
chapter 7

Measuring Up To Scrutiny

At home the boys headed off to their separate corners for the rest of the night, Mike went to his room and James found his usual spot on the couch. It bore the indent of his huge ass and back and Merida had long since given up trying to get rid of it. She did like the way it contoured to fit him, the soft leather creaked as he sat down, and his fly on his pants had come unzipped. James grunted as he reached for the remote

"It's been a while since you popped a button hasn't it?" Merida asked.

"It was hanging on by a thread, literally. I just wish you could have seen it fly. I wonder if they'll find it during clean up there." James replied.

"So your mom emailed me today at work, she's on me about your weight again. Sometimes I wonder why we even taught her how to use a computer." Merida said.

"Oh yeah, well mom's in her 80's so in her day no one was as fat as I am and she's worried it'll kill me. I understand her concerns of course but it won't make me stop." James said.

"Well she wants to come for the July long weekend, think we should put on a show for her benefit so she thinks we're doing something about your size?"

"Oh man, I love barbeques; it's so good for fattening up on. Everyone wants to have a July 1st barbeque it's great that I can eat so much on someone else's dime for once." James said.

"Can you play at not eating so much though? It's hard for you to resist food." Merida asked.

"If you plan to feed me endlessly after we take mom home I think I can pretend for a few hours. And I want lots of food..." James replied.

"You want a feeding session? We haven't done that since Mike was young. I kinda miss it."

"All the more reason to do it; I've been researching online how to get the most fattening foods to go down easily. As long as it's constantly going I will adjust to it. I bought some weight gain mix that I want you to load up with as much calories as you can." James said, his eyes sparkling happily.

"Liquids go down easier; less effort to eat. Is that what you had in mind?" Merida asked.

"I can build something to make it work; like a feeding machine. We'll have to clear out the closet to put it in though." James replied.

"Well it's due for a cleaning anyway; you're too fat for everything in there so I think it's time to donate it all and buy bigger and newer clothes."

"Oh man I'm getting hard just thinking about it; I've wanted to have something like this forever. A gorgeous wife to feed me and make me so fat..." James said.

"But I thought you weren't getting fat, it was the washer shrinking the clothes on you." Merida teased.

"Oh don't worry, I can still play that if you want; just because I love your quips and replies to it." James said with a smirk.

True to his word, when James wasn't stuffing his face he was building his feeding machine in the basement. He had the AC going but he was still sweating, his shirt was soaked and his pants were getting wet as well. He hated sweating but he knew it would be worth it when he gained more weight from his machine. Mike helped out when he wasn't doing homework it was nice to see that he had motivated his son to build things rather than play video games all the time. James didn't mind that Mike preferred to do that, he was proud that he wanted to get fat like his old man. It became something the two of them shared and a way for them to bond closer together.

"Dad, do you think I'll ever find someone like mom who wants to make me fat?" Mike asked.

"Eventually, I'm sure it's great to let go like that and just enjoy being in your own skin. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about being the way you want to son. It's hard in high school to let that kind of thing go but I have faith you can ignore it." James replied.

"It is; I mean the jocks are always trying to make me feel bad about being fat and none of the girls want to be seen with me because of it, but I have friends and they don't care how fat I am." Mike said.

"Probably because they're just as fat as you are right?"

"Just about; I am the biggest of all my friends though." Mike said.

"As long as you're happy and not out trying to get yourself killed I'm fine with you being like me. Your mom has been such a godsend to us after the accident and I can't imagine my life without her support. What about you?" James said.

"I know, I love her too but sometimes I miss my other mom, I worry that I'm forgetting her. Would we even be here if she hadn't died? What would she say about our weight now? I do remember she liked to cook healthy...but not much else." Mike replied.

"Allison didn't like to make huge meals, mostly because her father was so strict about it when she was a child. Her mother was a cheerleader back in the late 70's so she too wasn't too keen on fat. It was hard for me to accept that because I've always wanted to be fat but for her I resisted my desires, I loved her a lot." James said.

"What did she want to see me become when I grew up?" Mike asked.

"She would have been happy with whatever you chose to do but she did want to see you be an athlete like her brother and father were. I think it was because of that that she never made fatty meals and always made sure you had plenty of exercise. She did enrol you in Baby Gym though; I didn't think you needed to be in that at 2 but she thought it would be good for you to develop a liking to it." James replied.

"I was in Baby Gym?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, it was thing back then, lots of parents remembered it from when they were young like in the early 90's when everyone was on a fitness kick. Didn't last too long after that I don't think. Of course I never cared about that but that was just me." James said.

"And now? What would she say about us now?" Mike said.

"She wouldn't like it; we're way too fat for her liking. But I think it's brought us closer together and to me that's what is most important don't you think?" James replied.

"Yeah...I guess but part of me kinda wants to make her happy, even though I know she's not around anymore you know?" Mike said.

"It's up to you son, it's your life. If you want to lose weight then I won't stop you. I just want you to be happy." James said.

"I do and at the same time I don't it's confusing."

"Peer pressure; I get it you want to be liked at school and be popular I was a teenager once too you know." James said.

The two of them didn't talk about weight anymore after that and they just focussed on the building of the machine. It was a nice way to spend time together because James always wanted to make sure Mike could feel comfortable talking to him about his mother. A part of him did miss his first wife and he knew she would have a fit if she saw him now, clothes stretched and strained to the ripping point, huffing and puffing after only exerting a little effort like walking up a short flight of stairs; eating all the time and not getting any exercise.

Despite all that James' desire to finally let go and get as fat as he wanted was far more important to him now. He finally felt like he could be himself and not become someone else's idea of who he should be. The two of them lost track of time and didn't realize it was so late until they heard Merida come home; the smell of food radiated through the vents and the two fat boys waddled up the stairs as fast as they could for the feast waiting for them upstairs.
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