Six more months of winter

chapter 2: resolution day

My alarm pulled me from my slumber. Today marked the end of Eating Season for Scott. It was time to head back to the gym and watch as Scott melted away his yearly indulgence. This year had been a bit more decadent than most, but I knew it was time to say goodbye to my comfy cuddly buddy. He always waited til 2 and half weeks into January to wait out the majority of the "Resolutioners," people who joined the gym January 1st thinking this would be the year they got in shape. So while Scott pump away on the treadmill and free weights before heading to the elementary to teach, I would drive off to city to provide my daily hours of IT support. I squeezed him tight and felt my hands dig into his warm pudge. Just a little bit longer I thought, I want to stay here just like this. Alas we've got to get started sometime. We rolled out of bed and started our days. I called him down for breakfast and went to let our dog, Cooper, out for her morning poo. Only when I opened the door, I was greeted by blinding white light. I wasn't dead, but Scott's plans were.
"Aw man a snow day?" Scott groaned behind me.
"There's no way we can go out in this weather. The snow plows haven't even come yet." I agreed.
"but the gym.."
"The gym will be there tomorrow you dork."
"What're we gonna do with all this free time?"
"Two words. Blanket Fort"
"Babe I'm so in."
Scott gathered all the blankets and pillows from around the house to setup our fort while I gathered resources. Back when Scott was requesting all his favorite meals I took the time to freeze a little bit of each one for a rainy day. I figured a small act of god was reason enough for a banquet and eagerly reheated them all. From four-meat lasagna to chicken tamales to beer battered chicken strips, no meal was left out. When all was done I joined Scott under the structure near the couch. We christened our oasis, Fort Feast.
"Wow I wasn't expecting so much food, but I really can't complain. All my favorites are here," Scott smiled.
"I figured if you're saving the gym for tomorrow we may as well have a sort of Last Supper before then." I said.
"You're right, I really gotta get to the gym though. I weighed myself today and I'm up to 196. 200 is so close"
"Eh you look fine to me, it's probably all those mini quiches if anything,"
"You mean the ones you practically force fed me on New Years Eve?"
"I did not!" I protested.
"You so did too!"
We broke out into a tickle fight that turned into something a little sweatier. There was plenty of cushion to enjoy under the fort. Scott did well, but I don't mean the couch cushions.
We lay there under the blankets with my head on his chest. I traced circles around his tummy while a movie played in the background. He finished off every last crumb of the food I heated up for him, albeit with a little bit of help. I like lasagna too!
"Man, I wish we could just stay here just like this," he mumbled.
"Maybe we could," I thought.
"Say you got any of those mini quiches in the freezer?" he said coming out of his daze.
I smiled and stood up to bake my best batch ever.
"Maybe we could," I thought.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Theimpatient... 1 year
I read straight through all the chapters smiley This was really great. Honestly, it left me wishing I was Scott haha. I’d love to be in a relationship like that
GrowingLoveH... 2 years
This is well done. It mirrors my own experience getting fat — and being fattened — in my late 20s. I don’t know how I missed this story, but great job!! Write more stories! Please!
FrecherTyp 6 years
yes that was lovely work ^^ and a lovey story
Hurgon 6 years
Awesome work. Delightfully sexy and humorous descriptions of Scott's plumpening bubble butt and belly. Very much looking forward to more of your work! smiley