The whitby raven

chapter 15

Dixon was continuing to grow. He was bigger than me now. He needed no encouragement from me or Wendy. She told me he had plenty of female admirers who would do that for him. He might meet one of them for lunch. They would take him to a restaurant for a large three course meal, ply him with alcohol all afternoon, including snacks. The. They would take him somewhere where he had to participate in the type of competition that I had witnessed. He would have to eat as much as possible either with or without a time period. They encouraged his greed, encouraged his sheer gluttony. Then they would get him to show off his overenlarged paunch. I considered it to be a very strange unhealthy realationship, but Wendy told me they revered him. They treated him well, like a god.
Dixon started to spend entire nights away from home. Then it was weekends and weeks. Every time he came back from one of his jaunts, he looked even bigger than before. He would be hungover, exhausted and bloated. He hardly walked anywhere. His 'freinds' ordered taxis for him or gave him lifts to attend their functions.
As his weight increased, I was getting increasingly worried about the camera thing that Wendy had mentioned ever so casually. I did not like the idea of being watched every time I stepped out of the house. My whole life was based on lies and secrecy. I could not even tell Wendy the whole truth. I asked her to look for some alternative accommodation where I did not have to worry about the cameras so much.
Meanwhile, Dixon was getting so big,I had to guess he was thirty stones or more. His cheeks were rounded and chubby, his neck was thick and flabby. He had enormous arms with fat that hung over his elbows. He cloud not hang his arms by his sides vertically because of the huge fat pads underneath his arms. His breasts were large and pendulous, and sat on top of his giant belly that divided itself into three mounds. There was a small mound just under his breasts and another that hung over his genitals, then there was the giant mound that was his belly itself. When empty, it flowed over his thighs to his knees. It swayed from side to side as he waddled on his tree trunk legs. He had more giant rolls on his sides and on his back.
Yet, he was always hungry. He could not go any more than three hours without something to eat. He would get up at least twice, maybe three times through the night to satisfy his everlasting hunger.
Wendy would get up in the morning to find complete devastation in her kitchen, day after day.
If I happened to mention his new habits, he snapped back at me angrily.
He told me he wanted to be like this. He told me he was enjoying it and earning lots of money. From my angle, I could only see him being exploited by his multiple girlfriends.
I could not keep him as an employee any longer. I had to let him go. Subsidising his lifestyle was doing me no favours. I could only see it leading to further issues in the future. He was no longer helping me. I could not afford to keep him. I asked him to move out.
He flew off into yet another rage. He made some phone calls. His girls would ensure he was all right. They would find him somewhere to go. Within a few very short days, he had left.

Wendy took me to look at two properties on the moors. One was a converted barn with lots of light and every modern amenity. The other was an old run down farmhouse, virtually in the middle of nowhere. It had no t'internet connection, no wiifiifii, or whatever she called it. There was no phone connection, it was out of reach from a mobile mast. It had only a single rough track leading to it. It had electricity, but only in some rooms and it had plumbing. For me, it was not ideal, but I knew Wendy would find it difficult to live without the conveniences she was used to. Doing without a computer box and a telephone was a difficult transition for her.
The converted barn looked clean. The rooms were large and airy, but it was not for me. I felt most at home in the farmhouse. Wendy told me that a house with no water and electricity these days would be extremely difficult to find and most likely be a ruin, which she was not prepared to live in.
So the farmhouse it was.
She made all the necessary arrangements. She signed all the papers for me. We moved in within a month of dixon's dismissal.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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HanselsWitch 6 years
Aw, I was hoping he'd sink his teeth into Dixon and get enormous. 😉
Built4com4t 6 years
Please, not the're now just ramping up the sensuality. Pretty please with chocolate sprinkles?
Built4com4t 6 years
If you're considering requests, I'd like to read more about the details of his feeding on Wendy's fat...the thought of it is incredibly arousing and sensual when one imagines it. Their sensations as the event happens, her thoughts and feelings as she see
Aquarius64 6 years
Thank you built4it. It will contain some gaining soon!
Built4com4t 6 years
Still not sure where this is going but you've got me hooked...keep doing whatever you're doing. It's working.
Aquarius64 6 years
No, it's not finished yet!
Built4com4t 6 years
I scond girlcrisis, wonderfully strange and refreshingly new but light on the fetish we are all here for. But it does sound like you're just warming up, so if that's the case keep it coming and ignore us. :-)
Girlcrisis 6 years
... his growing body, how people treat him fat vs thin etc. Just a suggestion anyway. It feels like you're just getting started and have much more good stuff yet to come.
Girlcrisis 6 years
It's an original concept but the weight gain aspect kind of feels incidental/not that important to the story. Maybe you could bring it more to the fore with some more descriptions of his weight gain, the bodies of his female victims, how he feels about hi
Aquarius64 6 years
The references are just the start, to draw the reader in with familiarity, then to hit them with something new!
Dallions 6 years
This is creepy, really well written and I love the concept of an old fashioned adipose vampire! I think you should be more confident in your own story tho and not fall back on the references!
Aquarius64 6 years
Yes, this will be very different! But be prepared for the horror!
Built4com4t 6 years
Well...THAT's a different start :-)