"for you my dear, i

chapter 7

Renee woke up feeling some what hung over. He had a headache and his tummy growled as usual upon waking up. Not only that but he also felt sore all over, his face hurt his legs, ass, hips, and even his chest felt a bit uncomfortable. Renee guessed of must have been from all the rough sex they'd been having recently.

And while his assumption was incorrect, Renee's conjecture wasn't all that far fetched when considering his fiance's proclivities, not to mention that she'd been busy lifting weights and doing cardio while he stuffed himself unmercilessly. She was growing much stronger, fitter, even a bit leaner, and more aggressive while he grew weaker, unfit, fatter, and more submissive. As a result, she'd been manhandling Renee for weeks now, often leaving him bruised.

With his assumptions in place, Renee just figured that she must have been extra rough with his "fat ass last night". He had no idea that he'd undergone multiple surgeries and had been recovering for weeks while being fed massive amounts of calories through tubes.

When Renee's belly growled again, he instinctively reached down to rub his now ball gut. As he did so, he was pleasantly surprised to feel much less of it than he had even just recently.

For an instant he allowed himself to think, "Maybe it's all been just a bad dream". This poor excuse at an explanation began to dissolve as fingers searched for his washboard abs. To his dismay, he still produced a high pitched "Amira", when calling for his fiance. Realization that this was all real crept back over him, but Renee was still happy with the idea of a smaller tummy, which could only mean that he'd lost some weight recently. "But how?", he thought to himself, recounting how much he had been eating. Either way, he was glad not to feel the bulging ball belly any more as he noted that it made him look pregnant.

With blurried he, blindly rose from the bed only to struggle just as much as he did before. Once standing, Renee noticed that he felt unbalanced. He couldn't understand what was going on he felt so weird. Unbeknownst to Renee, that was because his now giant rear end pulled him backwards a bit, while his now enormous and sagging rack pulled him forwards.

With cake encrusted eyes he waddled over to the bathroom to clean up. "Somethings wrong", thought the jiggling Renee as he made himself over to the bathroom sink. He wobbled and shook between his thighs and his moobs felt heavy under the weight of their extra gravity.

Renee washed "his" face and got all of the gunk out of his eyes, before blindly grabbing a hand towel to dry "his" face off. When finished, Renee put the towel back on the rack. And then the bottom dropped out....

"This has to be a dream", he to himself while staring at the beautiful fat woman reflecting back at him in disbelief. While it was still "him", Renee could hardly recognize himself.

While hints of his former self like his height and hair color still remained, Renee hardly could recognize himself. Totally gone was Renee the dude, replaced by Renee, the big fat amazonian princess. Panick briefly overtook "him" as he reactively reached down, only to be relieved to discover his manhood still in tact. "At least she hasn't taken that away from me", thought Renee in a feeble attemp to console himself, only to be interrupted by his own further inner voice continuing, "... at least not yet".

A wave of shame washed over Renee as he realized that he was really turned on by what he saw and was absentmindedly tinkering with his apparently hardened cock. He thought about stoping himself, but continued anyway, losing the battle of self control to his lust for fat women.

The more he stared at himself, the more he found himself marveling over his transformation. Everything about him was different, from his head, now draped in long brown curls, down to his chubby little pedicured toes.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Jolene 1 year
Still waiting for some more of this story.... Please please continue it!
Dopethicc96 2 years
very hot story
Jolene 3 years
Yes... Very much so... So could you continue ..please?
Growingsofter 3 years
Glad you like
Jolene 3 years
And more explicitly erotic details around the bedroom would be awesome..
Jolene 3 years
Alternately, or additionally, however you like, you could have someone contact the royal household looking for Renee, and threatening war if he is not found, so Renee and Amira have to travel to Renee's home to convince them he is the real Renee, but is d
Jolene 3 years
Please... No Xenotransplantation... Not for this story anyway... Renee needs to gain more, and at some point, possibly have Amira enjoy being soft and begin gaining as well, so as to not let Renee have any physical advantage over her- ultimately, a happ
Growingsofter 3 years
I'll write more, promise. Suggestions???
Jolene 3 years
So disappointed that this story has gone nowhere in so long😢
Jolene 4 years
Keep going!!!
Balloon 5 years
I am happy to see you have returned to this story. Please continue.
Chubi70cl 6 years
so perfect smiley
Balloon 6 years
I'm hooked! Please write more.
Azerty 6 years
Great story. Thank you.
Write as you can and at your pace.
Jolene 6 years
More please- love it all!
Giantjay 6 years
Yes, just a few sentences here at the moment - great way to lose readers. Try writing a few thousand words, then posting.