
chapter 6

Buffet Friday

The buffet was called the Rising Sun and it served a variety of Asian dishes from all cultures. It was filled with pensioners and elderly people who wanted to get in some social time for the day. James and Mike loved the smells of the food in this place and the host saw the three of them come in he greeted them with a smile.

"Well if it isn't my best customers. I have been waiting for you." He said.

"It's Friday of course, our usual table please." James said.

"Of course, right this way." He replied.

Merida watched James' ass bounce up and down as he waddled after the host to their table, he pulled on the pants as the slipped down revealing more rolls of back fat, Merida grinned as he tried to keep up with the host's brisk pace. Mike was beginning to waddle as well and it pleased her to see the boys gaining so well. She stood back while James tried to get in to the booth seat without knocking over the alcohol menu with his big belly. Mike went first to get his first round of food while Merida ordered their drinks.

"Give it up baby; you're too fat to get in there easily. Why don't you go get your stuff instead?" Merida said.

"Yeah, that's a better idea. I'll fight the table later." James said as he got right back out.

Merida watched the two of them head off towards the food, there were some others who had noticed the two fatties heading towards the food and she could hear what they were saying. It wasn't exactly like they were trying not to be heard.

"How can someone let themselves get like that?"

"What has the world come to? Why in my day we were lucky to even have a roof over our heads let alone enough food. Kids these days, they got no respect for themselves."

"In your day dinosaurs roamed the earth." Merida thought as she took a sip of tea.

The two elderly men got up and shook their heads as they headed over to pay. They noticed James returning with his arms full of plates that looked like they would fall over at any minute. He put them down and went back for more. Merida smiled as she pulled the table out so Mike could get in.

"Got enough?" Merida asked.

"No, this only round one mom." Mike replied.

"Like father like son." Merida replied.

James finally came back fully loaded again with plates he took the chairs rather than the booth seats since Mike had taken them first. James cracked his knuckles and picked up the fork to dig into the huge plate of fried rice he had in front of him. Once the boys started, nothing stopped them not even the stares and comments of the other customers around them. Merida watched as her boys stuffed their faces in one fluid motion.

"Man I love Buffet Fridays." Mike said.

"So do I son." James added.

"How can you still have room after all that you've had today?" Merida asked.

"I always have room baby. You should know that." James replied.

"Pass me that plate of spring rolls, I can't reach them."

"I wondered why you'd put that so far away." Merida said as she handed James the plate.

"I'd reach it myself, but I'm too fat." James commented.

"Are you trying to make me work?" Merida said.

"Honey, I'd never make you do anything..." James said as he popped three into his mouth.

Merida had refilled their plates twice before they were finally full. James groaned as he let out his belly from the confines of his pants, Mike let out a small burp that he tried to keep quiet. James patted his belly.

"Dessert?" Merida asked.

"Yeah, always." They replied.

Some of the others watching them got up and left quickly, James grinned as he saw them leave. Mike shook his head and sat back in the seat while he waited for Merida to return with desserts. The reactions to them only made the trip that much more fun, the two of them had gotten used to those reactions by now and it didn't bother them anymore.

"Man we sure made pigs of ourselves." Mike said.

"Well son, if they don't like it then they can leave." James replied.

"Yeah, it's awesome the way they stare at us." Mike said.

"Now why did I put that beer so far away?" James said.

He grunted and tried to reach it, but his fat stuffed belly refused to move he tried again but couldn't reach. Mike pushed it closer to him and James finally got a hold of it. He felt something give and then a clink as the button on his pants flew off.

"10 points for distance." Mike said as he found it on the seat near him.

"Must be time for new clothes." James said.

Merida set down the desserts and noticed the large rolls of skin sticking through the back of James's chair.

"Seems you've grown out a bit." Merida said.

"Well, what can I say? I love to eat." James replied as he speared the cake with the fork.

"Dad popped a button off." Mike said.

"Really? Well then seems you need bigger clothes sooner than I thought." Merida said.

"It was bound to happen." James said idly.

"Hmm. Well eat up boys; we can still make it to the store today." Merida said.

"You mean I have to walk? Oh...but I'm so full." James whined.

"Yeah, I don't want to either." Mike added.

"Well you both need bigger clothes and I'll have to measure you." Merida said.

"Fine..." James said as he stuffed in another cream puff.

The two of them ate everything on the plates Merida had brought and despite their protests they had to try to get up so they could head out to that store before it closed. James pulled down his shirt, only to have it ride back up again. He hiked up his pants and waddled towards the door. Merida paid for the meals and followed the two fatties out to the car.
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