"for you my dear, i

chapter 4: the aftermath, week four

Following their first sexual encounter as Feedress and slave, Renee never felt so embarrassed and ashamed. Over the past month Amira fed and fucked him several times a day. Making him do whatever she pleased at her complete leisure. He watched in almost third person horror as he simultaneously lost his identity and grew layer after layer of softening fat. Yet, no matter how terrified, there was a significant part of his psyche that wanted nothing more than to "give up and become my big fat assed bitch" Amira wanted him to become. Amira kept gently whispering in his ear every time she fed and subsequently fucked him things like, "your fat ass is mine" and, "you're such a good piggy princess."

It didn't matter whether she mounted him or just had him eat cream, frosting, or syrup off of her nominally sized double dildo. Either way she always whispered to him that he'd one day be the "fat assed bitch" in their relationship.

She made him beg to be fattened into a "fattened cow" or some other embarrassing term like "her big bellied beauty". And up into about two weeks ago, Amira figured this psychological aspect of her feminizing and fattening would have to be put on the back burner until after his feminizing surgeries. But that would take place down the road so She put it off as an afterthought.

She had to alter or even "upgrade" this initial assessment about two weeks ago. He'd been under her daily regimen for about two weeks up to that point. To his credit or maybe fear, he never once complained about the massive amounts of calories he was forced to ingest. Likewise, he had never complained about being on the receiving end of their daily anal escapades.

Part of his daily doses of medicine included dissolved Viagra to ensure he rapidly developed a true sexual addiction to overeating. Plus Amira knew he'd take towards anal pleasures more readily if every time she fed him Viagra laced foods, she followed up by stuffing his ass while simultaneously stimulating his manhood. And by seeing the way he was eating and cuming this whole first month, Amira suspected that it wouldn't be too far off until the mere sight of her dildo or minimal anal stimulation stirred hunger from within. She wanted food, sex and hunger all to be intertwined do closely for Renee so that once TRULY fattened and feminized, there would be no hope or even delusions of returning to a man's body.

Unbeknownst to Amira, Renee rather enjoyed the sensations of being crammed with food and then have his wife either mount him from the missionary or doggie style positions. He'd almost always continue eating either from her hands when she was on top or on all fours like a pig when she fucked him from behind.

It was however a bit of a surprise to Amira that Renee quickly grew to love their newly "agreed" upon sexual habits. She was however completely and delightfully surprised when Renee screamed out on day "Feed me! Fuck me! I want to be your fat assed bitch!", right before cuming under her skilful and manicured fingers.

Renee was bright enough to figure out at least part of Amira's plans for him. He'd even partly figured out the means by which she was achieving her revenge. He couldn't really focus due to his daily medicines and that was by design. While he felt only lightly impared, in actuality he was truly heavily drugged and in ways he could never imagine.

As stated earlier, Renee first figured that Amira's concoction must have a libido enhancer as he was almost constantly horny due to the constant effects of having nitrates pumping through his blood stream. He'd also recognized the heavily dosed THC/Marijuana taste in virtually everything he ate.

However, this is where his imagination failed to forsee what Amira truly had in store for him. Yes, he'd heard her say that she was gonna fatten him up, so it made sense to him that she wanted him to have an increased appitite. He also rightfully assumed that Amira liked her "dick", as she called it and liked using it on him. That's why, not surprisingly, he assumed that was the only reason for getting him high, so he "might open up a bit, and enjoy it", as he remembered her words verbatim.

Renee also somewhat noticed his rapid weight gain. He was definitely worried and would have been even more terrified if it were not for his loose fitting blouses. While they were humiliating to he, Amira found him absolutely adorable in his sheer lace and panties. She'd picked his clothing arrangements with meticulous percission as to simultaneously accentuate his growing femininity and to hide from Renee the true growth and changes his body was undergoing from a months worth of feeding him food laced with weightgain powder and female hormones.

Renee obviously noted that he'd grown a considerable layer of fat covering his still athletic yet dormant frame. But that was about the extent of his conciuos knowlege.

Renee's ignorance was partially to blame on himself as his ego had him thoroughly convinced that he'd eventually make it out of this ordeal, once Amira got it out of her system. He even naively dreamt of a future where he and Amira would live happily ever after, he losing the weight and even getting his vocal cords repaired.

