Your successor.

chapter 1

It was for Kingi an ordinary afternoon. She finished her lessons and was preparing to leave school. She left some things in her locker and headed down the corridor to the exit. Walking down the corridor Kigna drew attention to her reflection in the mirror. She was 18 and weighed 90kg. Somehow it did not bother her. After her mother left her, she was sad and ate much, but in the classroom no one bothered her because of her weight, and even a boy had arranged a date with her. Her life was good. When she left school suddenly she heard her phone ringing. When she saw her unknown number she thought it was some kind of advertisement and wanted to cancel the call but thought it might be something important. After a moment, the she answer.
- Who is calling? "She asked
"I know where your mother is," said the voice over the phone.
Kinga felt her heart stand for a moment. She nearly collapsed on the ground.
- In sms I will send you the address and photo that your mother asked me to send - continued the voice and he disconnected.
Few seconds Kinga got a text message and a picture. On it is She, her dad and her mom.
She knew what a picture was. She also knew that only Mom had this picture and had it always with her. There were no copies. She knew she had to be her mom there. Thousands of thoughts rolled through her mind. Why she left her Why she did not write, why she did not contact her. When she gathered her strength she ran for a closer stop and drove the first bus that stopped at the address area. It was a long way for her. She could not stop thinking about it. Every minute there was another question.
Finally, after a few hours she reached the place. The house, or rather a small palace, was on the outskirts of the city and Kinga was thrilled. Two storey wall surrounded by smooth red brick.Quiet neighborhood, there was only the singing of birds. Kinga began to understand why mama can be here.
After a while she took a deep breath and called.
- Who is calling? "He asked the same voice Kinga heard on the phone.
- My mom is here. "She answered nervously.
The gate opened and Kinga headed for the door. The garden caught her. Full of flowers of all kinds and somewhere in the background she saw the exercise equipment. When she stood at the door she told herself. - It will not be so bad. - Then she wanted to knock on the door with her shaking hand. But suddenly the door opened and a man appeared. About 1.8m Blond hair for blades, well built, with a slight facial hair on the face that could be a model face. In other words, nice guy.
- You must be Kinga, your mom told me a lot about you. Come inside. "The man said, inviting Kinga inside and leading her to the kitchen. House Kinge was more than delighted outside. The walls were hung with medals and awards, the furniture was very nice. It had a big two-door refrigerator, the cabinets that were visible were full of boxes. The deck under the cupboards was also full of boxes but empty. On one of them, Kinga could read that it was a powder for mass. Looking at him, she found it normal to use such a thing.
When they entered the kitchen, the man pushed aside the chair so that Kinga could sit down and say, "You want a piece of cake, your favorite mama."
- Yes please. "Kinga answered.
-I understand you're upset - the man said, slitting a piece of cake. "You have not seen your mother for many years. "He added, dropping a piece of cake through Kinga.
When Kinga looked at her, she was surprised. The dough stuck outside. Unwillingly to be grateful for hospitality and began to eat. And God, what kind of cake was good.
When the she was eating man kept his eyes on her. He admired how this girl eat a piece after piece. He looked down. Her shirt was slightly too small.
When she finished eating she was full. She felt like she ate a big dinner. She could not fit anything else.
"It was very good, thank you," she said.
After a moment of silence she asked:
"When will I see my mom?"
- Your mom will be here soon. Do not worry, not long will everything be explained. said the man smiling.
Kinga suddenly felt strange. She felt sleepy. Very sleepy The world was dark. She looked at the man. His smile is the only thing he remembers before she was faint.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Chrysophase2003 6 years
It's dark and pleases a type of audience that doesn't get many good stories. I hope it continues.
Nok 6 years
Just read it on DA. Just change her age to 18 and you can post it here too.
Marian8044 6 years
Not to worry. Like I wrote Story will be publish on Deviantart and Here I will let you know when next chapter is up