The elephant in the room

Chapter 6 - lunchtime together

Friday morning, Red awoke. He felt happier today than he had in a long time, he was excited by the new experience he had interacting with Carla and was definatly enjoying the games they were playing on each other. He now wanted to make her react, he felt attractive reading about the was she persues him online and feeling a bit of attention around the office. Now he wanted to up the game, to make her notice him more. He needed to find a way to spend time with her outisde the office.

When he arrived, he was on time. He chained his bike around the back and wandered into the office. He changed in the restroom and walked into the canteen. today, it was not empty. Carla was sitting at a table, with another colleague. They were filling in forms and looked busy. She did not acknowledge Red's presence in the room

"I should get breakfast and i want her to notice." he thought, heading for the vending machine. he dug into his pocket and took out a handful of coins. he could see Carla reflected in the glass of the machine as he put in coin after coin, each one making a satisfying clunk as it they went in. He had three chocolate bars lined up. He knew she would hear the machine dropping them and could spy her reaction in the reflection. He pressed the first button, the machine whirred and clattered as the candy was dispensed.... He could not see her look up. the next one made a whirr and a clatter as it dropped. still nothing from her... final one, "whirr, clatter". her reflection moved when the final drop occured, she ever so slightly squirmed in her chair, but did not look up. She must have heard him ordering the three bars.

Again, the day was passing slowly, he was opting to listen to podcasts as he worked, his mind drifting off at times. at least a monotonous voice in his ear could keep him somewhat amused, but all he secretly was thinking about was when he would get another email from her.

it came just before lunch. "Hi Red, thanks again for helping this week. If you're busy, I can get you lunch, you've looked way to busy all morning. Carla".

"Ok, no pretenses just an offer of food. How should I respond?" he wondered.

"Hi Carla. No I am not so busy. I'll come with you if you want. Red."

"Ok, i'll grab you in 5 mins. Ciau."

This was interesting, it was going to be the first time they had been able to spend alone and not discussing work. Plus this was an opportunity for him to let her watch him eat. he pondered about how much this would turn her on. If he did this right, he knew she would not be able to concentrate for the rest of the day. He could do exactly what she wanted him to do.

"So. Its friday" she said. "Where do you want to go?" she looked at the candy wrappers on his desk. "you like sweet things? or do you think you've overdosed already?" she grinned, warmly as she spoke.

"I assumed we would just go to the sandwich shop over the road. We dont have long"

"Nah, its Friday, we should go somewhere more fun. We can take our time, nobody will be paying much attention. Come on, we'll go get ice cream, i'll drive cause im not getting on the back of your bike."

"Oh, wow, okay, thats fine, that would be nice"

"Great! come on, lets go." She led the way downstairs, they made small talk about the software on the way. Arriving at the car, it was a 2007 yellow Ford Mustang. It was clean, but showing its age.

They did not drive far until reaching a small Italian lookin ice cream parlour, it was painted apricot pink and advertised crepes and gelato outside. They sat in a booth, away from the window. The owner, a short man in his mid sixties dropped off a couple of menus and asked for the drink order.

"Cappucino, please" She requested.

"Pint of cola, for me."

The waiter walked away.

"So, Red. Why did you come to work for the company? are you interested in data analysis?"

"Oh. No. The job pays the bills, thats all. I wanted to work in 3D modelling. I learned enough about the software at college, but never was creative enough to take the fun stuff as a career. How about yourself?" Red started to read the menu as they chatted.

"I wanted to be a mathematitian. But i guess i was lazy. I stumbled into network analysis, ot was more visual, I could see the patterns."

"yeah, i know what you mean. Pity the work is not so stimulating in reality." He continued looking at the menu. It was nice to get to know about her history, but he had to make a decision... "crepe?" he queried to himself. "no, thats not enough... sundae. no, a bit childish... family sized ice cream bowl. hah. but no, she would think im weird if i order that much... the milkshake looks nice... large? that wouldnt be suspicious... with a crepe... yes!"

"Oh, I dont know, its alright. I quite like working out the variables. Im working on the railway contract. You're in a different department are't you"

"No, i think we're all basically the same. Im working with the quantity guys, less scope for modelling. I did some design work for the railway client six months ago, they're a bit fussy"

"I heard bad things. But no feedback... no feedback is good feedback"

The waiter came over with the drinks, he placed the cola with Red, the glass looked bigger than he thought. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him.

