The bed and breakfast

Chapter 2 - part 2

It wasn't until around 1:00 that afternoon when Jewel came back. And she was tired and sweaty. After being greeted by Didi, Jewel came back to her room showered, re-dressed, and switched on her laptop to finish off some more work. When she sat down at her bed she realized the cookies from the night before still lay on the nightstand. The growl of her stomach reminded Jewel that she had opted out for not eating lunch to squeeze in seeing the Washington Monument up close. "I guess one or two couldn't hurt, right?" Jewel remarked, obviously forgetting he large and quite fattening breakfast of which was still evident on her figure. slowly as she translated on her computer she would grab a cookie and munch on it and grab another.

Not to long after the plate was empty except of crumbs. At first she groped the plate without sight looking for any remainders. When she found out there was none, Jewel began to sought out another source of food for she was still quite ravenous. She slid off her bed and footed herself on the ground feeling heavier than normal. Although quite taught, her expanding belly jiggled slightly as she landed.

When out the door of the bedroom Jewel could smell the alluring scent of a pie. Each step closer to the kitchen magnified the smell of the blueberry baked good. Once at the mouth of the kitchen she was confronted by the wide person she knew as Didi holding a freshly made pie. A wide smile spread on her face, "Oh hi Jewel. I was just heading over to your room to see if you wanted a piece of this Blueberry pie I just made." Jewel just stared at the pie and mumbled, "really..? well... thanks." Without warning Jewel just snatched the pie right out of Didi's hands and went back to her bedroom to 'work'. Didi didn't see her again until supper, which as before she made large enough for a family and left Jewel to it.

It wasn't until two days later when Jewel realized what she was doing. She stood staring at damp, naked self. Whatever indication that she had gone to the gym everyday before this trip was gone. Her body was curvy or chubby at every nook and cranny. She now had a potbelly where all the food she had been stuffing was being stored. Her ass was large enough to take up a standard chair with a little spill. Her breasts now twice the size of which they use to be, just about touched her stomach. Her limbs now thick and chubby, especially her thighs. Only her face showed no significant change.

Jewel twirled around to see her back side once more before storming out of her bathroom. She didn't stop for clothes, no, she just kept stomping through her room into the hallway towards the kitchen. The only place where Jewel saw her outside of the hallway and the dining room.

Jewel's prediction wasn't wrong. A shocked Didi was confronted by a stuffed chubby naked Jewel who was angrier than she had ever been before. Jewel's body jiggled every time she yelled, "What did you do to me you crazy bitch!? H-h-how?! Why did you fatten me up like a turkey before thanksgiving!? What the hell?!"

Didi put up a wavering smile, "Um, well, don't you like it? All the snacks. Getting your work done while the experiencing enjoyment of delicious food?" Jewel paused for a moment. Then looked down and was reminded of her anger. Ferociously she cupped her boobs in a way to show off how much larger they had gotten, "Look at these!? L-look!" Slowly her anger faded, the new curves had begun to 'grow' on her. She wasn't so mad any more.

After her burst she retreated to her guest room, and didn't leave for two days. Although Didi left plates of food which when she came back were cleaned off, Jewel didn't emerge until her trip had ended, and her flight was inbound. She was dressed in the largest t-shirt she had which still couldn't cover a pot belly. Below she adorned stretchy leggings that managed to encompass her chubby legs.

She said a quick good bye and left for the airport. But there was something different about her, something had changed on her point of view. And it would have a great effect in her future, a real big effect.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Casey 6 years
Cant want to see what will hapoen
Casey 6 years
Cant want to see what will hapoen
Kouradaor8ia 6 years
Please continue ❤❤
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful so far pleas continue it soon. Huge changes I’ll bet