Relaxation therapy part one: testing the prototype

chapter five

It was dark again by the time the chair released her.
This time instead of relaxed and energised she felt like every ouch of energy had been wrung out of her, ever inch of skin glistened with sweat and her hair was a drenched mess that hung in soggy curls hat stuck to her shoulders.
Had she begged permission once or a thousand times? If her life depended on it she couldn't have recalled it at that moment but her throat was sore from moaning and her stomach ached from neglected hunger.
"You seemed to enjoy yourself," Jerry said quietly breaking the silence as he stood patiently watching her with a detached clinical look on his face as if her enjoyment was just another part of the engineering of his machine to be calibrated.
In all honesty she had completely forgotten he was there watching her as she rode the storm, later in the shower she would stroke her aching pussy at the thought of him watching her with that calm detached expression on his face but at that moment she was too exhausted to do more than nod.
"I ordered take-out, I expect your hungry, he said eyeing her dishevelled state. "There's a rag in the closet, once you finish wiping the chair dry you can come and join me for dinner."
Lauren watched him turn his back and leave the room. A distant part of her wanted to get mad at him for ordering her about but she was too tired for drama and besides she had been the one to cause the mess. Fetching the cloth, she slowly worked to clean her sweat and cum from the soft leather. She worked her way between the creases and took her time to do the job right, it never occurred to her to do anything else.
Dinner that night was Chinese a dozen boxes of heavenly smelling dishes still steaming hot and making her mouth water uncontrollably. Jerry served up large portions for her while picking at a smaller plate. She stuffed herself until she felt like she would burst and Jerry encouraged her to eat more.
"You need your energy after all day on the chair" he crooned softly taking her chopsticks and offering her a chunk of steaming duck dripping with plum sauce."
"I couldn't really," she protested weakly. "I can't believe how much I've eaten already."
"Nonsense I insist," he replied and all her willpower seemed to turn to mist at his words.
She took the piece and chewed slowly, the sauce was delicious and the rich meat just seemed to melt to nothing on her tongue. With a moan of bliss she swallowed as her loving husband rubbed her belly and prepared another morsel this time he used his fingers and she didn't even hint at a protest.
The next day her energy level had returned to normal and her exhaustion was replaced by a languid feeling of utter contentment, Jerry however insisted that she stick only two the second level for a few days while she 'recovered'.
So for two days she lazed around the pool or relaxed in bed when she was not lost in bliss upon Jerry's wonderful device. The answering machine was full of messages from her friends about missed engagements and other petty banalities but she couldn't force herself to care enough to answer them, it all seemed so stupid now and her so called friends such stuck up bitches.
Mostly she daydreamed about Jerry, her husband had come into a whole new light and she dearly wanted him to take her to his bed and take her. But no matter how much she flirted he would only smile and walk away, it was maddening but no matter how much she wanted him she couldn't seem to get up the courage to ask, after all she had been so cruel to him for such a long time.
After each session she cleaned off the chair without having to be asked, oddly following Jerry's instructions had become pleasurable and she had to fight the urge to ask his permission for the most mundane things. She put it down to guilt over mistreating him and tried not to bother him with her need but every time he spoke she found herself preparing to obey immediately.
When Jerry announced she was ready for another session at the third level he had several new improvements to make her ride even more enjoyable.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 5 years
That was amazing.
You took your time and built up the backstory and characters and made this an erotic read. I'm sub and this hit home for me.
Thank you for writing and sharing.
FrecherTyp 5 years
Well hehe that was quitw some genius idea to fatten up a no so nice wife and make her into an food/sex addicted vixen and happy in the process smiley

Really a devilish sexy set upsmiley
Nok 5 years
Straightforward and hot as hell, with great flavors and pacing. Definitely a future classic.
Nok 5 years
already liked on chapter two, and not even a mention of wg yet. nice job
Incubi 5 years
Minor edit today to clean up the story and make a few small changes to the ending before the next one goes up.

Yes, Relaxation Therapy 2 is almost done!
Silverapathy 6 years
This was so good, please write the sequels
TalulahJay 6 years
This might be the best and most erotic read ever! Love it
Igor Olman 6 years
Much better than most of the stuff here.
DeutschPi 6 years
I'd support a sequel. I've really enjoyed this story.
Incubi 6 years
Hoped people liked this one, it jumped fully formed into my head and insisted I write it down.

Please let me know what you think, I have several sequels in my head so you never know I may get them onto paper eventually.
Batanta 6 years
loved this a fabulous concept and great read
PrincessBlurmy 6 years
Looking forward to more.