of reach of the counter, and my butt made me at the same eye level I was at when I had been sitting on the chair. I rubbed my gigantic gut in utter bliss.
"Good job, Parker. Are you ready for dessert?" my mom asks, while holding a five gallon of weight gain shake. I nodded my head, only caring to receive the pleasure that had been subsiding over the last few minutes. She pulled out a funnel and put a tube on the end of it. She put the tube in my mouth and began to pour the milkshake into my awaiting mouth. I felt the pleasure again course through my immobile body. I couldn't stop myself from drinking every last drop of the shake. I felt like I was in heaven. My belly expanded outwards, completely engulfing the counter in front of me as my head and top of my belly hit the roof. I started to run out of space to grow, when all of a sudden...

I woke up in the middle of the night sweating and with what I thought was a piss stain on my bed. I swore silently as I tried to dry off the white stuff that covered my bed sheets. I was confused as to why my piss was white, but I thought that it was because of over hydration. I had no idea that I had just had my first wet dream.
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