The elephant in the room

Chapter 18 - opening up

The intercourse did not last long, Carla gripped harder and deeper onto Red's belly and orgasmed within seconds. Red tried to think of anything else, but he caught glances of her body and felt how much she was absolutely into him, it was hard to ignore, he finished after only a few minutes and collapsed on him back panting and sweating.

"Oh my God, Red, I can't even handle you." Carla panted

Red made a dismissive hand gesture.

Carla giggled, leaned forwards and cuddled him. Red stroked her waist, they sat like this for quite a while.

"Shower" he said eventually

Carla grumbled and rolled off him, as Red he could feel Carlas eyes fixating on his gut as he walked. He entered the bathroom, turned on the shower, waited for a few seconds to run hot and got in. As the fresh water hit his skin he relaxed, he could not believe this was all happening and so soon, he felt amazing, he could not stop thinking about Carlas naked body on top of him, she was perfect.

He was washing his hair when he felt hands slide around his belly.

"Do you have a spare towel?"

Red nodded. "Hi Carla."

"I missed you." She said whilst now rubbing his belly in slow circular motions. She knealt down in front of him and kissed it.

Red stroked her hair. "I like that."

She stood up again and leaned on him, Red inserted himself into her again and grabbed onto her butt, holding on tight he pushed her onto the shower wall and they made love again.

Not long after, the two were lying in bed together, Red was drained, he was still feeling a bit stuffed and Carla had left him spent. She was lying on his shoulder, also looking sleepy.

"I don't remember feeling this good after sex before." He said, breaking the silence.

Carla grinned. "I'm that good, huh?"

"Yeah maybe, maybe its everything that's happened catching up and being released? its exciting."

"Maybe you just like fat sex with a curvy chick hon."

Red paused. "Also likely."

"You think too much, sweetie, i think you're gorgeous."

Red felt embarrased, he was not used to compliments. "I thought you only went for really big guys to be honest."

Carla shook her head. "On no, I like the feedist mentality most ya know. Couldn't date a big guy who hated his size, I can date a skinny guy who likes to stuff himself even if he doesn't want to gain."

"That does make sense, so you don't want me to gain?"

Carla shrugged. "It would be super hot if you did, but i'd still like you if you didn't." She gave him a quick kiss. "Maybe try get to my weight?" She laughed. "I'm supposed to be the feeder here."

Red pondered. "205, right?"

Carla gave a fake glare. "Shhh! don't be so blunt about a lady's size. I could be sensitive."

"Are you?"

"Oh jeez, i'm joking Red, i'm not bothered, im tall as fuck. So you up for it?"

Red nodded. "Yeah, sounds reasonable, i'm heading in the right direction lately."

Carla let out a little muffled yelp. The two of them just lay peacefully until they drifted of to sleep.

The next morning Red stood on the scales. "190." He shouted through the door.

He heard Carla jump up out of bed and run through. "Oooooh! thats a lot!"

"You're quick to get up when you want to."

She squeezed his tummy. It was firm muscle with a slightly jiggly layer covering it. "I have my priorities."

"Yes, well, we also need to get dressed and go to work."

"You are such a tease you know?" She scurried off to get changed

They left for work, stopping off at the fast food restaurant, under not much persuasion Red ordered himself three burgers with a milkshake, Carla taking one with a coffee, they ate in a layby before reaching the office.

The day was uneventful, Red met a deadline and Carla seemed to be getting on just fine, they had a quick lunch in the canteen. Red spent the afternoon taking chocolates out of the machine whenever he had the chance to sneak off texting pictures of the wrappers to Carla after each one, getting up to four.

At the end of the day Carla invited Red back to hers

"We need to pack for the weekend at some point. Did you get a train ticket?" Red asked.

Carla nodded. "Tomorrows problem, right?"

"Whats tonights problem then?"

Carla shrugged. "Pizza and TV? Obvious aint it?"

Red smiled. "I should know by now. You paying?"

Carla nodded enthusiastically. "You're going to bankrupt me for this, Red."

"I'm not so bad."

Carla squinted her eyes and glared. "You're terrible! Anyway, large cheese pizza with garlic bread?"

"Yeah sounds great, what you getting?"

"Same... but medium."

They sat down on the sofa in the tiny lounge and put on the television whilst they waited for dinner. Carla brought through a tablet PC and opened FeedistLife.

"I realise you're pretty new to the community and you've gone straight to the deep end."

Red felt confused. "Why bring this up now?"

"Well, You haven't asked me much about it. I mean, if I were you, I'd have questions."

"Not really, it's a bit of fun." He said.

She looked deflated. "Not want to know what I like?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you say it's a bit of fun, a way to get to sleep with me I guess, but I think its much deeper. I mean, I can't have regular sex anymore. I've had to think about it my whole life."

Red paused, he knew this was true, but really did not know how to react. "But it IS fun?"

Carla fell back into the seat. "Well, yes, but." She paused, obviously not knowing how to continue.

"So tell me what you like and i'll either agree to it or not agree to it."

Carla lay on the sofa resting her head on his legs.

"You've never dome this before, have you?" He asked.

She was quiet for a moment before answering "No." She admitted. "Unless you count Sofi, but I don't like her that way."

"So you've spent your life thinking about it, but never done it?"

She nodded. "It's stupid, right? I suppose I could have, but I don't connect to the guys on the site, half of them are just horny and don't want to tell their wives about it, they'll just message me pics of their belly and dick and expect quick validation so they can jerk off, the other half are probably nice but when they talk I just don't care after a while, I don't like getting to know people on the internet."

Red shrugged. "Fair enough, never asked a guy you've dated to try?"

"Seriously? How mortifying would it be to ask someone something like that on a date?"

"I don't know, they'll either say Yes or No." He rolled his eyes. "Probably no."

Carla nodded.

"But you've obviously slept with people before?"

"I've shagged a few fat guys from nightclubs and had a boyfriend at college, but nothing that really made me feel anything special. Not until last night."

Red coughed and bit his lip to stop himself grinning.

"Okay Big Head! I'm trying to open up, not stroke your ego." She sighed. "What about you, who've you dated?"

"Engaged for four years, we broke it off earlier this year because she wanted to chase her dream job and I didn't want to 'tag along for the ride' as she put it. Probably wasn't meant to be."

"Sorry to hear it, I'm not a rebound am I?"

"Of course not, I was happy enough alone."

Carla glared. "You were supposed to say that I was gorgeous and fun and like no other woman on the planet and better than your ex in every way."

"Also true I suppose, but didn't really answer the question."

Carla picked up the cushion from the sofa and beat him over the head, gently. The door bell rang and she jumped off to answer. She returned a few moments later with the pizzas and a bottle of wine looking much happier.
33 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Built4com4t 6 years
Grear start....nicely done
Tanktopguy 6 years
very curious about what comes next smiley
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