"for you my dear, i

chapter 5: week5, making renee love his fat

So far everything was going according to Amira's plans. Renee's constant stuffings, followed by explosive orgasms and subsequent sleep, forced his over zealous metabolism to start slowing down, especially since the end of week two when Amira commanded him to stop all work outs, directly forbidding him from doing any cardio. Aa a result he began to frow softer and more out of shape by the day.

Renee dreaded his new lack of fitness more than he did the extra new pounds. His new fattness and lack of accompanying muscle made him feel more than a little awkward. If he were working out, 15lbs of pure muscle would still take some getting used to, but consudering that most of his weight gain was gelatinous fat filled flesh, Renee felt the full brunt of every lazy pound he was continuously "forced" to gain. Also, instead of adding soild male chunk, he was adding layer after layer of soft and textured adipose tissue due to his constant and increasing amounts of feminine hormones in his food and drinks.

Renee's thickening waist, softening chest and ample lower half wasn't the only thing growing. Renee's new and chemically enhanced appitite seemed to even outpace his growing form. To put it lightly, Renee's new eating habits were beginning to stick. It was as if every new ounce of new flesh demanded more food to keep him satisfied. If he wasn't stuffed to the max, his belly groaned in displeasure.

Renee's rich treats filled with cannabis and Viagra further intertwined his lust for sex into a new category. Amira secretly called it to herself "hongriness". She made sure he enjoyed orgasm every single time she stuffed him full of fattening goodies. Thus Renee grew an insatiable greed and lust for food and sex. Meals that would have made him sick on his first day of punishment were now mere appetizers.

Amira meticulously made sure that Renee consumed in average, 25,000 to 30,000 calories a day. Honestly, as impressive as fifteen pounds was within his fisrt month, Amira half expected that he should have gained even more. She chalked up his "minimal" gain to his "superb metabolism" as he used to annoyingly announce at dinner parties as he munched threw plate after plate while she barely ate a thing. She hated how his body shredded unwanted calories.

Amira was however consoled by the fact that she knew his family history. Amira thought, "Everyone in his family, male and female alike are obese pears, except for Renee...... but that wil soon to change"

Amira forsaw that Renee would in some way would try to resist or mitigate the effects of his overeating. She was right. He now willingly enjoyed his double stuffings from both ends, usually begging for more punishment. More punishment meant more calories and more anal sex. Yet Amira knew that no matter how much he enjoyed the process of being fattened, his vanity and resilient male ego would force him to at least try putting up a fight, no matter how futile his efforts would prove to be.

Around the end of week three, Amira began to notice subtle but noticeable changes in Renee's rapidly expanding form. She rightfully expected (confirmed later by her father's hidden surveillance cameras) that since he had no weights Renee resorted to three main exercises: push ups, sit ups, and squats.

At first she was infuriated as she had commanded her piggy princess, "No exercise but me fucking your fat ass". She remembered his quivering answer of "yes Feedress". But then she looked at the results of these exercises and thought better of confronting him. The squats along with heavy doses of female hormones had the effect of thickening and adding shape and volume to his growing rear, thighs, and hips. Renee continued to consume more and more fat laden calories over the next few weeks.

Holding on to dreams of returning to his previous glory, Renee somehow was able to convince himself that his exercises were having a major effect on keeping off the weight. It did make him feel a bit better mentally but with so many calories coming in and with so little time devoted to actually working out, the effects were truly ineffective. In fact the growing tissue on his ass and hips looked really good and really feminine. So, Amira let it continue. With the way she was feeding him, push ups, and sit ups would be impossible by year's end.

Amira hated to admit it, but leading him on and keeping his false hopes alive, only to later crush them, turned her on in ways she couldn't have imagined just a short while ago. She loved the power over her new pig. She would often have to pleasure herself after imagining Renee growing so fat and so weak that she'd be able to manhandle his fat and out of shape ass.

She loved seeing him grow wider and more feminine by the day. At least three times a day when she wasn't busy cramming him full, Amira made time to stimulate his nipples and massage his belly. She always did this and much more when he was eating, but she wanted to transition him from growing horny over eating, to growing hungry and horny by playing with his new fat.

Every day for weeks she massaged his nipples with a special oil that stimulated his nipple growth and sensitivity. Aaron took so much to this new sexual pleasure that she often watched him swirling his fingers around his own darkened areolas and swollen nipples, only to be followed by gorging and lastly finished off by vigorous masturbation and more sleep.

By the end of week nine, Aaron had likewise took to grabbing and caressing his quickly developing manboobs. Amira would often times start his feeding, letting the viagra kick in, then she would begin to message and knead his growing softness in his swelling belly and softening chest. She knew he Loved big tits, soon he'd have his own pair to suck on.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Jolene 1 year
Still waiting for some more of this story.... Please please continue it!
Dopethicc96 2 years
very hot story
Jolene 3 years
Yes... Very much so... So could you continue ..please?
Growingsofter 3 years
Glad you like
Jolene 3 years
And more explicitly erotic details around the bedroom would be awesome..
Jolene 3 years
Alternately, or additionally, however you like, you could have someone contact the royal household looking for Renee, and threatening war if he is not found, so Renee and Amira have to travel to Renee's home to convince them he is the real Renee, but is d
Jolene 3 years
Please... No Xenotransplantation... Not for this story anyway... Renee needs to gain more, and at some point, possibly have Amira enjoy being soft and begin gaining as well, so as to not let Renee have any physical advantage over her- ultimately, a happ
Growingsofter 3 years
I'll write more, promise. Suggestions???
Jolene 3 years
So disappointed that this story has gone nowhere in so long😢
Jolene 4 years
Keep going!!!
Balloon 5 years
I am happy to see you have returned to this story. Please continue.
Chubi70cl 6 years
so perfect smiley
Balloon 6 years
I'm hooked! Please write more.
Azerty 6 years
Great story. Thank you.
Write as you can and at your pace.
Jolene 6 years
More please- love it all!
Giantjay 6 years
Yes, just a few sentences here at the moment - great way to lose readers. Try writing a few thousand words, then posting.