The elephant in the room

Chapter 8 - the diary entry

When Red got home, his mind was on one thing only. He wanted to check the Feedist Life forums! he was dying to see if Carla had written about the day. He took off his clothes to get comfortable, he sat down and suddenly became aware of his belly again. He looked down at it, exposed. It was big, it looked and felt less stuffed now, the bulge seemed to have softened out and formed a thick roll that obscured his boxer shorts waistband. He had to give it a little squeeze, it felt like firm dough had been wrapped in a thick rubbery sack. He wanted to take a photo for FatFreddie's account, but not just yet.

Feedist Life... Forums... IRL Encounters... Feeder Subterfuge.... "wow, theres a new page. maybe a few new replies." He clicked the first page and scrolled up to the end of the conversation

"Yeah! You're probably right Freddie. Maybe he thinks I pay all techy nerds with cake. Lol. Will keep it up." CarlaFFA1983.

"Lol, please do, this sounds so thrilling *heart* can't believe you'd be so bold." GainerSofi

"Wish you were my boss *wink face*" Gutzilla01

"Oh my God, you guys... I can't start... so, he had a lot of chocolate from the vending machine this morning and he invited me out to lunch with him. I thought he was way too quiet to ask, but SHIT he had a pancake and literally a GALLON of ice cream milk shake, by the end of it he'd unbuttoned his trousers and couldnt even cover his belly it was so freakin huge! i had to go to the bathroom and use my vibe!!!" CarlaFFA1983

Red grinned and continued reading

"O..M..G!!!... you're kidding? *shock face*" GainerSofi

"Maybe you give off fattening brainwaves... like an XMen power" MagicWizard

"No lie, no lie! he acted like it was totally normal.... the guy likes running and riding his bike, but no amount could burn that off.... bet it was ten thousand calories... who knows? how is he not huge?" CarlaFFA1983

"Holy ****... I can't even... are you still going to give him cakes at work?" GainerSofi

"OMG yes! he's even going to the work BBQ on Sunday... Lol, I should find out his favorite food and make sure its cooked for him when he comes off his bike all hungry." CarlaFFA1983

"Bet its hamburgers? maybe pizza? make both? *cheeeky face*" Bigmac13

"Lol, Mac, maybe. i say text him and ask... make it subtle" GainerSofi

"So not "Hi, its Carla, I want you to be fat as fuck, whats the best food to do that" *Grin face* *grin face*" CarlaFFA1983

"OMG. No LOLOL" GainerSofi

"hahaha not really, im just thinking with my downstairs brain... I must have burned out my battery from remembering today mmmm *devil face*" CarlaFFA1983

"Ew TMIIIIIII!!! *puke face" GainerSofi

"this sounds so epic, keep this up, you should start a diary" LardLord69

Red took his time to re read the messages. It was astonishing to read her reaction, she was so open about her feelings on here. She was quite forwards in her real life, but on here she seemed kinky and carefree. He wanted to reply to the forum, but felt aware if he did too often, the FatFreddie character may seem a little stalkerish. He wondered if he could learn more about her by digging through older forum posts. He did not want to go back into her profile, on case it alrerted her, so he went back to the main forum hub amd typed in her username.

There were a lot of results, a lot of them seemed like they would be dull topics. Hobbies, Quizzes, Gossip... He would prefer to get to know her social side personally... "Former athletes" looked like a good thread to start. It was a long thread and the date indocated it to be a few years old. The original poster had asked peoples thoughts about ex jocks gaining weight. He skipped through three pages of replies to Carla's.

"Yum! I love seeing it happen them on the telly, they must find it hard to go back to eating normally once they stop training, poor things *wink face*" CarlaFFA1983

"Maybe this is why she's taken an interest in me over the bigger guys at work." He thought and went back to browsing threads. She posted quite often, but mostly were quite shallow and jokey, but some obvious themes had become apparent. She has a serious thing for superheroes, specifically ones who could fly in movies, but in her imagination got too fat to take off. She mentioned taking skinny guys and changing them, often replying to skinny mens comments about overeating using the persona of a witch, with lots of "bwahaha"ing and spider emoticons. She was obviously having fun on the site. Red also noticed that she never posted on anything he considered either dark or extreme. Her name never came up in threads about funnel feeding, immobility or human farm animals. Frankly he was glad about that. They required a bit too much commitment for his liking.

He felt like he achieved enough research for tonight. He had bee browsing for well over half an hour and felt like he had enough insight into her fantasy life. Now he could let himself post a quick picture. He still hoped Carla would see the photo, but this time he also felt like uploading it as a reminder of the day.

His stomach still looked round and puffy, he rubbed it gently for a minute, moulding it into amorphous shapes. He grabbed his lower belly and squeezed it tight, ephasisng there was a good handful to grab and with his free hand took a picture angled slightly from above. He uploaded the picture. It did look noticably bigger than the night before.

Feeling exhausted now, he went to bed early and soon fell asleep.
33 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Built4com4t 6 years
Grear start....nicely done
Tanktopguy 6 years
very curious about what comes next smiley
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