Six more months of winter

chapter 4: fourth of july

I'm just about done wrapping the hot dog links in bacon. Scott sips an IPA while he stands ready at the grill watching over the burgers. They bulge pulse on the grill just like a certain chef's new belly. He dons an open Hawaiian shirt and a new pair of swim trunks I picked up for him from the store last week. It's been a good while since Groundhog Day and Scott had only been to the gym once, to cancel his membership. He'd really plumped up in the past few months. His belly had grown and rested over his waistband. It was more like a shelf than an overhang, but I suspected any day now that would change. His pecs still looked muscled so long as he didn't sit or push his arms together and reveal how overfilled and fleshy they had gotten. His arms had lost all definition and thickened up. The biggest surprise out of all his gains was his butt. He was no Nicki Minaj, but he'd grown a serious bubble butt. So much so he'd needed to change from slim cut jeans to a more relaxed fit when we upgraded his wardrobe last month. Speaking of changes he got weighed during his annual check-up.
222 whopping pounds.
His doctor was none too pleased but stated other than his substantial weight he's the picture of health. I claim responsibility for that since I suggested we let go of our dog walker and alternate days. Neither of us is taking the stairs if we don't have to, but Scott says he doesn't feel winded climbing them when the elevator is down at the school now.
"Hey Babe, how are those hot dogs coming!?" he hollers from the grill.
"Allllmost done. There!" I yell back and head over "The burgers look great!"
"Hey I was pretty decent at cooking before you came along"
"Operating the grill when you go out to Korean BBQ with your friends is not the same thing"
"Heyyyy!" he protests
I kiss him on the cheek "Aww I'm sorry, you're right. You're doing good"
"Yeah yeah I love you too, now how about those hot dogs?"
"Did someone say hot dogs?" a booming voice came in. Scott's parents, Gregg and Stephanie had arrived.
Scott and Gregg hugged before Gregg pushed him away and took him in.
"Well look at you!" Gregg started while grabbing a bit of Scott's belly "Your mom said you'd been filling out a little based on the Memorial Day photos, but this is something else"
Scott blushed and pushed his father off "I know, I'm gonna start hitting the gym again real soon"
If that was true it was news to me.
"Ah I'm just teasing you Scottie, it's natural to put on a little weight in your mid-20s," Gregg relented.
I gave Stephanie a hug and she said "Oh dearie it's so good to see you, would you like help with anything?"
"Sure," I said, "if you want to give me a hand cutting the condiments for the burgers I'd really appreciate it. I'm running a bit behind today..."
Steph and I headed inside to the kitchen to gather the lettuce, tomatoes, and fried onions.
She was looking out the window when I said "is everything okay?"
"You know," she smiled, "Scott is getting pretty chunky these days."
I was ready for her to tell me to stop feeding him so much
"He looks happy" she said walking over to me "I don't think I've ever seen him so comfortable with anyone. So whatever you're doing. Keep it up."
She patted me on the back and we dished out the condiments together while listening to beach jams.
Once the food was done we all filled up our plates. As was custom lately, Scott took the lion's share of the spread and gulped it down. He was buzzed and stuffed by the time came for fireworks. We all took blankets down to the local park. His parents went on ahead to save a spot and I guided my very chubby boyfriend along the path. He put his arm around me and we stumbled along the sidewalk. He fell to his knee and assuming he tripped I turned back to him saying, "Come on drunky we need to get to the par-" before our eyes met and I realized something was up
I'd never seen his face so serious in all our years together. And in a second it was all clear.
"So I was thinking, you're pretty awesome and I'm pretty awesome. I'd like us to get married" he shrugged, "You know if you'll have me"
I was so focused on not saying, "Yes" before he finished asking I stood there dumbfounded before I finally mumbled out "...okay" through happy tears.
The rest of that night is a blur, I just know the fireworks at the park couldn't compare to the fireworks I felt that night when we got home.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Theimpatient... 1 year
I read straight through all the chapters smiley This was really great. Honestly, it left me wishing I was Scott haha. I’d love to be in a relationship like that
GrowingLoveH... 2 years
This is well done. It mirrors my own experience getting fat — and being fattened — in my late 20s. I don’t know how I missed this story, but great job!! Write more stories! Please!
FrecherTyp 6 years
yes that was lovely work ^^ and a lovey story
Hurgon 6 years
Awesome work. Delightfully sexy and humorous descriptions of Scott's plumpening bubble butt and belly. Very much looking forward to more of your work! smiley