Big brother

chapter 4

Anna and Josh were having the time of their lives. And it was about to get better for them. Lila had been accepted into the local college and she started at the end of the summer. They had three weeks to get her as fat as they could and then watch as the humiliation began. They knew she wouldn't tell anyone about what they did. Who would believe Her? Lila almost declined the scholarship but knew if she did she'd never have another chance.
Today she was hooked up to a hose and her belly was swollen. She had so much fat on it now that it still hung and was soft even when she was stuffed. She was drifting in and out of sleep when she heard them come down the stairs. She perked up hoping they would take the hose out. "Hello little pig! Guess what? We are going shopping!! You'll need new clothes for school and seeing as you'll be growing quite a bit we figured we'd go on a shopping spree now to get you some extra sizes." Lila panicked. She didn't have anything to wear in public and she certainly didn't want anyone to see her anyway.
About an hour later Lila was dressed. She was wearing some of joshes sweat pants and one of her dad's t-shirts. The pants clung to her like a body suit. They where rolled up due to her shortness but they stuck to her thighs and the waist band, even completely stretched out caused a huge dent in her belly and her ass barely fit. The t-shirt met the pants but if she moved at all it rode up about an inch. Her breasts stretched the fabric. She waddled out the door where Anna and Josh helped her squeeze into the backseat. Anna got in and pushed her seat as far back as she could. Lilas belly shoved against the seat and pressed her breasts up to her chin which folded into multiple fatty chins. Her stomach growled. "Don't worry little cow. We'll get you food first." Josh smiled at her.
McDonald's was their first stop. About a whole menu later and Anna's coaxing and hand feeding, Lila was stuffed again. The pants groaned when she moved or even breathed and her shirt would not go down. They struggled to yank her out of the car at the mall. By the time they got to one of the only plus sized stores in the joint, Lila was wheezing and had to sit down. Anna grabbed a bunch of clothes and dragged Lila into a huge dressing room. She helped lila strip and handed her a pair of size 18 jeans. Lila struggled to get them up. She couldn't pull them past her thighs. Anna pushed her against the wall and yanked the jeans up. Lila gasped as they rubbed ever sensitive spot. Anna shoved as much of lilas bloated belly as she could into the pants and then after 10 minutes of a loud and hot struggle, got them closed. She gave Lila a nice looking blouse that showed off her massive cleavage. It flowed down her belly. She looked in the mirror and thought she actually looked kind of pretty. Anna grabbed a few sizes up in a bunch of dresses, jeans, shirts, and skirts and then paid. They walked a little ways when lilas stomach started to growl again. "Lets go to a buffet." Josh suggested. They turned into the nearest one. It was full of people. Lila plead with them but they insisted on eating there. They found a booth and began bringing Lila food. She ate until she was full, which was about 6 full plates of fattening food, afterwich they started feeding her. By now Anna had unbuttoned lilas pants and pulled out her now full belly. It hung between her legs and pressed against the table. People stared. Lila was to full to do anything but let her captors shove spoonful after forkful down her throat.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Doggy375 6 years
I can't wait for the next chapter so tht they can turn her into an elephant!
MutualFatso 6 years
a little too much at the end, but very good, would like to how lila got