Relaxation therapy part one: testing the prototype

chapter four

Over the next few days Lauren spent a couple of hours each day on the chair but Jerry kept her on the first and second settings 'calibrating the system' as he called it, every time she rode the second setting she ended masturbating wildly afterwards, driven to a massive orgasm by the machines teasing control but never able to finish without Jerry's permission to drive her over that final hurdle.

She found herself up often hours before their daily appointment filled with energy and a ravenous hunger but after waking her husband up that second day she decided it was better to stay in the kitchen and eat giving him time to wake up on his own. Even food seemed to taste better and she quickly found herself emptying the kitchen cupboards as she waited patiently for the clock to hit ten.
On the morning Jerry finally agreed to let her try the third level on his device Lauren spent an hour eating pastries and cereal with full fat milk before her alarm finally sounded her five minute warning. Throwing her leftovers away and wiping the last crumbs of her breakfast away she threw open the door and rushed across the garden naked as the day she was born. She knocked quietly at the door to Jerry's comfortable guest house and spent a moment checking her hair before her husband opened the door to let her inside.
"Morning Lauren, I see your all ready for your ride today." Jerry joked as his naked wife scurried inside the cold morning air raising goosebumps on her skin and turning her nipples into bullets wise smile of anticipation on her face.
"I can't wait," she said politely waiting by the door to his workroom.
"Go on in and get comfortable, I'll be through in a few minutes." He said watching with amusement as she practically threw open the door in her haste to get to the machine.
Lauren paused as she entered the room, the device that she had quickly come to love looked a little different today, Jerry was always tinkering and making adjustments but this morning several entirely new arms had been added between the split legs of the reclining chair forcing her to step a little more carefully over the gap into the waiting comfortable embrace of the leather cushions.
Her husband entered the room carrying a tray of tools and set them carefully to one side before approaching the device.
"Today as promised you can try out the third level setting of the chair," he said smiling at her attentive expression. "However, as the third setting will take considerably longer we will need to add a few features that we haven't activated before."
"Is that what the new parts are for?" She asked.
"Partly," he explained as he started tapping commands into the console. "Try to relax and hold still, this may feel a little uncomfortable but once it's done you can spend the rest of the day in the chair if you want."
Lauren hesitated, Jerry hadn't said anything about causing her discomfort before but the chair felt so wonderful she was sure she could put up with anything he needed, besides getting the chair perfect was important to Jerry and she owed him so much already.
With a hum the chair activated tilting her back and raising her legs the separate arms spreading them gently until she found herself almost horizontal with her legs wide apart. If Jerry had chosen to step between her legs and take her that moment she wouldn't have complained, the thought of her coming pleasure was already making her horny as hell but he remained at the console watching her as one of the new arms raised up between her legs into her field of vision. The device had a scanning green light that carefully mapped her intimate folds and after a few moments it lowered down and sprayed her clit with a tingling mist. She squirmed slightly as she felt pressure from the machine as it lowered the cold metal arm against her skin earning a raised eyebrow from Jerry, dutifully she tried to remain as still as possible as the device found her urethra and inserted a thin tube that tingled deliciously as it slipped deeper inside her.
The second arm took that moment to begin its work spraying the tight rosebud of her ass before inserting another considerably wider tube, Lauren bit her lip to keep still at this new intrusion but almost immediately the anal intruder seemed to swell up inside her and stop.
"Now that wasn't such a chore now was it?" Jerry asked.
"A little warning next time might be nice," she replied as the mechanical arms retracted again leaving the tubes in place.
"I didn't want to ruin the surprise," he said grinning. Only a few days previously Lauren would have screamed at him for taking that friendly tone with her but now she found herself blushing at his obvious attempt at humour.
"Anyway not that little bit of discomfort is passed you won't have to leave the chair at all for the rest of the day so you can enjoy the third setting to your hearts content."
"I can't wait," she said meaning every word. Already her body was gearing up for the pleasure to come and the lubricant added by the machine had almost entirely been washed away by her own juices.
Jerry stepped forward and helped her into the headset, as he stepped back he rested his hand on her bare stomach for just a moment and she felt a sudden surge of pleasure at his touch.
"Enjoy you session," he said over the mic as as the chair throbbed into life she wished for a moment he could share it with her.
This time the chair started off by running the first two levels one after the other, the quiet swells of the ocean giving way to the crashing waves of the mounting storm. The colours in her vision swam and stroked in ever increasing spirals as she felt the chair melting around her leaving her adrift in a raging storm of pleasure that had her writhing in need of release.
Patterns started to appear in the chaos of light, Jerry's face seemed to hang above her own watching her intently as the massaging arms teased and the vibrations throbbed through her without mercy. The sound of the ocean seemed to be a chorus now, voices just out of hearing whispering questions and making promises that were almost on the edge of hearing.
The need for relief from the second level seemed like an echo against the blazing wave that filled her now, she needed to cum, no she HAD to cum and yet that release seemed always just a hairsbreadth out of reach.
The image of her husbands face seemed to be watching her expectantly, waiting for her to ask as the waves pulsed higher and higher but words seemed impossibly far away.
It took all her effort, all her will to force out one single word.
The image of Jerry smiled and the world fell in on her as she came.
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Karenjenk 5 years
That was amazing.
You took your time and built up the backstory and characters and made this an erotic read. I'm sub and this hit home for me.
Thank you for writing and sharing.
FrecherTyp 5 years
Well hehe that was quitw some genius idea to fatten up a no so nice wife and make her into an food/sex addicted vixen and happy in the process smiley

Really a devilish sexy set upsmiley
Nok 5 years
Straightforward and hot as hell, with great flavors and pacing. Definitely a future classic.
Nok 5 years
already liked on chapter two, and not even a mention of wg yet. nice job
Incubi 5 years
Minor edit today to clean up the story and make a few small changes to the ending before the next one goes up.

Yes, Relaxation Therapy 2 is almost done!
Silverapathy 6 years
This was so good, please write the sequels
TalulahJay 6 years
This might be the best and most erotic read ever! Love it
Igor Olman 6 years
Much better than most of the stuff here.
DeutschPi 6 years
I'd support a sequel. I've really enjoyed this story.
Incubi 6 years
Hoped people liked this one, it jumped fully formed into my head and insisted I write it down.

Please let me know what you think, I have several sequels in my head so you never know I may get them onto paper eventually.
Batanta 6 years
loved this a fabulous concept and great read
PrincessBlurmy 6 years
Looking forward to more.