"ready to order?" asked the waiter

"yes, thanks! nutella crepe with cinammon. The usual" asked Carla.

"Erm... Same." He made a half smile at Carla. "And large vanilla milkshake, please." With that, he took a long drink from the coke glass.

Carla looked at him "Good choice! the crepes are delicious, I never had the milkshake before, can i try a bit when it comes?"

"yeah... i've probably got more than enough to share."

She laughed "Yeah, I bet! all that sugar has got to be bad for you somehow. Guess you need the energy if you cycle so much. huh? was worried you skipped meals, but maybe i wasn't paying enough attention."

"Oh, yeah, i like food, really." He took another sip of cola. He wanted to make a better reply to that, but keeping it neutral felt more responsible.

"Are you going on the charity bicycle race, this weekend?"

"Oh, no, i wasn't going to. I never pay attention to the emails."

"You should! you can represent the team, and its for a good cause."

"Are you going to do it?"

"Oh good god, no! I don't cycle, im sure im allergic to exercise!. I'll be helping out at the barbeque after and holding the collection tin."


&qu ot;Yes! Wait! are you suddenly interested cause there's going to be free food?" Her eyes lit up a little at this. "You still have to cycle 20k and pay at least 30 to enter... its charity, Mister."

"Oh! free food is the best kind of food. When is it? Sunday? I suppose it wouldnt hurt to do something good with my time." Now he was feeling a little light headed. A chance to see her at a barbeque? this seemed great.

The crepes sizzled from behind the counter, occasionally overpowered by a whizzing sound from the milkshake mixer.

"Thats very noble of you." she gave a fake sarcastic glare. "It'll start at noon. The food wont be ready until 3 so you dont have to rush."

"Thats fine. I won't be rushing, I'll be having drinks on Saturday night, doubt i'll be in a state to compete with the best of them."

"Ah, very naughty. Where do you go?"

"Soul Sessions... Its once a month, only place that plays Bill Withers."

"Bill Withers? whos that? an old duck?" She grinned. "Sorry, old joke. Not so much my thing. I love old rock music! They never play it on the office radio tho... least you don't like boring old pop right?... skinny white girls, pretending to sing, no way people like that."

Red shrugged. He didn't really have a clue about music. "It sells, I guess we're not the target market."

The waiter had interrupted with the crepes, they smelled delicious, they filled the large plates, chocolate oozed out of the sides. "Be right back Sir." he said.

"Erm. I should have warned you about the milkshakes... large is actually pretty massive. I've never seen anyone drink a whole one before."
33 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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SilverLining24 1 year
Can’t believe it’s taken me this long to read this. Epic story.

So good.
Chocowlat 4 years
Its really an awesome story, even if i have to admit i would love to see clara switch a little more on the feedee side ^^
Aquarius64 4 years
I enjoyed this story, despite the odd typos.
James Marlow 6 years
loved the new chapter
James Marlow 6 years
I'm loving this story
FrecherTyp 6 years
so perfect sweet and romantic ^^ :-)

and this cute girl with her eagerness for sex and hot and his tummy is so hot and adorable :-)
Dallions 6 years
Cheers guys! Think ill get him on the scale soon. Will aim for two or three chapters this weekend! Hoping i get some time
James Marlow 6 years
Loved the new chapter a lot
James Marlow 6 years
loved the new chapters, I really enjoy where this is going
Hurgon 6 years
Wasn't expecting her to reveal that she knew yet. All the better for being a surprise. Thanks for the update!
Dallions 6 years
Thanks for the feedback, will be updating again soon!
Akwolfgrl13 6 years
Built4com4t 6 years
great job, you're on a roll
James Marlow 6 years
this is awesome
Hurgon 6 years
Fantastic story! Can't wait for their holiday. Though let's hope there aren't too many steep hills for them to cycle up - might be a struggle for Red after a big meal. smiley
FrecherTyp 6 years
Oh what an interesting long sexy story smiley i liked the bike belly touching thehe intereting to realize the effects carla has on him smiley
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Just getting better and better. Well-done.
MangaBL 6 years
I love it, when the ex-jocks pack on the pounds.
It is more fun when they don't notice that they are nice and big and sexy when they are getting to big to see past their chests!!
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
This is absolutely marvelous! I love how you've layered this plot. Nicely done.
Bugmenot 6 years
It's a really good story is this I'm excited about the outcome 😄
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