In actuality, nothing could have been further from the truth. While Amira did plan on she and Renee living out their days together, her image of Renee couldn't have been further away a ripped body male. She pictured him as a SSBBW, covered from head to toe in a highly jeweled, tight and alluring middle eastern garb. Dressed like this with only her eyes showing, no one would ever guess that Renee was anything other than a rich fat middle eastern princess. While she would technically keep her fully covered in public, Amira planned to keep Renee's tight enough to never hide her newly acquired feminine and fattened body.

As far as Renee was concerned he guessed he'd gained about five or ten pounds or so. He was however aware that he'd lost almost all of his former muscle definition. Under normal conditions, Renee would have been mortified by his recent weight gain and subsequent softening. But these were anything but normal circumstances. Thus he allowed himself to relax a bit noting that his new and softer body texture was due Amira more than satisfying his every hunger, and then some.

The constant influx of THC, combined with female hormone and the calming yet appititite stimulant Remeron resulted in Renee residing in a constant state of relaxed bliss. Needless to say, his perception of what was actually happening to him was limited at best.

Where Renee thought he'd only gained five or ten pounds, he'd actually gained a little over fifteen lbs. Amira knew this because she made him weigh in naked and blindfolded as to literally keep her piggy months dark. At 6'5" 230lbs, he was now technically overweight with a BMI of 27.3. Renee definitely wasn't huge but his softened features and even softening skin were remarkable to behold for anyone with a clear mind. All of his former face' s angularity was now obscured by fuller and softer cheeks that even helped to form the slightest hints of extra chins to come.

Every part of Renee's body had been slightly thickened. From the widening of his calves and ankles to increased mass of his upper arms showed the effects of four weeks of unadulterated and heavily assisted gluttony. You could still make out his years of athletic conditioning but where he used to gave ripped abdominals, they were still visible but now covered with a soft layer of fat that blurred any former definition. Renee truly mourned the death of his chiseled midsection but Amira usually cheered him up by feeding him and gently rubbing his new belly flesh. And to be honest, he'd grown to enjoy the feeling of his softer flesh being kneaded while engorging himself. Often to add more sexual addiction, Amira often played with his more textured belly flesh while simultaneously using either her mouth or hands, bringing him ever so close to release.....but never fully there. As a result, Renee really hardly minded his expanding girth because to his ego's dismay, he was enjoying this so called "punishment". And whether he wanted to admit it or not, he actually wanted her to play with his midsection now. It was beginning to dawn on him why they were called love handles in the first place.

While his midsection was admittedly losing the battle of the bulge, the effects of the female hormones, a soy super enriched diet, no exercise, and an unquenchable hunger for food/sex, showed even more profound effects on his burgeoning new figure.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Jolene 1 year
Still waiting for some more of this story.... Please please continue it!
Dopethicc96 2 years
very hot story
Jolene 3 years
Yes... Very much so... So could you continue ..please?
Growingsofter 3 years
Glad you like
Jolene 3 years
And more explicitly erotic details around the bedroom would be awesome..
Jolene 3 years
Alternately, or additionally, however you like, you could have someone contact the royal household looking for Renee, and threatening war if he is not found, so Renee and Amira have to travel to Renee's home to convince them he is the real Renee, but is d
Jolene 3 years
Please... No Xenotransplantation... Not for this story anyway... Renee needs to gain more, and at some point, possibly have Amira enjoy being soft and begin gaining as well, so as to not let Renee have any physical advantage over her- ultimately, a happ
Growingsofter 3 years
I'll write more, promise. Suggestions???
Jolene 3 years
So disappointed that this story has gone nowhere in so long😢
Jolene 4 years
Keep going!!!
Balloon 5 years
I am happy to see you have returned to this story. Please continue.
Chubi70cl 6 years
so perfect smiley
Balloon 6 years
I'm hooked! Please write more.
Azerty 6 years
Great story. Thank you.
Write as you can and at your pace.
Jolene 6 years
More please- love it all!
Giantjay 6 years
Yes, just a few sentences here at the moment - great way to lose readers. Try writing a few thousand words, then posting.