The big scoop

chapter 5: consequences

Ryan pushed open the door and gasped. Before him was Felicity. Her engorged double belly straining against a soaking wet white button up t-shirt. Between every button there was a gap for her flesh to poke out of. She was kneeling on the kitchen floor, both gigantic, thick thighs hugged against her gut and hid the notion that she might have underwear on. Her tits had reached new proportions and oozed off the top of her shirt.

Tied around her belly in a neat bow was a tape measure which was having no better of a time than the shirt. In her hands was a purple bottle. Around her wrappers were strewn about the floor, empty pie tins, bits of cake, candy, bones from chicken and more food waste littered her feet and coated her shelf of cleavage. Felicity did something between a moan and a gasp when she noticed Ryan.

"Oh, Ryan. I've been waiting for you. I think the town did it. You all warned me but I think I fell to their culture and I think I like it."

"Oh my god...Felicity what did you do?"

"I indulged. For once I let myself go and didn't feel guilty. I've never stuffed myself like this until I came here. I've also never felt so sexually charged. Something tells me you like this though."

"Li-like this?"

"Mmhmm." She began to crawl towards him. Her weight swung under her. Hips threw themselves back and forth as she pawed her way closer. "Don't think I'm naive. I saw at the office how you would go and look at larger girls. You're in denial." She was mere feet from him. "But don't worry." She got up, pushed herself right next to him and then closed the door behind him. "I know what you want." Ryan's face was stuck between an intense amount of focus and a desire to take control of the situation again.

"I...I...I think." She put hands on either side of him and shoved her tits a little closer to his face The top button sprung off her shirt and hit his nose.

"I've been growing Ryan. I keep eating and I just can't seem to stop growing."

"Yeah, I noticed." She grinned from ear to ear and grabbed his hard on.

"Were you watching as I couldn't fit in my pants after our first week here? What about when my DD bra snapped and my tits sprung loose?" She giggled and threw her hair back, the blond ponytail swinging back over her shoulder. "You had to be watching when my belly first hund under my shirt. Or when my ass ripped those pants. Please don't try to lie to me. I'll be able to tell." Ryan gulped.

"Yes. You know what. I was staring for all of that and desperately trying to hide my erection. I couldn't contain myself and you know what? I love fat. I love seeing you fatten up like a thanksgiving turkey. Infact I hope you get bigger." Ryan put one hand on her massive belly and one hand on her ass. His leg wrapped around her and he pulled her in for a kiss. He had to lean over her gigantic boobs to do it, but their lips locked and in a passion of tongues and moans they fell onto the couch.

Ryan's hands groped and fondled her body. Her softness fell perfectly into his hands. Every stroke was bliss. The sweat on her body glistened and drops rolled down every valley or curve. The sweet smell of sugar coated her skin. This paused for only a moment though when Ryan spotted the purple bottle on the table and grinned. He got up and grabbed it to inspect the label. Felicity came up from behind him, stringing her arms around his body and nibbling his neck and ear.

"What, that bottle? It's for losing weight, which we don't need anymore." Ryan didn't listen and uncapped the top. A sweet cherry scent wafted through his nose.

"No this isn't for weight LOSS. This is to make people gain." Felicity grabbed it out of his hands. She looked at the label and tried to see what he was talking about. Ryan pushed the bottom of it to get the cap towards her mouth. Felicity didn't think to ask any questions and downed it. She gulped and gulped the pink liquid. Immediately Ryan was able to see her body visibly grow. Gentle moans escaped her as she continued to down it. Finally when the last sip was taken she let the bottle roll across the table and over to Ryan. There on the label he saw it.


Felicity meanwhile was rubbing her body. The growth was pushing her makeshift belt to the limit. She tried to tug on the loose ends to get it off but it was no use. Her shirt was at it's edge as well but thankfully had not yet broken due to the bow across her gut. Felicity moaned again and she tried to get it off faster. Her fat pushed out more and more as she delayed.

