The elephant in the room

Chapter 30 - magic moments

"Holy muffin tops. Are you packing for a storm?" Carla exclaimed as she spotted the bags.

"Oh? Just snacks." Red said.

Carla bit her lip for a moment. "Okay, off to mine, guys and gals."

The three of them took up the couches in the tiny living room. Carla tapped on her phone, projected streaming videos of pop songs to the television and opened several cans of beer. Sofi fumbled in her plastic bags and took out a pack of mini flapjacks.

Carla eventually sat down next to Red and lay on his shoulder. "You all looking forward to tomorrows meeting?"

Red nodded. "Yeah. Sofi, what actually happens at the meetings?"

"Not much, just a handful meet up for drinks."

"Red hopes its an orgy at a buffet!" Carla interjected.

"I steadfastly protest." He said, sitting up and pushing her away.

"Wouldn't mind that. I'm hoping for a screw." Sofi said.

"Oh anyone in particular?"

"Nobody you'd know. Greyface, married with a kid, he's come a few hundred kilometres to stick his dick in me. He's fit as fuck and eight inches. Agreed to meet with people around in case he's a psycho." She mimed the size as if she was describing a line caught carp.

"You old romantic." Red said in a glib tone.

"Don't judge, the married ones are the best, they spend ten years dreaming about what they want to do to their wives, then they play out all those dreams on me in one go, it's intense."

"Still, be careful babes. Don't piss off the wifeys."

"Oh it's not so bad, they never find out, plus i never let the same guy have me twice so it's not an affair or anything."

"Okay, but i reserve the right to judge you anyway." She leaned over to her and jabbed her belly hard with a pointed finger.

"Not so hard, i need that to look its best for tomorrow." She said, then lifted up her top to expose her almost spherical, pale stomach which was overflowing onto most of her lap. She rubbed it softly and making puppy dog eyes.

"Oh my, sorry." Carla leaned in to give it a kiss.

Red let out a little cough.

Carla spun back, lifted up his shirt and kissed his muffin top. "Love yours more baby."

Red blushed a bit. "Sorry, was just coughing."

"I know, I just wanted to show you off."

"i saw nothing, your fat ass blocked the view."

"It's a great ass! You should pay for the view." She snapped. "Red baby, I want to show off your new tum tum."

Red felt apprehension at the thought, he knew it was fine to admit Feedist things around Sofi, but natural shyness halted him momentarily. "Okay, okay." He said, lifting up his shirt, exposing the plush roll of belly fat resting over his waistband.

"Look what I helped make" Carla yelped gleefully.

Sofi stared at it, smirking. "Wow, you got fat."

Carla put her hand on it and gave it a jiggle. "I know, he's the best. So squishy."

Red squeaked as his tummy bounced. "Be gentle with it."

"It's so cute. I have to hug it and squish it." She said, kneading the muffin top. "You should see it full. It's awesome. He's my food balloon"

"Food balloon?" Red enquired

"I saw the pic of you the other night. Food balloon sounds right, you were massive." Sofi said.

"It was fun doing it." He said. "Didn't aim to get so big that night, just happened."

"Oh, i know. You accidentally entered an eating competition and won, right?"

"Well, that wasn't planned at all."

Sofi laughed at him. "That's a pretty fat ass thing to do that on a whim. Even I haven't done that."

"You've never acted like a fat ass?" Carla piped up.

"Not in front of a live audience anyway."

"Come on, tell me the most fat ass thing you've ever done." Carla leaned in towards her.

Sofi thought for a moment. "One guy paid me a thousand to wear a PVC body suit and pig mask for 24 hours whilst I crawled around the bed eating from a plastic storage box which he kept refilling with any food he wanted, including a hot dog filled with a stick of butter. After about 18 hours, the body suit ripped down the middle when my stomach got too big for it, so he cut out a hole for my belly to hang through and he tries to milk my fat rolls."

Reds mouth hung open. "What?"

"That's the most fat ass thing I've ever done." She gave a weary smile. "I'm neither proud or ashamed."

Carla looked pensive, but quickly smiled. "You only charge a grand to do that? Do you take PayPal?

Sofi gave Carla a playful punch to the arm. "Cash only and all expenses."

"How much for just one little oink?"

Sofi shuffled in her seat and sat up straight, granted, snorted and made guttural squealing sounds.

Carla clapped.

"Okay that was pretty good." Red said, still bemused.

Sofi smirked and took a small bow. "Natural talent. So, Carla, what's the most fat ass thing you've ever done?"

Carla gave Sofi a little punch. "I've never done anything that could be considered *** behaviour. I've always acted with self restraint and dignity."

Red grinned at that.

"is that right babe?" Sofi said. "Didn't you once drag me around the mall for two hours looking for size ten jeans that fit. Then the pair you eventually brought ripped down the thigh when you sat down in the bar that night and you tried to pass off wrapping your jacket around your waist to hide it as something the cool people in Europe do?"

"Well that was just a sizing error, the shop gave me a refund when i politely explained the situation."

"You accused them of hornswoggling and threatened to sue for besmirching your reputation."

"They hornswoggled me bad." She shook her fist.

"Your fat ass ripped the jeans and you bullied them into giving your money back."

Red was laughing at this. "Poor girl, hope you found a size ten jeans that fit, after."

"Hey!" she gave him a dirty look. "I came to the realisation that size twelve is a far better size to be for a lady of my heritage."

"So you literally learned to be the bigger person." He said.

Sofi reached over and gave him a fist bump.

"You can talk, ive seen your pants burst before, fatty!" Carla accused.

Red shrugged his shoulders. Sizing error."

Carla turned speechless and sulkily poked Red's belly whilst mumbling inaudible curses.
33 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Built4com4t 6 years
Grear start....nicely done
Tanktopguy 6 years
very curious about what comes next smiley
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