The pleasure of it all

Chapter 2

and still holding me, with a feminine grunt you roll me to my back bringing you with me as if you were riding a whale rotating in the warm ocean. i can feel my fat shift as our positions change in the gravity and you feel like you are riding a warm cloud, surrounded by my fat you sink into my belly, my body supporting yours as you sink into me

and then you sit up on my thighs and stretch langorously like a cat, now warm and relaxed. over the horizon of my belly i watch your body move, your athletic body a moon rising above my earth.

and then you begin to slowly move and as you rock over me eyes closed, i watch your breasts sway heavily. i reach to cup them, cradling them in my warm hands, my thumbs gently circling your erect nipples. i pull them toward my lips, my mouth encircling your nipples. I begin gently sucking them alternately, massaging and squeezing their fat undersides with my hands you sigh deeply, contententedly as I suckle them passionately. they are so heavy in my hands, much heavier and softer than I remember them being. my hands slide along their undersides squeezing gently, pulling you into my softness, making you feel dwarfed next to my immense body

you pull me to a seated position and my gut flows between my widespread thighs. you push them even wider and i gasp as those unused muscles stretch.

you slide your hands down my bulging, fat-rippled sides and over my large, protruding belly. It is hugely soft, so much larger than before, having swollen almost before your eyes from my feeding. you lift it and hear me softly groan as my intestines shift again and my skin stretches tugging at the fat of my increasingly fatter pubic pad

you experience the sensation of my belly swelling between your hands, responding to your ministrations of loving touch by growing for you, the

stimulation of my fat encouraging new fat cells to join those already in place

yes, it does feel heavier and softer as you hold it. your massaging of my abdominal muscles has finally relaxed me completely, my belly a swollen bag of

soft fat in your hands. when you lift it or manipulate it, its upper crown pushes up against my breasts and my breath catches each time you push it up...such an arousal, i have never felt anything quite like it before

seeing my pleasure you continue lifting it, lowering it, gently moving it side to side, then lifting it still higher until i gasp and spasm with pleasure and you say "i want you to get fatter for me, baby...much fatter," as you manipulate this heavy bag of fat continue: "I want this belly as big and as round as possible. i want you so fat you can hardly move, the slightest effort causing you to run out of breath...lying there, swollen fat, your belly growing ever larger as you fatten for me"

you hear me gasp for breath at both your physical touch and see the psychological imaginings of being that large sink in and it pleases you. grabbing my body tightly you cum in a large gush.

blushing, you ask if I am okay

i nod, loving the feel of your body as you spasmed in orgasm. You roll off me and I get to my knees with a grunt, my gut hanging below me. Slowly i move over you and say "baby, help your fat pig move this belly up" and you lift me up and find my slick hard cock throbbing there. your body is SO ready to receive me, it feels like it will explode again if you don't get me inside you RIGHT NOW.

suddenly i feel my belly lift and the space between us open which i quickly fill. your legs spread wide and lock around my fat hips, pulling me in. i slip in gently, filling you with my thickness. you feel complete with me inside you, and our bodies begin to move again in one fluid motion as a single object.

I feel you arch your toned abdomen, pushing mine up. the sensation of my underbelly skin moving and stretching against your slim body is overwhelming and I am rock hard, rocking against you, struggling to contain my orgasm to increase your pleasure, but your hands gentle on the top and sides of my swollen belly are too much. i feel a deep warmth begin a slow explosion in the depths of my groin. then i pulse, exploding inside you endlessly and i gasp, struggling to keep the bulk of my weight off you as you stroke me with your inner muscles, milking me

then you pull me down onto you, taking my full weight and i feel my fat envelope you as i lower myself, drained and weak. my heart is racing from the exertion and I feel your hands lightly stroking and massaging the sides of my belly as they drape either side of you. every so often a tremor goes through my body as you squeeze my slowly softening erection with your inner muscles, you are enjoying the feeling of my spent cock slowly gathering itself up and sliding ever so slowly back and you try to hold it in longer

your grip is firm and i feel my cock almost lengthen as I relax. it is flaccid within you yet i can feel you still clenching and releasing

that was incredible i say i as I roll off you, our bodies touching from head to toe as we lie face to face. incredible indeed you respond , then kiss the tip of my nose and touch my chins with your finger and i quiver at your touch on my fat double chin, now completely relaxed cuddled in your warm arms.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 17 years , updated 2 years
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16 years
I love the intimate details! Please continue... smiley
Built4com4t 16 years
thanks for the compliments fatlilboy...i prefer to write short, close up slices of fantasy where i can concentrate on the intimate details. that kind of writing is hard to keep up anything longer than 1 or 2 chapters. i basically write the same character, so you could consider all my stories as part of a whole.
Fatlilboy 16 years
Very very good detail. You are talented and I totally enjoy your work. You have the potential to be the best of the best. My only complaint is not enough length.....more more more. Your detail is amazing.....we only need longer stories from you with more stuffing and feeding and fattening....the stuff we all love and adore. Keep writing. Your work is enjoyed.smiley