The elephant in the room

Chapter 17 - the truth

Red looked at the photo and at the sofa, he was caught. "How long did you know?"

"Weekend." She said. "Me and Sofi thought you liked food a little too much, so we searched the site. Assumed you were doing it in secret otherwise you would have told me right up. Suspected it was FatFreddie from the way he suddenly joined and started trying to convince me to feed you at work, wanted to come check the scene from the photos before asking."

Red was glowing with embarrasment.

"Its fine, its a weird thing to be into and you don't want to tell me about it because you're worried I'll find out you've been stalking me."

Red stayed silent, inside he felt like he was burning up with shame.

"I was a little mad when i realised you were stalking me online, but it's not the worst thing anybody has ever done to me. I mean, being a bit creepy sometimes is part of being a feedist."

Red tried to speak, but an incoherent mumble came out. Carla leaned in and gave him a little kiss on the lips, grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulled it off.

"Well, are you going to finish it?" She said and passed the rest of the cake over.

Red looked at it, but the shock had taken his appetite. This was too much.

Carla poured him a glass of wine. "Sorry hon, am I scaring you?"

Red shook his head. "No, i'm sorry. Quite a lot to process."

"Well, were you really planning on hiding this forever? What was the end game? Go on dates with me and then tell me your real thoughts anonymously on the internet?"

"I never thought it through that far."

"Well, obviously. Come on, lets play a game for a bit! No rush." She smiled at him reassuringly.

They played the first few levels of the new video game, Carla picked this up better than the previous one, Red's mind was still spinning and was not concentrating very well, their skills at this time were pretty evenly matched right now. They eventually encountered the first boss, a giant bumble bee with gattling gun, Red lost his remaining life with a cheat attack wave from the boss, Carla dodged the bullet storm and jumped on the Bee's head and killed it.

She cheered. "I win!" She threw an arm around Red and ran her finger along his stomach. "Do I win anything?"

Red felt more relaxed now. "Sorry, feel better now. What did you want?"

Carla picked up the cake and blew a kiss at him. "I think you know."

Red nodded and chuckled. "Yes, I get it, okay."

Carla beamed and held up the cake for him.

"Not just a piece?"

Carla shook her head. "Too much cake for your little tummy?" She put it down and stood up. She pulled on her waistband, wiggled her skirt down and sat on Reds lap. He felt her soft curves pushing into his legs. She then slowly unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off, she proudly flaunted her hourglass waist and undid her bra, exposing her large, firm breasts. "Does this make you hungry?"

Red placed his hands on her waist. "You have a beautiful body" He said.

Carla smiled. "Thanks! I made it myself!" She spun around, picked up the cake and a fork and broke him off a piece.

Red at the cake, but he was not hungry. He was not stuffed either, he was thinking more about Carla's naked figure on his lap, she felt soft and smelled sweet.

Carla paused and squeezed his belly gently. "I have wanted to do this all week! You know how much you've teased me, right?"

"I'm glad it worked." He said.

She gave him more cake, it was depleting rapidly and was causing his stomach to tighten.

"You still want to keep going?" She asked

Red nodded.

"Are you sure?" She rubbed his rounded belly. "I don't want you to pop."

Red shrugged. "I've eaten more in the past."

"I saw, ten thousand calories in a day, was it?"

Red blushed. "Yeah, something like that."

"And you were too stuffed to come to work? Your leg was fine?"

"Yeah... that happened."

Carla bit her lip. "You're perfect sweetie, but be careful." She massaged his upper stomach.

"I know my limits now."

She pounced at him and they made out.

Red finished the cake, his torso was covered with crumbs and icing, his belly swollen and sore.

"You are so messy." She said and licked his chest clean. Bet you're glad I took it off now."

Red smiled. "Thanks."

"I bet it won't fit soon, the way you've been eating." She climed off him and knelt in front of him and struggled hard to pull his trousers shut. Red made an uncomfortable groan, but Carla made them close. "These are going to burst!" She said withmock shock.

Red felt excited and a little embarrased at the same time.

"Poor thing." She gently unbuttoned them and took them off. She rubbed the roundest part of his gut and pulled off his boxers. Red was rock hard.

Carla practically ripped off her underwear and climbed on Reds lap again, she slid herself down so Red was deep inside her, she gripped the back of the sofa with one hand, grabbed the side of his belly with the other and thrust.
33 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Built4com4t 6 years
Grear start....nicely done
Tanktopguy 6 years
very curious about what comes next smiley
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