Exercise anticonditioning

  By Nok

chapter 4


For four days, she's allowed to adjust and 'adapt'. Her conditioning needs taking to, and so they just let it take hold, let her fight to restrain herself just to over-indulge splendidly when her will finally breaks, as it does quicker and quicker every time she even finds the will to resist. She sits or lies most of the time, feeling sluggish if not from the drugs than from the massive onslaughts of calories she is unable to stop herself from forcing down her gorge. She sleeps the rest, but she is very limited in the amount of exercise she's allowed to get anyway. If she burns more than 500 extra calories or takes more than 500 steps, she isn't fed again until nightfall the next day. This is Nu's rule and he causes it to happen twice, by forcing her over it by just a small amount, and the result is that she is unable to control the wailing of her stomach by nightfall the next day, and gorges, between the stretched stomach they'd made for her and what she now knows are appetite stims just before, well over 6000 calories. Immediately afterwards they allow her the most intense series of orgasms she's yet experienced. And this, in turn, feeds the conditioning they're striving to develop in her, with a variety of synthetic neurotransmitters and libido enhancers, to associate both contentedness and sexual arousal and pleasure so strongly with stuffing herself as to make it impossible to resist in the future, to make the new programming a part of her.
on the last three days they make her run. she is 134 pounds, up almost 4 just since they woke her, and feels very out of shape. on the first day she makes it two and a half miles before they let her stop. She is sobbing in despair from the hormone cocktail they filled her with while jogging. They carry her to her chair and feed her, not allowing her to walk for the rest of the day.
she is very stiff and sore on the morrow, and over full from the stuffing in the morning. She realizes they are filming her as she runs, her brand-new pudgy tummy jiggling excitedly as she is pushed through 3 grueling miles. she doesn't know, but reverse conditioning, straight out of Clockwork Orange, is being applied to her through her IV as she exercises, so that every minute she feels worse, more depressed, more uncomfortable, even a little sick. They suppress her endorphins as well, and after half an hour when they let her stop, she is sopping wet with sweat and feels completely miserable. Luckily, they have just the tonic for that, and within 10 minutes the intravenous appetite stims have taken hold, and within twenty she is half gorged and again completely wet. she can't stop herself, and soon is lightly rubbing the device attached below her mons as she handles more creamy gruel and bread down her throat. She feels strange, so... happy. And it doesn't shock her.
The final day is short. Again she runs, but this time they don't let her stop. Finally, even with them electrically prodding her to continue, filling her with anxiety causing fight-or-flight hormones, she collapses. Her legs wont lift her. She is carried to her bed, and hooked up again to the complex apparatus.
'This is for your husband, the traitor," she is finally told. "He is being forced to watch this whole thing. His true love, made 'perfect' for him. We are going to ruin you to him, and ruin his love in the process. doesn't that turn you on" and she realizes it does, in fact she feels wonderful, her stomach is filling, her pain is subsiding, her pussy is again soaking wet, and is now being gently stimulated by some non-penetrating device hidden from sight, as she is forced to feel, involuntarily, as hormones are pumped directly into her bloodstream. As she is stuffed and pleasured, she is told how she will be made immobile, and her own mind will be used as a cage to keep her there. How her husband will be force by his devotion for her to care for her, forever, and will keep him nonviolently permanently out of their hair. She struggles to feel horrified by how she feels immensely turned on by all of this. She forgets what she is trying to do, and succumbs to the pleasure that washes over her for several more minutes, before she cums, many times, and eventually, finally, is released, back into her long sleep.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Nok 4 years
@frostxwatcher maybe. I'd like to fill it out more at some point, but I have a crap ton of other stuff I'm working on, including a different version of this more loyal to my original intention, so...
Frostxwatcher 4 years
Will this continue?
Nok 6 years
Thanks Tommmy! Will do! Working on some other stuff on my DA right now, uploading old material, but then I'll be working on stuff like this again.
Tommmy 6 years
Wow I absolutely love this this!!!! It is so different than the average weight gain story using all these techniques. please please please continue soon !!
FrecherTyp 7 years
mhm very sexy exercising and weight gain i like that :-)