The whitby raven

chapter 7

I left Hollywood quietly and without ceremony. I had made a fortune slimming down the studio stars, but my own weight had gone down considerably.

I set up a new weight loss company. I gave myself a new name and persona.
I advertised my services, but I was vague about my methods.
I set up an office in downtown San Diego. Customers could book a consulatation with me through my receptionist. It was all very formal and correct. I even had my own waiting room and secretary!
In my office, I had a nice big desk, a filing cabinet, a view of the city and a treatment couch.

During a first consultation with me, i would take their personal details, weigh them, measure them no take their history of their weight gain. I assured them that I could help them to lose weight. My first consultation was free, but every session following that would cost $10 and they would need a minimum of ten sessions at least one a week.
Of course the cost put many people off in the first place. They never came back.
i had been in practice for several weeks before anyone trusted me enough to sign up for some proper sessions.
Juanita was her name. She was half Mexican. Her spainish blood gave her an ample behind and buxom breasts, but she was not strictly fat.
During her first session, I used the mind control that Alucard had taught me. She would do whatever I wanted her to do whenever I wanted her to do it... but afterwards, she would not remember a thing!
All I wanted her to do was simple. Every time she drank a cup of coffee, she would eat a cookie as well.
When she attended for her second session, she was doubtful of whether my treatment would work and was thinking of giving it up.
I put her under my influence and put all ideas of her giving up out of her mind. She had every confidence in me and my techniques. Now, every time she drank a cup of coffee, she would eat a cookie and a candy bar.
In the third session, I strengthened my influence and encouraged her never to omit meals and always serve herself a larger portion to what she was used to. I told her to watch for her progress in the mirror. She would like what she saw, no matter what.
When she turned up for her fourth session, her clothes were slightly more wrinkled than they had been the week before, she'd put on four pounds from her starting weight, but she admired her new silhouette.
That week, I really turned up the pressure. They key to weight loss was not to eat less, but to eat more!
Juanita's blouse was stretched so much when she came for her fifth session that it hardly held her in! Her skirt was so tight, it would not pull down below her knee. She was gaining weight, not losing it, but she saw the opposite in the mirror.
Every session after that, I encouraged her to make even more bad food choices. Every week, at least once she should stuff herself so full if food that she could not move.
She should not stick to traditional mealtimes. If she felt hungry, she could eat and she could eat as much as she liked.
If she liked the taste of something, it was a sign that it was good for her. Sweetened fried foods were ideal.
By the time she came for her last session with me, Juanita had put on two stones!
Her last session with me was important. I sucked all the excess weight off her until she was down to her target. I removed all influence I had upon her. She looked at herself in the mirror and was astounded! Her belly was flat, her bum was small and round and neat. She had no cellulite!
She was so pleased that she kissed me! ... and gave me an extra bonus payment for doing such a good job!
She left a happy woman, but I had got her into some bad habits. Without my influence, she continued to eat badly. She came back to see me in tears within three months. She had quickly gone back to her old starting weight. Then her weight had soared! She'd put on four stones! Two stones more than she'd been when I'd sucked off her fat.
She'd come back to me because I had made her slim once. I could make her slim again!
I was happy to oblige! But first she was going to get even bigger!

My client base grew as much as my patients. They yo-yo'd their way up to twenty stones or above before they sook out help from elsewhere. I ensured that they did not remember my tactics when they tried to tell someone else what I had done. My name also got lost in the mists of their mind.
Juanita was one if my best customers. She grew to more than thirty stones and was still growing. She was always eating when I saw her. She loved her food and she loved her new figure. She could not understand why other people did not love it at much as she did!

I enjoyed my time in San Diego, I lived there for five years, but the longer I hung around, the longer I risked being found out and investigated. So I moved to Phoenix, Arizona and started up again with a new company with a new name, but doing exactly the same thing. I made people fat and grew fat from them.

After the Second World War, more people became not just fat, but extremely fat! I really was not surprised. Food was everywhere. Food was a convenience. It was available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, every day of the year.
I'm not sure how the changes began. I could say it started with the motor car as that meant people took less exersise, but then, they travelled further every day.
I could say it started with everyone having their own refrigerator at home, which freed housewives from having to shop every day.
I could say it was the rise of the supermarket, which gave more choice to the housewife when she did shop.
I could say that it was the reduction if the heirarchical society and less reliance on household staff.
But each answer would be wrong. I think it was a combination of these things that was the beginning and set the foundations for the changes that were to come.
I think that women entering the workforce had an impact on what people ate. Mothers were too tired to start cooking from scratch when she had been out working all day. It was easy to get some fast food from the burger joint on the way home. It was easy to keep the kids quiet with a candy bar.
Manufacturers were to blame too, selling foods that relied too much on fat or sugar to keep their prices down.
Maybe the advertisers were to blame convincing people that snacking between meals was acceptable.
The truth was, the twentieth century affected everyone's lives. It changed them forever.
My eighteenth century mind struggled to cope with it all.
I retreated to more rural locations, to a slower pace of life, but there I didn't get the clients that I needed.

At the end of the century, I set up home in New York. I hated the city. I hated the hustle and bustle, but I got plenty clients and earned enough to keep me in a quieter location for the next fifty years or so.
It was time to return to my beloved Whitby.
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HanselsWitch 6 years
Aw, I was hoping he'd sink his teeth into Dixon and get enormous. 😉
Built4com4t 6 years
Please, not the're now just ramping up the sensuality. Pretty please with chocolate sprinkles?
Built4com4t 6 years
If you're considering requests, I'd like to read more about the details of his feeding on Wendy's fat...the thought of it is incredibly arousing and sensual when one imagines it. Their sensations as the event happens, her thoughts and feelings as she see
Aquarius64 6 years
Thank you built4it. It will contain some gaining soon!
Built4com4t 6 years
Still not sure where this is going but you've got me hooked...keep doing whatever you're doing. It's working.
Aquarius64 6 years
No, it's not finished yet!
Built4com4t 6 years
I scond girlcrisis, wonderfully strange and refreshingly new but light on the fetish we are all here for. But it does sound like you're just warming up, so if that's the case keep it coming and ignore us. :-)
Girlcrisis 6 years
... his growing body, how people treat him fat vs thin etc. Just a suggestion anyway. It feels like you're just getting started and have much more good stuff yet to come.
Girlcrisis 6 years
It's an original concept but the weight gain aspect kind of feels incidental/not that important to the story. Maybe you could bring it more to the fore with some more descriptions of his weight gain, the bodies of his female victims, how he feels about hi
Aquarius64 6 years
The references are just the start, to draw the reader in with familiarity, then to hit them with something new!
Dallions 6 years
This is creepy, really well written and I love the concept of an old fashioned adipose vampire! I think you should be more confident in your own story tho and not fall back on the references!
Aquarius64 6 years
Yes, this will be very different! But be prepared for the horror!
Built4com4t 6 years
Well...THAT's a different start :-)