"Ryan, help me get this off." She moaned again, this time with more passion. "Come untie your gift." She didn't need to tell him twice. He quickly came to her aid but couldn't undo it. Her expansion was still gentle but had not slowed down. Ryan looked around for something to cut the measuring tape. His eye caught some scissors sitting just on the counter.

Before he could take even a step towards the scissors, her gigantic belly broke the line. Surging forward in one clean motion it popped every button on her shirt. Felicity let loose an orgasmic moan of relief. Her belly shot forward and fell perfectly into Ryan's waiting hands. Her naked tits jostled and bounced free, resting on either side of her much bigger gut. Felicity giggled in both relief and joy.

"Well now that I've gotten too fat for my shirt. Why don't we head to the bedroom loverboy?" Ryan nodded and kissed her again, letting his hands explore. On their way to the bedroom he stopped and grabbed the rest of the cake that had been sitting on the kitchen island.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Another week passed and things didn't slow down from there. Felicity began writing their news story on the town and it's people. Ryan brought her plenty of food and would feed her bite after bite while she typed up the report. The sex only got better as they explored new avenues and ideas with food and flesh. Each of them was perfectly happy to feed and be fed.

The day finally came where they would finish and send in the report of the town. Ryan was feeding Felicity a candy bar.

"Ryan you're going to fatten me up like a pig if you keep feeding me this way."

"Well that'd be a shame now wouldn't it? Cmon one more bite." Felicity took it and gave him a look of desire. She loved pretending that she still cared about her figure. This was interrupted however when the phone rang. Ryan got up.

"I'll get it. You just keep eating. I want to see some meat on those bones." Felicity hefted her tits in response and got back to work.

Picking up the phone, Ryan heard a familiar voice on the other end.

"Ryan, this is Celine from 'Thick Chicks'."

"Oh, is this regarding your interview?"

"It is, I wanted you to come back in. I think I was hiding a few things that I'd like to take care of with you personally. Girls don't just blimp up, you are right to be suspicious of me and I think I'd rather tell the whole story if you don't mind." Ryan looked back at Felicity eating away and thought about her comment.

"Yeah we can do that. When do you want me there?"

"How about in 5 days. This friday?"

"That sounds perfect. I'll see you there then?

"Yes, and please, wear something comfortable. There's no need to be so formal with me." Ryan thanked her and said goodbye. He hung up the phone and then thought about what he did in her basement.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Holyflurkins... 2 years
The best story on here.
Always come back to it.
Sequel? Haha
LoopsnBloops 2 years
I never thought about putting together a sequel for any of my stories as I just liked being able to complete and finish them since so many stories are left empty. I def could though.
Karenjenk 3 years
I like all of your stories
but this is my fav.
WG med in the water. amazing
Fanedfox 5 years
Very well written! It had me captivated from Felicity and Jane's first meeting. Great job!
LoopsnBloops 6 years
@VoxumPsychic I was really planning on stopping it there but maybe that would be fitting. It would be fun to see Celine in another month or so.
Splee47 6 years
Will we see the thrilling conclusion?
Nicolas Eric 6 years
will it continue?
Kane24 6 years
Hope ch. 6 comes out soon! This is a great story, can't wait to see how it ends!
Womansbellyl... 6 years
I'm sure Ryan won't get fat, but I wouldn't take any bets on Celine being slim and trim!
Feedher3000 6 years
Please don't make Ryan fat. This story is amazing!!! I love the direction it's been going so far!
Nightfox28 6 years
Can't wait for part 5
Feedher3000 6 years
This is an awesome story!!!
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
84 likes and nearly 12,000 views in a week! Wow! This is one excellent tale! Well-written.
Womansbellyl... 6 years
VERY imaginative. It will be interesting to see what happens to the thin CEO!!
Tommmy 6 years
Please continue
ConJohn 6 years
Your writing is excellent. Please keep this going!
Simssmo 6 years
I can't wait for more. This is awesome
Littlejohnboy 6 years
Wow. Very exciting! Please post the next chapter soon. 😊
JayJ9898 6 years
Please continue
Balloon 6 years
Love this story! Some how I don't think a story will ever be filed.
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